

陈世丹, 著









Preface / 1

Directions for Teaching / 1

The Abbreviations of the Works Titles / 1

Chapter I The Aesthetic Dimensions of Postmodernist Fiction / 1

A. The Core Concepts of Postmodernist Thought / 1

B. The Evolvement of Fiction: Realism-Modernism-Postmodernism / 4

C. The Aesthetic Dimensions of Postmodemist Fiction / 8

1. Metafiction / 8

2. Anti-genre / 18

3. Language Games and the Readers Interpretation / 21

4. Tendency towards Popularization / 25

5. Parody, Collage, Montage, Black Humor, and Labyrinth / 27

6. Language Subject, Fragmented Narrative, Shifting Signifiers, and Writing Zero / 38

Chapter 2 The Deconstructive and Reconstructive Tendencies of

Postmodernism in Snow White / 53

A. The Deconstructive Tendency of Postmodernism / 55

1. Indeterminacy / 55

2. Fragmentation / 57

3. Decanonization / 60

4. Selflessness and Depthlessness / 64

5. The Unpresentable and the Unrepresentable / 70

B. The Reconstructive Tendency of Postmodernism / 72

1. Irony / 72

2. Hybridization / 75

3. Carnivalization / 77

4. Performance and Participation / 79

5. Constructionism / 81

6. Immanence / 82

Chapter 3 The Absurd Social Reality and the Grotesque Fictional World in Cateh-22 and Closing Time / 90

A. The Absurd Social Reality / 90

1. The Catch-22 in the 1960s / 90

2. The Catch-22 in the 1990s / 95

B. The Grotesque Fictional World / 99

1. Black Humor / 100

2. Language Games / 106

3. The Tendency towards Popularization / 112

Chapter 4 The Nonlinear Narrative, the Death of the Author, and Black Humor in Slaughterhouse.Five / 117

A. The Combination of the Significant Theme and the Innovative Form / 119

B. The Nonlinear Narrative / 124

1. Combining History with Imagination / 124

2. Combining Reality with Fantasy / 129

3. Combining the Diachronic with the Simultaneous / 133

C. The Death of the Author / 138

D. Black Humor / 146

Chapter 5 The Labyrinth Composed of Entropy, Polysemy and Indeterminacy in The Crying of Lot 49 / 152

A. Entropy / 155

1. Demon and Oedipa / 156

2. Entropy and the Society / 160

3. Entropy and Information / 164

B. Polysemy / 170

C. Indeterminacy / 174

Chapter 6 The Comic Nightmare and the Dishevelled Structure in Second Skin / 182

A. The Comic Nightmare / 184

1. The Comic Elements / 185

2. The Nightmarish Elements / 205

B. The Dishevelled Structure / 211

1. The Unsymmetrical Space / 212

2. The Discontinuous Time / 214

3. The Blanks / 218

C. Metafiction / 220

Chapter 7 The Transcendental Realities and the Unusual Techniques in Pale Fire / 227

A. The Transcendental Realities / 229

1. The Subjective Reality / 230

2. The Imaginative Reality / 231

3. The Consciousness of Death / 232

4. Solitude / 234

5. Alienation / 236

B. The Unusual Techniques / 240

1. Intertextuality / 242

2. Parody / 251

3. A Game of Worlds / 254

Chapter 8 The Parody of Philosophical Texts and Metafiction in The End of the Road / 268

A. The Parody of Philosophical Texts / 269

1. The Parody of Existentialism / 270

2. The Parody of Freudianism / 281

B. Metafiction / 292

Chapter 9 The Literary Code of Postmodernism in The Public Burning / 301

A. What Is a Literary Code? / 302

B. The Semantic Characteristics of the Literary Code of Postmodernism / 305

1. The Prominent and Very Frequently Used Lexemes / 305

2. The Prominent Semantic Fields / 306

C. The Syntactic Characteristics of the Literary Code of Postmodernism / 311

1. The Characteristics of the Sentence Structures / 312

2. The Characteristics of the Text Structures / 317

Glossary / 336

Bibliography / 342

The Readings for the Study of American Poslanodernist Fiction / 357

Postscript / 361




尺寸21 × 0装帧平装
页数 384 印数 3000


美国后现代主义小说详解是南开大学出版社于2010.1出版的中图分类号为 I712.074 的主题关于 后现代主义-小说-文学研究-美国-英文 的书籍。