

吴永华, 主编





《轮机英语听力与会话》是以STCW公约马尼拉修正案(简称“11规则”),中华人民共和国海船船员考试和发证规则(交通运输部令2011年第12号)(以下简称新规则,于2012年3月1日施行)为依据,结合《轮机英语》的相关教学大纲所制定。本书共七大模块:General English;Main Engine Operation and Management;Auxiliary Device Operation and Management;Communication with Deck Department;Communications of Emergency Situation;Business contacts;PSC and ISM Inspection。


Module 1 General English

Task 1 Daily English of Seafarers

Task 2 Communication with Shore Personnel

Task 3 The Job Interview in English

Module 2 Main Engine Operation and Management

Task 1 Be Familiar with the Engine Parts

Task 2 Fuel Oil System of the Main Engine

Task 3 Cooling System of the Main Engine

Task 4 Lube Oil System of the Main Engine

Task 5 Starting System of the Main Engine

Task 6 Operation and Management of the Main Engine

Task 7 Gas Exchange and Supercharging System of the Main Engin

Task 8 Trouble Shooting of the Main Engine

Task 9 Automatic Control Device Operation of the Main Engine

Module 3 Auxiliary Device Operation and Management

Task 1 Operation and Management of the Boiler

Task 2 Operation and Management of the Generator

Task 3 Operation and Management of the Refrigerating System

Task 4 Operation and Management of the Air Compressor

Task 5 Operation and Management of the Oil Separator

Task 6 Operation and Management of the Oily Water Separator

Task 7 Operation and Management of the Incinerator

Task 8 Operation and Management of the Sewage Treatment Plant

Task 9 Operation and Management of the Steering Gear

Task 10 Operation and Management of the Ballast Water System

Task 11 Operation and Management of the Deck Machinery

Task 12 Operation and Management of the Fire-fighting System

Task 13 Safety Precaution of the Electric Equipment

Module 4 Communication with Deck Department

Task 1 Communication, with Deck Officers

Task 2 Preparations for Standby

Task 3 Finished with Engine

Task 4 Engine Trials

Module 5 Communication of Emergency Situation

Task 1 Blackout Accident Emergency Response

Task 2 Fire Prevention and Fire-fighting

Task 3 Ship Collision Emergency Response

Task4 Engine Room Flooding Emergency Response

Task 5 Abandon Ship Emergency Response

Task 6 Oil Spill Accident Treatment ——

Task 7 Personal Injuries and Rescue

Task 8 Main Engine Trouble Handling

Module 6 Business contacts

Task 1 Bunkering Operation

Task 2 Dock Repair

Task 3 Taking over a Ship

Task 4 Stores and Spare Parts Application

Task 5 Ship Survey

Module 7 PSC and ISM Inspection

Task 1 PSC Inspection 1

Task 2 PSC Inspection 2

Task 3 PSC Detailed Inspection

Task 4 ISM Inspection

Key to Exercises



《轮机英语听力与会话(操作级)》主要分为七大模块,每一模块下分若干任务。各任务由Part One:warming up,Part Two:Listening and Speaking和Part Three: Reading and Speaking三部分组成。在PartOne部分的子任务中,结合相关知识,以图片、常用句子、词汇、单句问答等形式对学生的读写能力进行进一步的提升。PartTwo中包括听写、短对话听力、长对话听力和单句问答,主要培养学生的听说能力。PartThree主要包括长文朗读和口述,以此提高学生的朗读技巧,扩展学生的思维来更好的完成口语表达。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 432 印数 1200


轮机英语听力与会话是大连海事大学出版社于2014.4出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 轮机-英语-听说教学-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。