

(美) 赫尼曼, 著







赫伯特赫尼曼(Herbert G. Heneman Ⅲ),美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校商学院管理与人力资源系的Dickson-Bascom荣誉退休教授,同时也是威斯康星教育研究中心的资深研究人员。赫伯特还是华盛顿大学和佛罗里达大学的访问教授,也是俄亥俄州立大学的杰出访问教授。他的研究领域包括人员配置、绩效管理、薪酬和工作动机等,目前正在进行教师绩效管理与薪酬系统的设计与有效性的调查研究。赫伯特是美国人力资源管理基金会协会的理事会成员兼协会的研究主任。他也是美国管理学会人力资源分会职业成就奖的获得者。  蒂莫西贾奇(Timothy A. Judge),美国圣母大学门多萨商学院管理系Franklin D. Schurz讲座教授。在伊利诺伊大学获得博士学位,之前曾是Kohl’s百货公司的一名经理。曾执教于美国康奈尔大学、艾奥瓦大学和佛罗里达大学。教学与研究兴趣在人格、领导与影响行为、人员配置与工作态度等领域。《应用心理学》、《人事心理学》、《人力资源管理评论》等学术期刊编审委员会的成员。  约翰卡迈尔–米勒(John D. Kammeyer-Mueller),美国佛罗里达大学Warrington商学院管理系副教授,在明尼苏达大学获得博士学位。主要研究兴趣包括组织社会化与员工调适、人格与压力过程、长期研究方法等。为本科生、研究生、博士生讲授与组织人员配置相关的课程。


Co ntents

Part One

The Nature of Staffing 3

Chapt er One

Staffing Models and Strategy 5

Learning Objectives and Introduction 6

Learning Objectives 6

Introduction 6

The Nature of Staffing 7

The Big Picture 7

Definition of Staffing 8

Implications of Definition 8

Staffing System Examples 12

Staffing Models 14

Staffing Quantity: Levels 14

Co ntents

Part One

The Nature of Staffing 3

Chapt er One

Staffing Models and Strategy 5

Learning Objectives and Introduction 6

Learning Objectives 6

Introduction 6

The Nature of Staffing 7

The Big Picture 7

Definition of Staffing 8

Implications of Definition 8

Staffing System Examples 12

Staffing Models 14

Staffing Quantity: Levels 14

Staffing Quality: Person/Job Match 15

Staffing Quality: Person/Organization

Match 17

Staffing System Components 19

Staffing Organizations 21

Staffing Strategy 25

Staffing Levels 25

Staffing Quality 30

Staffing Ethics 31

Plan for the Book 34

Summary 35

Discussion Questions 36

Ethical Issues 37

Applications 37

Staffing for Your Own Job 37

Staffing Strategy for a New Plant 38

Tanglewood Stores Case 40

The Situation 40

Your Tasks 40

Endnotes 40

Part Two

Support Activities 43

Chapt er Two

Legal Compliance 45

Learning Objectives and Introduction 47

Learning Objectives 47

Introduction 47

The Employment Relationship 48

Employer–Employee 48

Independent Contractors 50

Temporary Employees 50

Laws and Regulations 51

Need for Laws and Regulations 52

Sources of Laws and Regulations 53

EEO/AA Laws: General Provisions and

Enforcement 54

General Provisions 55

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xii Contents

Enforcement: EEOC 57

Enforcement: OFCCP 64

EEO/AA Laws: Specific Staffing

Provisions 64

Civil Rights Acts (1964, 1991) 64

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

(1967) 67

Americans With Disabilities Act (1990,

2008) 68

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

(2008) 72

Rehabilitation Act (1973) 72

Executive Order 11246 (1965) 73

Other Staffing Laws 73

Federal Laws 73

State and Local Laws 76

Civil Service Laws and Regulations 77

Legal Issues in Remainder of Book 78

Summary 80

Discussion Questions 80

Ethical Issues 81

Applications 81

Age Discrimination in a Promotion? 81

Disparate Impact: What Do the Statistics

Mean? 83

Endnotes 83

Chapt er Thre e

Planning 85

Learning Objectives and Introduction 87

Learning Objectives 87

Introduction 87

External Influences 88

Economic Conditions 88

Labor Markets 89

Technology 94

Labor Unions 95

Human Resource Planning 95

Process and Example 95

Initial Decisions 98

Forecasting HR Requirements 100

Forecasting HR Availabilities 103

Reconciliation and Gaps 112

Staffing Planning 114

Staffing Planning Process 114

Core Workforce 117

Flexible Workforce 120

Outsourcing 123

Diversity Planning 125

Demography of the American

Workforce 125

Business Case for Diversity 126

Planning for Diversity 127

Legal Issues 128

Affirmative Action Plans 128

Legality of AAPs and Diversity

Programs 133

EEO and Temporary Workers 136

Summary 136

Discussion Questions 137

Ethical Issues 138

Applications 138

Markov Analysis and Forecasting 138

Deciding Whether to Use Flexible

Staffing 139

Tanglewood Stores Case 141

The Situation 141

Your Tasks 141

Endnotes 141

Chapt er Four

Job Analysis and Rewards 145

Learning Objectives and Introduction 146

Learning Objectives 146

Introduction 146

Changing Nature of Jobs 147

Job Requirements Job Analysis 149

Overview 149

Job Requirements Matrix 150

Job Descriptions and Job

Specifications 162

Collecting Job Requirements

Information 164

hen12680_FM_i-xviii.indd 12 3/30/11 9:22 AM

Contents xiii

Competency-Based Job Analysis 174

Nature of Competencies 174

Collecting Competency Information 178

Job Rewards 179

Types of Rewards 180

Employee Value Proposition 180

Collecting Job Rewards Information 181

Job Analysis for Teams 187

Legal Issues 188

Job Relatedness and Court Cases 188

Essential Job Functions 189

Summary 193

Discussion Questions 194

Ethical Issues 194

Applications 194

Conducting a Job Requirements or Job

Rewards Job Analysis 194

Maintaining Job Descriptions 195

Endnotes 196

Part Thre e

Staffing Activities: Recruitment 201

Chapt er F ive

External Recruitment 203

Learning Objectives and Introduction 205

Learning Objectives 205

Introduction 205

Recruitment Planning 206

Organizational Issues 206

Administrative Issues 207

Recruiters 214

Strategy Development 215

Open Versus Targeted Recruitment 215

Recruitment Sources 217

Recruiting Metrics 233

Searching 237

Communication Message 237

Communication Medium 242

Applicant Reactions 248

Reactions to Recruiters 249

Reactions to the Recruitment Process 249

Reactions to Diversity Issues 250

Transition to Selection 251

Legal Issues 252

Definition of a Job Applicant 252

Affirmative Action Programs 254

Electronic Recruitment 255

Job Advertisements 257

Fraud and Misrepresentation 257

Summary 258

Discussion Questions 259

Ethical Issues 259

Applications 260

Improving a College Recruitment

Program 260

Internet Recruiting 262

Tanglewood Stores Case 263

The Situation 263

Your Tasks 263

Endnotes 264

Chapt er S ix

Internal Recruitment 271

Learning Objectives and Introduction 272

Learning Objectives 272

Introduction 272

Recruitment Planning 273

Organizational Issues 273

Administrative Issues 278

Timing 279

Strategy Development 281

Closed, Open, and Hybrid

Recruitment 281

Recruitment Sources 285

Recruiting Metrics 292

Communication Message and Medium 294

Communication Message 294

Communication Medium 295

Applicant Reactions 296

Transition to Selection 296

hen12680_FM_i-xviii.indd 13 3/30/11 9:22 AM

xiv Contents

Legal Issues 297

Affirmative Action Programs

Regulations 297

Bona Fide Seniority Systems 298

The Glass Ceiling 299

Summary 303

Discussion Questions 304

Ethical Issues 305

Applications 305

Recruitment in a Changing Internal Labor

Market 305

Succession Planning for a CEO 306

Endnotes 307

Part Four

Staffing Activities: Selection 311

Chapt er S even

Measurement 313

Learning Objectives and Introduction 315

Learning Objectives 315

Introduction 315

Importance and Use of Measures 316

Key Concepts 316

Measurement 317

Scores 320

Correlation Between Scores 323

Quality of Measures 327

Reliability of Measures 328

Validity of Measures 335

Validation of Measures in Staffing 337

Validity Generalization 346

Staffing Metrics and Benchmarks 348

Collection of Assessment Data 349

Testing Procedures 350

Acquisition of Tests and Test Manuals 351

Professional Standards 352

Legal Issues 353

Determining Adverse Impact 353

Standardization 355

Best Practices 356

Summary 357

Discussion Questions 358

Ethical Issues 358

Applications 359

Evaluation of Two New Assessment

Methods for Selecting Telephone

Customer Service Representatives 359

Conducting Empirical Validation and

Adverse Impact Analysis 361

Tanglewood Stores Case I 364

The Situation 364

Your Tasks 364

Tanglewood Stores Case II 365

Adverse Impact 365

Endnotes 365

Chapt er Ei ght

External Selection I 369

Learning Objectives and Introduction 370

Learning Objectives 370

Introduction 370

Preliminary Issues 370

The Logic of Prediction 371

The Nature of Predictors 373

Development of the Selection Plan 374

Selection Sequence 376

Initial Assessment Methods 377

Résumés and Cover Letters 377

Application Blanks 381

Biographical Information 388

Reference and Background Checks 392

Initial Interview 398

Choice of Initial Assessment Methods 400

Legal Issues 405

Disclaimers 405

Reference Checks 406

Background Checks: Credit and

Criminal 406

Preemployment Inquiries 408

hen12680_FM_i-xviii.indd 14 3/30/11 9:22 AM

Contents xv

Bona Fide Occupational

Qualifications 410

Summary 416

Discussion Questions 417

Ethical Issues 417

Applications 417

Reference Reports and Initial Assessment in

a Start-Up Company 417

Developing a Lawful Application

Blank 419

Endnotes 421

Chapt er Nin e

External Selection II 425

Learning Objectives and Introduction 426

Learning Objectives 426

Introduction 426

Substantive Assessment Methods 427

Personality Tests 427

Ability Tests 434

Emotional Intelligence Tests 443

Performance Tests and Work Samples 445

Situational Judgment Tests 449

Integrity Tests 452

Interest, Values, and Preference

Inventories 455

Structured Interview 457

Choice of Substantive Assessment

Methods 468

Discretionary Assessment Methods 471

Contingent Assessment Methods 472

Drug Testing 472

Medical Exams 478

Legal Issues 479

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection

Procedures 479

Selection Under the Americans With

Disabilities Act 481

Drug Testing 485

Summary 486

Discussion Questions 487

Ethical Issues 487

Applications 487

Assessment Methods for the Job of Human

Resources Director 487

Choosing Among Finalists for the Job of

Human Resources Director 490

Tanglewood Stores Case 491

The Situation 491

Your Tasks 491

Endnotes 492

Chapt er T en

Internal Selection 503

Learning Objectives and Introduction 505

Learning Objectives 505

Introduction 505

Preliminary Issues 506

The Logic of Prediction 506

Types of Predictors 507

Selection Plan 507

Initial Assessment Methods 508

Talent Management/Succession

Systems 508

Peer Assessments 509

Self-Assessments 511

Managerial Sponsorship 512

Informal Discussions and

Recommendations 513

Choice of Initial Assessment Methods 513

Substantive Assessment Methods 515

Seniority and Experience 515

Job Knowledge Tests 517

Performance Appraisal 518

Promotability Ratings 519

Assessment Centers 520

Interview Simulations 526

Promotion Panels and Review Boards 527

Choice of Substantive Assessment

Methods 527

Discretionary Assessment Methods 529

hen12680_FM_i-xviii.indd 15 3/30/11 9:22 AM

xvi Contents

Legal Issues 529

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection

Procedures 529

The Glass Ceiling 530

Summary 531

Discussion Questions 532

Ethical Issues 532

Applications 532

Changing a Promotion System 532

Promotion From Within at Citrus

Glen 533

Endnotes 535

Part F ive

Staffing Activities: Employment 539

Chapt er El even

Decision Making 541

Learning Objectives and Introduction 543

Learning Objectives 543

Introduction 543

Choice of Assessment Method 544

Validity Coefficient 544

Face Validity 545

Correlation With Other Predictors 545

Adverse Impact 546

Utility 546

Determining Assessment Scores 551

Single Predictor 551

Multiple Predictors 551

Hiring Standards and Cut Scores 557

Description of the Process 557

Consequences of Cut Scores 558

Methods to Determine Cut Scores 559

Professional Guidelines 564

Methods of Final Choice 564

Random Selection 564

Ranking 565

Grouping 566

Ongoing Hiring 566

Decision Makers 566

Human Resource Professionals 566

Managers 567

Employees 568

Legal Issues 568

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection

Procedures 568

Diversity and Hiring Decisions 569

Summary 571

Discussion Questions 572

Ethical Issues 572

Applications 572

Utility Concerns in Choosing an

Assessment Method 572

Choosing Entrants Into a Management

Training Program 573

Tanglewood Stores Case 574

The Situation 576

Your Tasks 576

Endnotes 576

Chapt er Twe lve

Final Match 579

Learning Objectives and Introduction 581

Learning Objectives 581




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组织人员配置是中国人民大学出版社于2014.12出版的中图分类号为 F241 的主题关于 劳动力资源-资源管理-教材-英文 的书籍。