

申昆玲, 主编







Chapter 1 Overview of Pediatrics

1.1 The Scope of Pediatrics

1.2 The Characteristic of Pediatrics

1.3 The Development of Pediatrics and Its Future

Chapter 2 Cluld Growth and Development

2.1 Patterns and Influencing Factors of Growth and Development

2.2 Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Growth

2.3 Measurement and Evaluation of Neurological and Psychological Development

Chapter 3 Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment for Children's Diseases

3.1 History Taking and Physical Examination in Pediatrics

3.2 General Principles of Treatment in Pediatrics

3.3 Body Fluid and Electrolytes

Chapter 4 Nutrition and Nutritional Disorders

4.1 Basic Nutrition

4.2 The Feeding of Infants

4.3 Nutrition Guide for the Period from Toddler to Adolescent

4.4 Nutritional Assessment

4.5 Protein and Energy Malnutrition

4.6 Obesity

4.7 Vitamin A Deficiency

4.8 Rickets of Vitamin D Deficiency

4.9 Tetany of Vitamin D Deficiency

Chapter 5 Neonate and Neonatal Diseases

5.1 General Introduction

5.2 Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy

5.3 Neonatal Jaundice

5.4 Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome

5.5 Meconium Aspiration Syndrome

5.6 Neonatal Sepsis

5.7 Urinary Tract Infection

5.8 Neonatal Pneumonia

5.9 Intracranial Hemorrhage in Neonates

5.10 Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis(NEC)

5.11 Neonatal Hypoglycemia

Chapter 6 Genetics, Metabolism and Endocrine Diseases

6.1 Trisomy 21

6.2 Turner Syndrome

6.3 Phenylketonuria

6.4 Hypopituitary Short Statures

6.5 Congenital Hypothyroidism

6.6 Diabetes Mellitusin Children

6.7 Precocious Puberty

Chapter 7 Immune Deficiency

7.1 Diagnosis and Treatment of Immunodeficiency Diseases

7.2 Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome

7.3 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Chapter 8 Infectious Diseases

8.1 General Introduction

8.2 Measles

8.3 Rubella

8.4 Roseolalnfantum/Exanthem Subitum

8.5 Varicella

8.6 Mumps

8.7 Poliomyelitis

8.8 Infectious Mononucleosis

8.9 Scarlet Fever

8.10 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

8.11 Bacillary Dysentery (Toxic Type)

8.12 Sepsis

8.13 Epidemic Encephalitis

8.14 Tuberculosis

Chapter 9 Disorders of the GastrointestinaI System

9.1 The Development and Physiological Functions of the Digestive System

9.2 Gastritis

9.3 Diarrhea

Chapter 10 Respiratory Diseases

10.1 Respiratory Anatomy, Physiology and Examinations

10.2 Acute Upper Respiratory Infection

10.3 Acute Laryngitis

10.4 Acute Bronchitis

10.5 Acute Bronchiolitis

10.6 Pneumonia in Children

10.7 Asthma

10.8 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Chapter 11 Cardiovascular System Diseases

11.1 Congenital Heart Disease

11.2 Viral Myocarditis

11.3 Congestive Heart Failure

11.4 Arrhythmia in Children

Chapter 12 Urinary System Diseases

12.1 Anatomical and Physiological Characteristics of Urinary System in Children

12.2 Acute GLomerulonephritis

12.3 Nephrotic Syndrome


Chapter 13 Hematological Disorders

Chapter 14 Neurological Diseases

Chapter 15 Rheumatic Diseases

Chapter 16 Pediatric Critical Care



The book consists of sixteen chapters related to child growth and development,principles of diagnosis and treatment for children's diseases, nutrition and nutritional disorders, neonate and neonatal diseases, infectious diseases, rheumatic diseases,pediatric critical care, and other various disorders of nine systems. This book provides the core information required by medical students, in compact and manage able volumes for the 6-9 weeks assigned to pediatrics in the curriculum of most medical colleges. For most of sections, clinical example & discussion is included at the end of the text to emphasize the practical aspects of clinical information. And each section concludes with self-assessment questions, followed by answers. Moreover, the references for each chapter are presented with an emphasis on the materials from the literatures that provide clear evidence for the basis of medical practice in child health.


尺寸28 × 22装帧平装
页数印数 3000


儿科学是高等教育出版社于2011.11出版的中图分类号为 R72 的主题关于 儿科学-医学院校-教材-英文 的书籍。