

李荣, 雷慧, 主编







Unit 1 Text Florence Nightingale Dialogues Reading Communieation Skills in Nursing English for Fun Woman -- A Chemical Analysis.Unit 2 Text Nursing Process Dialogues Reading Hierarchy of human needs English for Fun Random Thought on Food Culture between Chinese and WesternersUnit 3 Text Vital signs Dialogues Reading Administering Medication English for Fun A Simple Friend and a Real Friend

Unit 1 Text Florence Nightingale Dialogues Reading Communieation Skills in Nursing English for Fun Woman -- A Chemical Analysis.Unit 2 Text Nursing Process Dialogues Reading Hierarchy of human needs English for Fun Random Thought on Food Culture between Chinese and WesternersUnit 3 Text Vital signs Dialogues Reading Administering Medication English for Fun A Simple Friend and a Real FriendUnit 4 Text Infusion and Injection Dialogues Reading Intravenous Therapy English for Fun ForgivenessUnit 5 Text Nursing Management and Patient Teaching in Diabetes Dialogues Reading Asthma English for Fun The Four WivesUnit 6 Text What Are the Risks of Smoking Dialogues Reading Cerebrovascular Accident English for Fun Serving a Sunday FeastUnit 7 Text Surgical Intensive Care Unit Dialogues Reading Application of the Nursing Process in the Care of the Preoperative Patient English for Fun Eating Custom and PracticeUnit 8 Text Breast cancer Dialogues Reading Acute Cholecystitis English for Fun I. It hurts when I press here II. Two Hearts BeatingUnit 9 Text Ovarian cancer Dialogues Reading Pregnancy and HIV/AIDS English for Fun I. Such a Good Boy II. "KISS" doesn't mean a kissUnit 10 Text High Blood Pressure of Pregnancy Dialogues Reading Bleeding During Pregnancy English for Fun I. Hot coffee II. I will give you a ringUnit 11 Text Maternal, Infant and Child Health Dialogues Reading Late Childhood English for Fun Interview with GodUnit 12 Text Infancy and Early Childhood Dialogues Reading Describing Human Growth and Development English for Fun A Glass of MilkUnit 13 Text Emergency Nursing Dialogues Reading Ankle Sprains:Healing and Preventing Injury English for Fun I . Clean glass II. Good news and bad newsUnit 14 Text Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) :First Aid Dialogues Reading Cold Weather Walking and Running English for Fun I. Please do me a favor II. The good and the badUnit 15 Text Nursing for the Patient with Antisocial Frsonality Disorder Dialogues Reading Characteristics of Personality Disorders English for Fun I. The prison hospital II. Problems rememberingUnit 16 Text Depressive Disorders Dialogues Reading Depression English for Fun I. I would like to have a seeond opinion II. A doctor is complaining to a mechanicUnit 17 Text Principles of Nursing Ethics (1) Dialogues Reading AIDS, euthanasia and nursing English for Fun I. Sleep Pills 1I. Three SurgeonsUnit 18 Text Principles of Nursing Ethics (2) Dialogues Reading Ethical considerations at the end of life in the intensive care unit English for Fun I. It is possible that the patient was alive II. The difference between men and womenAppendix I. Introduction to CGFNS Certification II. Overview of the Path to CGFNS Certification Ⅲ. English Question


本教材的编写从高等护理专业教学实际出发,主要突出实用性。主要内容包括护理学的基础知识,如南丁格尔的介绍、护理程序、静脉输液等;专科护理,如内科护理、外科护理、妇产科护理、儿科护理、精神病护理等;护理伦理及有关CGFNS等方面的知识。全书共分18个单元,每个单元共有四部分:第一部分为课文,是建议课堂讲解的文章、词汇、练习题;第二部分难度不大,是建议学生练习、掌握的三个对话,对话的内容大部分与本单元涉及的内容有关,如有关患者就诊、入院、住院期间、出院等的护理,主要是常发生在护患之间、医患之间、护士之间、教师与学生之问的对话;第三部分为本单元相关文章阅读,内容难度比第一部分稍大,是建议学生课外阅读的内容;第四部分是趣味知识。 本教材可供高等护理学专业学生使用,也可作为护理专业各类成人高等教育或专业护理英语培训教学用书及广大护理工作者的参考书。


页数印数 3000


护理英语是郑州大学出版社于2008.01出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 护理学-英语-高等学校:技术学校-教材 的书籍。