

房玉靖, 主编







Module 1 Fundamentals of English Business Letter-Writing 1

Learning Objectives 1

I. Formats of Business Letters 1

II. Principles of Business Letter-Writing 2

III. Structure of Business Letters 2

IV. Examples of Business Letters 7

V. A Brief Introduction of E-mails 10

VI. Ways of Envelope Addressing and the Standardized Designs 11

Exercises 13

Module 2 Establishing Business Relations 15

Learning Objectives 15

Introduction 15

Writing Skills 16

Specimen Letters 17

Letter 1 A letter to a Prospective Customer for Establishment of Business Relations 17

Letter 2 On Establishing Business Relations 17

Letter 3 A Request to Establish Business Relations 18

Letter 4 A Reply to the Above Letter 18

Letter 5 An Introduction of the Company and Products 18

Letter 6 A Positive Reply from an Importer 19

Notes 19

Language Focus 25

Exercises 27

Module 3 Status Enquiries 31

Learning Objectives 31

Introduction 31

Writing Skills 32

Specimen Letters 33

Letter 1 Asking for Credit Information 33

Letter 2 A Favorable Reply 33

Letter 3 A Status Enquiry from a Consulting Agency 34

Letter 4 An Unfavorable Reply from the Chamber of Commerce 34

Letter 5 An Enquiry about Credit and Status 35

Letter 6 An Enquiry about Financial and Credit Standing 35

Notes 36

Language Focus 39

Exercises 41

Module 4 Sales Promotion 45

Learning Objectives 45

Introduction 45

Writing Skills 46

Specimen Letters 47

Letter 1 A Letter Promoting Sportswear 47

Letter 2 A Follow-up Letter for After-sales Service 47

Letter 3 Introducing Machinery 48

Letter 4 Marketing Wool Underblanket 48

Letter 5 Recommending Ladies' Dresses 49

Letter 6 Offering a Discount 49

Notes 50

Language Focus 52

Exercises 54

Module 5 Enquiries 59

Learning Objectives 59

Introduction 59

Writing Skills 60

Specimen Letters 61

Letter 1 First Enquiry for Knitted Garments 61

Letter 2 A Reply to the Above 62

Letter 3 A General Enquiry 62

Letter 4 A Specific Enquiry 63

Letter 5 An Invitation to Offer 63

Letter 6 An Enquiry for Cameras 64

Notes 64

Language Focus 67

Exercises 69

Module 6 Quotations and Offers 73

Learning Objectives 73

Introduction 73

Writing Skills 74

Specimen Letters 75

Letter 1 An Offer for Ladies' Nylon Stockings 75

Letter 2 Reply to Buyer's Enquiry for Color TV Sets 75

Letter 3 Quotations for Cotton and Nyloned-Silk 76

Letter 4 A Firm Offer 76

Letter 5 A Non-firm Offer 77

Letter 6 An Offer for Auto Parts 78

Notes 78

Language Focus 82

Exercises 84

Module 7 Counter-offers 89

Learning Objectives 89

Introduction 89

Writing Skills 90

Specimen Letters 90

Letter 1 A Counter-offer for Canada Oats 90

Letter 2 Declining a Counter-offer 91

Letter 3 A Counter-offer on Delivery 91

Letter 4 Counter-offer on Price 92

Letter 5 Concession on Price 92

Notes 93

Language Focus 96

Exercises 98

Module 8 Acceptance and Orders 101

Learning Objectives 101

Introduction 101

Writing Skills 102

Specimen Letters 103

Letter 1 Confirming the Purchase and Sending an Order 103

Letter 2 A Reply to an Order 104

Letter 3 Declining an Order and Offering a Substitute 104

Letter 4 Acknowledgement of Order 105

Letter 5 Accepting the Offer and Placing an Order 105

Letter 6 Confirming an Order 106

Notes 106

Language Focus 109

Exercises 110

Module 9 Terms of Payment 115

Learning Objectives 115

Introduction 115

Writing Skills 117

Specimen Letters 118

Letter 1 On Payment by D/P 118

Letter 2 Agreeing to D/P Payment 118

Letter 3 Insisting on Payment by L/C 119

Letter 4 Asking for D/A Payment 119

Letter 5 Payment at 60 Days Sight 120

Letter 6 Payment by T/T 120

Notes 121

Language Focus 123

Exercises 125

Module 10 Payment by Letter of Credit 129

Learning Objectives 129

Introduction 129

Writing Skills 131

Specimen Letters 132

Letter 1 Urging Establishment of L/C 132

Letter 2 Urging Establishment of Letter of Credit 133

Letter 3 Advising the Opening of an L/C 133

Letter 4 Amendment to Letter of Credit 134

Letter 5 Requesting Extension of the L/C 134

Letter 6 A Reply to the Above Letter 135

Notes 138

Language Focus 140

Exercises 142

Module 11 Packing and Marking 147

Learning Objectives 147

Introduction 147

Writing Skills 149

Specimen Letters 150

Letter 1 Reply to Customer's Enquiry about Packing 150

Letter 2 Modifying the Packing 150

Letter 3 A Reply to the Above 151

Letter 4 Customer's Requirement about Packing 151

Letter 5 Offering the Ideas of Packing and Shipping Marks 152

Letter 6 Reply to the Above Letter 153

Notes 154

Language Focus 156

Exercises 158

Module 12 Shipment and Delivery 163

Learning Objectives 163

Introduction 163

Writing Skills 164

Specimen Letters 166

Letter 1 Shipping Instructions 166

Letter 2 Urging Shipment of Goods 166

Letter 3 A reply to the Above Letter 167

Letter 4 Advising Shipment 167

Letter 5 A Letter of Shipping Advice 168

Letter 6 A Specimen Shipping Advice 169

Notes 169

Language Focus 171

Exercises 174

Module 13 Insurance 179

Learning Objectives 179

Introduction 179

Writing Skills 181

Specimen Letters 182

Letter 1 Enquiring about Insurance 182

Letter 2 Reply to an Enquiry about Insurance 183

Letter 3 The Buyer's Request for Insurance 183

Letter 4 A Reply to the Above Letter 183

Letter 5 A Favorable Reply to Importer's Request 184

Notes 185

Language Focus 188

Exercises 190

Module 14 Conclusion and Contract 193

Learning Objectives 193

Introduction 193

Writing Skills 194

Specimen Letters 195

Letter 1 Confirming Conclusion of a Transaction 195

Letter 2 Sending a Purchase Contract 195

Letter 3 Confirming a Transaction 196

Letter 4 Counter-signature 196

Notes 200

Language Focus 201

Exercises 202

Module 15 Complaints and Claims 207

Learning Objectives 207

Introduction 207

Writing Skills 208

Specimen Letters 209

Letter 1 A Claim for Poor Packing 209

Letter 2 A Claim for Inferior Quality 210

Letter 3 Settlement of the Above Claim 210

Letter 4 Claim for Delay in Delivery 211

Letter 5 Reply to the Above Letter 211

Letter 6 Complaining about Short Shipment 212

Letter 7 Rejecting a Claim 212

Notes 213

Language Focus 215

Exercises 217

Module 16 Agency 221

Learning Objectives 221

Introduction 221

Writing Skills 222

Specimen Letters 223

Letter 1 Asking for Sole Agency 223

Letter 2 A Favourable Reply 223

Letter 3 Declining the Agency Application 224

Letter 4 Looking for an Agent 224

Letter 5 Confirm the Key Points of Agency 225

Letter 6 Agreeing to Renewal of a Sole Agency Agreement 225

Notes 228

Language Focus 230

Exercises 231

Revision 235

Reference Keys 257

参考文献 288


本书遵循实用性和可操作性的原则,结合外经贸工作的行业特点和专业英语学习的需要,在选材上注重前瞻性,着眼于行业新理念、新方法、新术语的导入;在编写内容上注重系统性、科学性和广泛性,针对不同程度的读者精心设计了16个模块,介绍了外贸信函和电子邮件的基本要素、格式和写作技巧,并针对外经贸进出口流程的主要环节逐一呈现知识点、相关实例与实训。本书涵盖国际贸易实际操作中各个环节的信函写作,力求教学内容与外经贸行业的职业能力要求相一致,与职业标准相衔接。   本书适用于高职高专商务英语、国际贸易、国际商务等专业学生使用,也可供从事外经贸和国际商务工作的人员参考使用。




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商务英语函电是清华大学出版社于2016.出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 国际商务-英语-电报信函-写作-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。