

(美) 刘义, (美) 沙因多 (Shindo,D.) , (美) 塞尔米厄 (Sellmyer,D.J.) , 主编





本书是介绍先进磁性材料的表征和模拟的一本著作。每章都有一部分内容作为本章的导言,对本章中所述方法的基础和重要观念进行清晰的解说;第二部分内容对方法提供具体地描述;接下来的部分回提供例证和实验结果。主要内容包括:用中子散射进行磁性材料表征,磁性材料的洛伦兹显微镜和全息术表征,平衡和非平衡热力学;Langevin动力学、Monte Carlo方法和路径积分,图像域的先进磁性力学显微方法,对软磁性纳米晶体合金的Mossbauer光谱学表征,纳米晶体和纳米混合物磁性材料的微结构的原子探管表征,电子巡回变磁性,磁性材料的滞后模型,磁性材料的粗糙纹路和分等级模拟等。


ForwardPrefaceList of Contributors 1 Adanced Magnetic Force Microscopy Tips for Imaging Domains 1.1 Introduction1 1.2 Magnetic Force Microscopy 1.2.1 Basic Operating Principles of MFM 1.2.2 Force Gradient Detection 1.2.3 Sensitivity and Resolution 1.2.4 Tip\|Sample Interaction4 1.2.5 Force Sensor 1.3 Development of Advanced MFM Tips 1.3.1 High Coercivity CoPt MFM Tips 1.3.2 Superparamagnetic and Low Stray Magnetic Field MFM Tips 1.3.3 Electron\|Beam\|Induced\|Deposited (EBID)MFM Tips

ForwardPrefaceList of Contributors 1 Adanced Magnetic Force Microscopy Tips for Imaging Domains 1.1 Introduction1 1.2 Magnetic Force Microscopy 1.2.1 Basic Operating Principles of MFM 1.2.2 Force Gradient Detection 1.2.3 Sensitivity and Resolution 1.2.4 Tip\|Sample Interaction4 1.2.5 Force Sensor 1.3 Development of Advanced MFM Tips 1.3.1 High Coercivity CoPt MFM Tips 1.3.2 Superparamagnetic and Low Stray Magnetic Field MFM Tips 1.3.3 Electron\|Beam\|Induced\|Deposited (EBID)MFM Tips 1.3.4 oint\|Dipole MFM Tips 1.3.5 ocused Ion Beam Milling MFM TipsReferences2 Lorentz Microscopy and Holography Characterization of Magnetic Materials 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Instrumentation 2.3 Analytical Electron Microscopy for Structure Characterization 2.3.1 Outline of Current Analytical Electron Microscopy 2.3.2 Thickness Measurement by EELS 2.3.3 Elemental Mapping with EDS 2.4 Lorentz Microscopy on Magnetic Domain Structure 2.4.1 Principles of Lorentz Microscopy 2.4.2 Lorentz Microscopy Using Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopes 2.4.3 Lorentz Microscopy Using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopes 2.5 Principles and Application of Electron Holography 2.5.1 Principles of Electron Holography 2.5.2 Practice of Electron Holography 2.5.3 Application of Electron Holography 2.6 Concluding RemarksReferences3 Characterization of Magnetic Materials by Means of Neutron Scattering 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Cross Section Formalism 3.1.2 Polarized Neutron Beam Instrumentation 3.1.3 The Polarization of the Scattered Beam 3.2 Elastic Magnetic Scattering 3.2.1 SmallAngle Scattering 3.2.2 Neutron Diffraction 3.2.3 Reflection of Neutrons from Magnetic Surfaces and Interfaces 3.3 Inelastic Magnetic Scattering 3.3.1 Studies of Elementary Excitations by Tripleaxis Spectroscopy 3.3.2 Detection of Slow Motions by Neutron Spin Echo 3.4 SummariesReferences 4 Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanostructured Magnetic Materials 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Specimen Preparation 5 M *ssbauer Spectroscopy Characterization of Soft Magnetic Nanocrystalline Alloys6 Atom Probe Characterization of Microstructures of Nanocrystalline and Nanocomposite Magnetic Materials7 ItinerantElectron Metamagnetism3108 Modeling of Hysteresis in Magnetic Materials3729 Coarse-graining and Hierarchical Simulation of Magnetic Materials: the Fast Multipole Method10 Numerical Simulation of Quasistatic and Dynamic Remagnetization Processes with Special Applications to Thin Films and Nanoparticles11 Preisach Model and Simulation of Relaxation Kinetics12 Antiferromagnetism of Mn Alloys


本书的目的是对磁性材料研究的新近进展提供一种全面的理解。本书共分四卷,每一卷集中论述一个具体的研究领域。每一章首先对该章的基本概念和重要观念进行阐述,然后从实验和理论方面进行详细地说明,最后介绍该领域的发展前景以及新的思想。书中提供了详尽的参考文献,可供研究人员参考。 原子磁矩和巡回磁模型的建立垫定了我们对磁性的理解。记算是有效的方法来验正理论及予测新性能。在此过程中建立模型和其边界条件需要对材料的几何形状,结构和性能进行准确的测量。第2卷收集总结磁性理论、 模拟、结构和性能的测量的最新成果。 本书的读者对象为研究生和相关专业的研究人员。




先进磁性材料的表征和模拟是清华大学出版社于2004.出版的中图分类号为 TM271 的主题关于 磁性材料-研究-英文 的书籍。