

王绍强, 编著







Sons & Daughters In-store Graphics

Kehl: Germany 9

3FS Kranj: Slovenia 14

Pokobar Interior Design Zagreb: Croatia 18

Art of Persuading Exhibition Zagreb: Croatia 22

Art Shop 09 Basel: Switzerland 26

Nike: Back to School various cities in China 30

SoCo Limelight Tour Cologne: Germany 32

Levis Blue Lab Store Cologne: Germany 34

No New Enemies "A Little Scratch X-mas"

Brussels: Belgium 36

Buckminsterfullerene Dream London: UK 40

Burnside Heilbronn: Germany 44

D & Me Boutique London: UK 46

Baby Grand Hotel Athens: Greece 52

Mezzo Art Athens: Greece 54

Plasmagoria Berlin: Germany 58

D Club & Cafe St. Petersburg: Russia 60

Reception / Bar fiir Ella University Congress

Lucerne: Switzerland 66

Design Parcours Exhibition Munich: Germany 70

H & M Graphic Communication for Flagship Stores

Milano: Copenhagen: Tokyo and Seoul 74

East Stockholm: Sweden 76

Diesel Catwalk London: UK 80

The All of Everything London: UK 82

Hugo Boss Orange Flagship Store

Mannheim: Germany 86

Hugo Boss Orange Special Concept Store

Shanghai: China 90

Hugo Boss Orange VIP Store / Showroom

Metzingen: Germany 94

Yukemuri no Sato Kanagawa: Japan 96

Marith Francois Girbaud Showroom

New York: U.S. 98

Hakata GX bid Fukuoka:Japan 100

ImaginaryWater Garden Fukuoka: ]apan 102

B. Institut Vannes: France 104

Camera Studio in Kimono Hearts Kokura:]apan 106

Mon Cirque Barcelona: Kuala Lumpur: Paris and

Cologne 108

Hayon at Rossana Orlandi Milan: Italy 110

The World of Yoya New York: U.S. 112

Kimono Hearts Okinawa: Japan 116

Majik CafBelgrade: Serbia 118

Motif San Jose: U.S. 122

Starbucks Salon NewYork: U.S. 126

La Suite 21 Club Nantes: France 130

Graphic Bar London: UK 134

Moulin Rouge Bisceglie: Italy 138

Gran Caffe del Corso Carpino: Italy 140

Bakery Cafe Bisceglie: Italy 142

Spazio O.F.F. Trani: Italy 144

Topshop London: UK 146

Zizzi Charlotte St London: UK 148

ZizziWinchester Winchester: UK 150

Pancake Parlour Melbourne: Australia 154

Stand Milan 2009 Milan: Italy 158

Siemens Stockholm: Sweden 1 62

Suite 809 Stockholm: Sweden 164

Tingeltangel - A Honky - Tonk - Stroll down theWhoopee Hamburg: Germany 166

TalenTiere - Zoo of Uniqueness

Hamburg: Germany 168

Darwins World - in Search of"Hans im Gluck"

Hamburg: Germany 172

OnYour Marks: Get Set: Hole Model - The

MegaHeroSuperAlarm Hamburg: Germany 174

UrbanSinn - The Neurotic Metropolis - Massif

Hamburg: Germany 176

Parlour-game grinch - eenie meenie meinie moe!

Hamburg: Germany 178

Heebok Flash New York: U.S.182

Vasakronan Stockholm: Sweden 186

Espacio C Mixcoac Mexico City: Mexico190

Tommyz Toko Amsterdam: The Netherlands ! 194

Design Transfer Berlin: Germany 196

Optilon Stockholm: Sweden 198

Svartensgatan 7 Stockholm. Sweden

Lunch Bar Trani: Italy204

What I Dont Know about Space London: UK 206

The Truth of Basics: Resetting the History of Living

between Four Walls Eindhoven: The Netherlands 208

Abstract Thought is a Warm Puppy

Brussels: Belgium 210

Beyond These Walls London: UK 212

iart Basel: Switzerland 214

Kate Spade NewYork New York: US & Toyko: Japan 216

VilaSofa Amsterdam: The Netherlands218

Applemore Technology College Hampshire: UK 222

Cafeteria / Restaurant: Palazzo delle EsposizioniGiardini della Biennale: Venice Venice: Italy228

Index 236

Acknowledgements 240


The wake of the new millennium will be remembered inlarge part for the rising power of corporations: for themonumental scare of international: architectural projects: theboom of the global art market: and the acceptance of designas the common Language of consumerism and good tastein post-industrial societies. Facing increasingly educated:sophisticated and aware markets: brands are challenged topush their boundaries and integrate the vocabulary of designin all of their expressions: including retail.. The nomenclature"retail design" is graduaLLy being replaced by "experientialdesign:" a subtl.e switch in the practice that infuses the retailexperience with flavors of music: art: LifestyLe: iLLustration anddesign: reflecting a certain sense of involvement in cultureand entertainment.WhiLe lifestyle brands march into this promising retailterritory: designers and creative directors are encouragedto experiment in the way they approach their work bybroadening the array of their practices. I am personaLLy partof this generation of creatives who have been commisstonedto devel.op retail projects even though I was never trained asan architect or an interior designer. What I had instead was agrowing foLLowing of my studios work coupled with a desireto expand my playground into the various arenas of whathas now become experientiaL design: sound: smeLL: graphicdesign: iLtustration: industrial design: craft. I use myselfas an example because several: of the creatives featured inthis book share a similar background: fueled by a desire toexpress themselves through aLL media and expand the realmof their practice. This inter-discipLinary approach: a sort oftwenty-first century renaissance: if you will: is what brandsare Looking for today in order to maximize the impact of anyof their retail projects.


尺寸29 × 21装帧精装


平面与空间是大连理工大学出版社于2010.7出版的中图分类号为 TU238 ,J534 的主题关于 平面设计-作品集-世界-现代 ,室内设计:空间设计-作品集-世界-现代 的书籍。