澳大利亚与中国 : 跨文化的挑战与思考

澳大利亚与中国 : 跨文化的挑战与思考

(澳) 潘成鑫, (澳) 沃克, 主编









Introduction: New Perspectives on Cross-cultural Engagement

Part I Australia and China Engaged: Past and Present

Cross-cultural Encounters in History: Australian Women in China

Travellers' Tales and Australia's China "Literacy"

Business Guidebooks and Cross-cultural Engagement between Australia and China

An Evaluation of Australia-China Relations

under the Gillard/Rudd Labor Governments2007 - 2013

How to Mitigate the Potential Conflicts between China and Australia

Part II Cross-cultural Understanding and Misunderstanding

China and Australia: Understanding and Misunderstanding Each Other Great Expectations

Intercultural Communication and Cultural Mediation: Translating Chinese Films for the Australian Audience

A Critical Analysis of the Semantic Prosody in Media Discourse about China's Rise

Miscommunication in Australia-China Relations:The Stern Hu Affair

The Confucius

Institute Project in the Rise of China

Part III Understanding Australia

Repositioning Australia in the Asia Pacific Is Value Diplomacy for Real or a Cover for Realism?

The Immortal's Roles in the Land Rights "War" in Carpen,taria

Learning Australian English Vocabulary: Focus on Form or Forms?

Part IV Rethinking Australia's China/Asia Literacy

Getting It: Predicting the Chinese Future Asia Literacy and the Purposes of Schooling in Australia

China as a "Problem" and Australian Politics

Cross-cultural Literacy as Social Knowledge: Implications for Australia's Understanding of China

Selected Bibliography

Notes on Contributors



Diplomatic relations between Australia and China have now entered the fifth decade. Buoyed by close economic links, this crucial relationship appears to be healthy and growing, with mutual engagement both deepened and widened beyond recognition. Still, lingering suspicions, deep-seated misunderstanding, and sporadic tensions continue to complicate Sino-Australian relations in the new century. Why is this so? How can we better understand each other and minimise mutual misunderstanding? How could Australia and China better engage with each other in political, strategic, cultural, educational as well as economic realms? What are the opportunities and challenges that face this relationship in the twenty-first century?
  Debating and understanding such issues and questions is vital to Australia's place in the 'Asian Century'. To both answer these questions and help improve bilateral relations and cross-cultural
  literacy between China and Australia, this book brings together perspectives from both Australian and Chinese scholars from various disciplines and fields to explore a wide range of intellectual and practical avenues in cross-cultural understanding and bilateral engagement. It aims to provide a more solid foundation for Australia-China relations in the 'Asian Century', as well as a better understanding of the theoretical, pedagogical, and policy challenges of knowing the other in cross-cultural contexts in general and in Sino-Australian relations in particular.


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尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


澳大利亚与中国 : 跨文化的挑战与思考是中国社会科学出版社于2015.2出版的中图分类号为 G125-53 ,G161.15-53 的主题关于 文化交流-中国、澳大利亚-文集-英文 的书籍。