

张英利, 著








Harmounious China and Harmonious World

Building Harmonious Society in China:Challenges and Countermeasures

Is Modernized Chinese Military a Threat to International Peace and Stability?

Chinas Harmonious Society:Towards a Sustainable Social and Economic Development

China in Lebanese Eyes:Excellent Model of Development,Promoting a “Harmonious World"

Understanding PRC's Status on Rights,Freedoms and Civil Liberties

Harmonious China:Its Challenges and the Way Forward

The Building of the Law System in China

Chinas One-Child Policy:Impact of Demographic Changes and Future Imperatives

Towards a Peaceful Resolution of the Taiwan Question

China's Reform and Opening-up&Social and Economic Development

Chinas Critical Path to Success in 60 Years

Chinas Reform and Opening-up Policy towards a Sustainable Economic Development

The“Middle Kingdom'’has Waded Across the River:The Reform and Opening-up Policy in Perspective

Understanding Chinas Theory and Practice of Reform and Opening-up

Achievements and Challenges of Chinas Reform and Opening-up

Perception Management--a New Challenge for China

The Problems Facing China Today and Tomorrow

Challenges Facing China in Her Economic Development

Foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China

Chinas Foreign Policy--Successes and Challenges

Chinas Foreign Policy Featuring Peace,Development and Cooperation

View on Chinas Foreign Policy

Chinas Foreign Policy Featuring Harmony

Understanding of Chinas Independent Foreign Policy of Peace

Chinas Rise as Soft Power and Challenges

The Role of the Chinese Media in Chinas Foreign Policy

Life in China

Culture of China

China Knew and China Seen:An Overview

How is the Chinese Culture Seen in Some Latin American Countries?


This book is the second volume Of the series“MyImpression of China--China'S Image in the Eyes of Foreign Officers.”Writers of the articles Of the bookare all foreign officers from twenty countries in Asia,Africa,South America and Oceania.During theirone-year stay irl China,besides classroom study,they also had extensive and profound exchangeswith Chinese governmental officials,experts andscholars.They went to other regions at differentlevels of development for visit and investigation.Such experiences of extensive and close contactswith Chinese society enabled them to develop more comprehensive,systematic and deeper understanding Of China.The 27 articles recordedtheir understanding Of and reflections on China'S development,not only expressing thei r sincere compliments to the rapid development of China but also analyzing the problems China is facing or will face.putting forth many pertinent and valuable suggestions.All these are of high reference value not only to foreigners to understand China,but also to domestic reade rs tO correctly view fhe development of China.


尺寸19 × 13装帧平装
页数印数 3000


外国军官看中国是五洲传播出版社于2010.11出版的中图分类号为 K92-53 的主题关于 中国-概况-文集-英文 的书籍。