

(印) 卡玛尔 (Kamal,R.) , 著







About the AuthorRaj Kamal did his M.Sc. at the age of 17, published his first research paper in a UK journal at the age of 18, wrote his firstprogram in FORTRAN that ran at ICT 1904, also at the age of 18 and completed his Ph.D. from the indian institute ofTechnology, Delhi, at 22. He has 40 years of experience in research and teaching. He has so far successfully guided nineresearch students and has published about 90 research papers in journals and conferences of both international and nationalrepute. Due to his constant drive for understanding emerging technologies and passion for acquiring the latest knowledgeand its dissemination, he is lovingly referred by a few colleagues as the learning machine and by a few others as ahuman dynamo ! He has authored ten textbooks (refer www.rajkamal.org) for students of Computers, Electronics, andCommunication and information Technology, which includes books on Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture (aSchaum Series adaptation) and internet and Web technologies, published from McGraw——Hill india, McGraw——Hill China,McGraw——Hill South Korea, McGraw——Hill Singapore, and McGraw——Hill USA. He has been associated for several yearswith Pun jab University, Pun jab; Kalasalingam University, Tamilnadu; and Guru Nanak Engineering College, AndhraPradesh. Currently, he is a Senior Professor in School of Computer Sciences and Electronics, Devi Ahilya Viswavidyalaya,Indore.


Preface to the Second Edition v

1. Introduction to Embedded Systems 1

1.1 Embedded Systems 3

1.2 Processor Embedded into a System 5

1.3 Embedded Hardware Units and Devices in a System 10

1.4 Embedded Software in a System ig

1.5 Examples of Embedded Systems 27

1.6 Embedded System——on——chip (Soc) and Use of VLSI Circuit Design Technology 29

1.7 Complex Systems Design and Processors 32

1.8 Design Process in Embedded System 37

1.9 Formalization of System Design 42

1.10 Design Process and Design Examples 43

1.11 Classification of Embedded Systems 52

1.12 Skills Required for an Embedded System Designer 53

2. 8051 and Advanced Processor Architectures, Memory Organization alld Real-world lllterfacing 61

2.1 8051 Architecture 62

2.2 Real WOrld interfacing 72

2.3 Introduction to Advanced Architectures 84

2.4 Processor and Memory Organization 96

2.5 Instttiction——Level Parallelism i04

2.6 Performance Metrics i06

2.7 Memory——Types, Memory——Maps and Addresses 106

2.8 Processor Selection 113

2.9 Memory Selection 118

3. Devices and Commullicatioll Buses for Devices Network 128

3.1 TO Types and Examples 130

3.2 Serial Communication Devices 134

3.3 Parallel Device Ports 143

3.4 Sophisticated interfacing Features in Device Ports 150

3.5 Wireless Devices 151

3.6 Timer and Counting Devices i52

3.7 Watchdog Timer i57

3.8 Real Time Clock i58

3.9 Networked Embedded Systems 159

3.10 Serial Bus Communication Protocols 160

3.11 Parallel Bus Device Protocols——Parallel Communication

Network Using ISA, PCI, PCI——X and Advanced Buses 166

3.12 Internet Enabled Systems——NetWork Protocols 170

3.13 Wireless and Mobile System Protocols 175

4. Device Drivers and interrupts Service Mechanism 187

4.1 Programmed——I/O Busy——wait APproach without interrupt Service Mechanism 189

4.2 ISR Concept i92

4.3 Interrupt Sources 200

4.4 Interrupt Servicing (Handling) Mechanism 203

4.5 Multiple interrupts 209

4.6 Context and the Periods for Context Switching, Intemipt Latency and Deadline 211

4.7 Classification of Processors interrupt Service Mechanism from

Context——Saving Angle 2i7

4.8 Direct Memory Access 218

4.9 Device Driver Programming 220

5. Programming Concepts alld Embedded Programming in C, C++ and Java 234

5.1 Software Programming in Assembly Language (ALP) and in High——Level Language C 235

5.2 C Program Elements: Header and Source Files and Preprocessor Directives 237

5.3 Program Elements Macros and Functions 239

5.4 Program Elements: Data Types, Data Stfuctures, Modifiers, Statements,Loops and Pointers 24)

5.5 Object——Oriented Programming 262

5.6 Embedded Programming in C++ 263

5.7 Embedded Programming in Java 264

6. Program Modeling Concepts 273

6.1 Program Models 274

6.2 DFG Models 277

6.3 State Machine Programming Models for Event——controlled Program Flow 282

6.4 Modeling of Multiprocessor Systems 288

6.5 UML Modelling 295

7. Interprocess Communication and Synchronization of Processes, Threads alld Tasks 303

7.1 Multiple Processes in an Application 305

7.2 Multiple Threads in an APplication 306

7.3 Tasks 308

7.4 Task States 308

7.5 Task and Data 310

7.6 Clear——cut Distinction between Functions, ISRS and Tasks by their Characteristics 311

7.7 Concept of Semaphores 3i4

7.8 Shared Data 326

7.9 Interprocess Communication 330

7.10 Signal Function 332

7.11 Semaphore Functions 334

7.12 Message Queue Functions 335

7.13 Mailbox Functions 337

7.14 Pipe Functions 339

7.15 Socket Functions 341

7.16 RPC Functions 345

8. Real-Time Operating Systems 350

8.1 OS Services 351

8.2 Process Management 355

8.3 Timer Functions 356

8.4 Event Functions 358

8.5 Memory Management 359

8.6 Device, File and tO Subsystems Management 36)

8.7 Interrupt Routines in RTOS Environment and Handling of intemipt Source Calls 366

8.8 Real——time Operating Systems 370

8.9 Basic Design Using an RTOS 372

8.10 Rtos Task Scheduling Models, Interrupt Latency and Response of the Tasks as

Performance Metrics 385

8.11 OS Security Issues 40)

9. Real-time Operating System Programming-I: Microc/OS-II and VxWOrks 406

9.1 Basic Functions and Types of RTOSES 408

9.2 RTOS mCOS——II 4i0

9.3 RTOS VxWorks 453

10. Real-time Operating System Programmillg-n: Willdows CE, OSEK alld Real-time Linux Functions 477

10.1 Windows CE 478

10.2 OSEK 494

10.3 Linux 2.6.x and RTLinux 496

11. Design Examples and Case Studies of Program Modeling and Programming with RTOS-1 511

11.1 Case Study of Embedded System Design and Coding for an Automatic 512

Chocolate Vending Machine (ACVM) Using Mucos RTOS

11.2 Case Study of Digital Camera Hardware and SofWare Architecture 531

11.3 Case Study of Coding for Sending Application Layer Byte Streams on a TCP/IP Network Using RTOS Vxworks 537

12. Design Examples and Case Studies of Program Modelillg and Programming with RTOS-2 566

12.1 Case Study of Communication Between Orchestfa Robots 567

12.2 Embedded Systems in Automobile 574

12.3 Case Study of an Embedded System for an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

System in a Car 577

12.4 Case Study of an Embedded System for a Smart Card 593

12.5 Case Study of a Mobile Phone Software for Key inputs 604

13. Embedded Software Development Process and TOols 618

13.1 Introduction to Embedded Software Development Process and TOols 620

13.2 Host and Target Machines 623

13.3 Linking and Locating Software 626

13.4 Getting Embedded Software into the Target System 630

13.5 Issues in Hardware——Software Design and Co——design 634

14. Testing, Simulatioll alld Debugging Techniques and TOols 648

14.1 Testing on Host Machine 649

14.2 Simulators 650

14.3 Laboratory TOols 653

APPendix 1: Roadmapfor Various Course Studies 662

APPendix 2: Select Bibliography 663


《嵌入式系统:体系结构、编程与设计(第2版)》是关于嵌入式系统开发与设计的一部最新力作,介绍了嵌入式系统的硬件、操作系统、开发过程以及编程。全书系统地阐述了嵌入式系统的基本概念、处理器和存储器、设备与总线、设备驱动与中断服务、基本的C与C++、编程模型、软件工程的思想、进程间通信与同步、实时操作系统以及软硬件协同设计。附录中包含了CISC与RISC指令集特征,并详细阐述了几种高性能的嵌入式处理器、微控制器、数字信号处理器以及总线和设备。《嵌入式系统:体系结构、编程与设计(第2版)》提供了大量案例,这对读者的实践开发具有非常好的指导意义。   《嵌入式系统:体系结构、编程与设计(第2版)》适合于嵌入式系统的软硬件开发人员,以及接受嵌入式系统课程教育的本科生和研究生。


页数 668 印数


嵌入式系统:体系结构、编程与设计是清华大学出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 TP360.21 的主题关于 微型计算机-系统开发-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。