

石秀玲, 编著







Unit 1 Pursuit ofLife生命的追逐

Passage 1 Born to Win生而为赢

Passage 2 To Be or Not to Be是活还是不活

Passage 3 Success without Limitations成功的人生不设限

Passage 4 One Step Creates the Next人生的蝴蝶效应

Passage 5 Four Words in Your Life代表一生经历的四个词

Unit 2 Thorns in Journey旅途荆棘

Passage 1 The Shadow Land of Dreams梦想的阴影

Passage 2 Broken Wings,Flying Heart翅膀断了,心也要飞翔

Passage 3 Life Struggle生命的拼搏

Passage 4 A Non—stop Working Hand忙针

Passage 5 Storms Always Give Way to the Sun阳光总在风雨后

Unit 3 Study for Knowledge菁菁校园

Passage 1 T—shins out Uniforms in T恤出局校服当道

Passage 2 How to Learn a Foreign Language 5 Keys to Success


Passage 3 Types of University Students大学生类型

Passage 4 The Great Difference between the Western and Oriental Education


Passage 5 Graduation and Moving on毕业并继续前进

Unit 4 Work for Dream拼搏职场

Passage 1 The Builder建造者

Passage 2 The Secrets behind the America’S Richest Man


Passage 3 Don’t Forget to Say Thank You勿忘说声谢谢

Passage 4 Chances Exist in the Daily Details机遇源于细节

Passage 5 How Many Points would You Score你能得多少分

Unit 5 Love of Carnation康乃馨的眷恋

Passage l Motherhood is a Career to Respect值得尊敬的职业——母亲

Passage 2 Dad,Happy Father’s Day爸爸,父亲节快乐

Passage 3 The Scars of Love爱的印记

Passage 4 The Best Nourishment of Life生命中最好的养料

Passage 5 A Leve Letter爱的告白

Unit 6 Promise ofRose玫瑰的约定

Passage l In Life We Are Happiest when


Passage 2 One True Love真爱

Passage 3 Why do You love Me你爱我什么

Passage 4 My Heart will Go On我心永恒

Passage 5 Love at First Sight一见钟情

Unit 7 Companionship ofLily百合的陪伴

Passage l Sand and Stone沙子与石头

Passage 2 Good Friend挚友

Passage 3 Friends Give You Success?朋友越多,钱挣得越多?

Passage 4 The Death of Hans汉斯之死

Passage 5 On Friendship论友谊

Unit 8 Song of Life生命的礼赞

Passage l Water in the Cup生命如水

Passage 2 Life Lessons生活的教训

Passage 3 Celebration of Ufe生命的庆典

Passage 4 The Patch of Life人生的补丁

Passage 5 Five Balls of Life生命中的五个球

Unit 9 Ebb and Flow of Politics政治风云

Passage 1 Remarks by President Obama at 201 2 Campaign Event in the

University of Denver奥巴马在丹佛大学的2012总统竞选演讲

Passage 2 Go to the Countryside新时代的上山下乡

Passage 3 We Can Help China Embrace the Future


Passage 4 PreparationsfortheNationalDayParade国庆阅兵背后的故事

Passage 5 Abraham Lincoln didn’t Quit永不退缩的林肯总统

Unit 10 Voice of Economy经济之声

Passage 1 Internet Shopping网购

Passage 2 The Stock Exchange股票交易所

Passage 3 International Business and Cross—cultural Communication


Passage 4 The Golden Age of Motoring Is Over西方进入后汽车时代

Passage 5 Geithner’S Speech at Peking University


Unit 11 Talks Oil Health健康有道

Passage l Sub Health亚健康

Passage 2 HOW about Your Heahh——Well and Wellness


Passage 3 Foot and mouth Disease口蹄疫

Passage 4 The Diet Zone:A Dangerous Place无糖区:危险地带

Passage 5 Cold or Flu流感

Unit 12 Sound of Culture文化之音

Passage 1 Music音乐

Passage 2 Speech of the Queen in the Opening Ceremony of

Olympics in London 2012伦敦奥运会英国女王开幕词

Passage 3 How to Save Our Tea Culture如何拯救我们的茶文化

Passage 4 Let’S Talk about Youthful Dreams北京青年:重走青春路

Passage 5 Story about HMloween万圣节故事

Uint 13 Natural Beauty自然之美

Passage l’rhe Sea大海

Passage 2 The Missing Blue Flower错过的蓝色小花

Passage 3 Surprises in the Great Barrier Reef大堡礁获得惊人发现

Passage 4 Wild Grass野草

Passage 5 Song of the Flower花之歌

Unit 14 Philosophy ofAnimals动物哲学

Passage 1 Can You Walk by Faith狗坚强诠释生命的信仰

Passage 2 The Sense of a Goose大雁的团队意识

Passage 3 What Snoopy Says史努比说

Passage 4 The Zen of Cat一只猫的生命哲学

Passage 5 Stray Bird(Excerpt)飞鸟集

Unit 15 Murmuring ofthe Earth地球私语

Passage 1 A Killer Quake in Wenchuan汶川地震

Passage 2 What Are Black Holes黑洞之谜

Passage 3 Health Risk of Volcanic Ash火山灰的健康隐患

Passage 4 Is the World’S Environment Healthy or Not?


Passage 5 The Hues of the Rainbow彩虹的颜色

Unit 16 Fantastic Story奇闻怪谈

Passage 1 Londoners Celebrate Annual No Trousers Day


Passage 2 Swedish Hotel Aims to Put Yon uD in the Trees


Passage 3 A LOve Letter Late for 53 Years一封迟到53年的情书

Passage 4 Who Says Monev doesn’t Grow on Trees?摇钱树之说

Passage 5 Tiger Mom Hears Roar of Opposition


Unit 17 Exploration ofTechnology科技探索

Passage 1 The Internet is Everywhere网络无处不在

Passage 2 China blasts into Space“神舟六号”再圆中国飞天梦

Passage 3 E—b00k or Traditional Book电子书与纸质书谁更胜一筹

Passage 4 China’s New Media盘点改变我们生活的新媒体

Passage 5 HoW Big Is Your Carbon Footprint?你的碳足迹有多大?

Unit 18 Interesting Gadget趣味发明

Passage 1 Living Longer or Not?人类可以长生不老吗?

Passage 2 Walk with Air—conditioner空调随身带不再是梦想

Passage 3 Laptop:E.jeans荷兰发明“计算机牛仔裤”

Passage 4 Gene Technology to Benefit People基因技术人们受益无穷

Passage 5 Loving and hing the iPad爱恨交织的iPad

Unit 19 On the Mountaintop站在巨人之肩

Passage 1 The Making of America:Thomas Edison爱迪生的创世纪

Passage 2 CEO of Baidu:Li Yanhong百度CEO李彦宏

Passage 3 Smile Is the Beginning of Love微笑源于爱心

Passage 4 HOW a Simple Idea Became a Huge Business我怎样白手起家

Passage 5 Stay Hungry Stay Foolish求知若饥,虚心若愚

Unit 20 Chance and Challenge机遇与挑战

Passage 1 Prevention or Treatment预防还是治疗

Passage 2 Your Computer Can Read Your Mind 电脑“读心术”

Passage 3 Water of the 21st Century 21世纪水资源

Passage 4 G10bal Warming“Could Make Us Shorter”


Passage 5 Managing Oneself管理自己




丛书名新英语(New English)系列丛书
尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 296 印数 2000


极地阅读是兰州大学出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 G634.413 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高中-课外读物 的书籍。