

刘庆昌, 主编







Session 1 Genetic resources and breeding

Genetic difference of sweetpotato eultivars in East Asia as revealed by AFLP marker

Evaluation of tolerance and resistance to southern root-knot nematode in sweetpotato

Analysis of genetic diversity of sweetpotato germplasm in China

Studies on genetic stability of sweetpotato germplasm maintained in National In Vitro Genebank

Rapid evaluation method for low temperature tolerance of sweetpotato Iines

Variations of soluble sugar content in storage roots of sweetpotato during their growing periods

Proteomic analysis in three sweetpotato cultivars with different flesh color of storage roots

Breeding research in Xuzhou Sweetpotato Research Centre

Sweetpotato breeding technology of high photosynthetic efficiency

Improvement of high starch sweetpotato population by recurrent selection

Production and characteristic evaluation of interspecific somatic hybrid plants between sweetpotato and its wild relatives

Interspecific hybridization between Ipomoea batatas (L.)Lam.and two diploid wild relatives

Breeding of Yanshu 22 with high yield and high starch content

Breeding of new sweetpotato varieties with orange-flesh for processing

A new sweetpotato variety for flowering "Morningwhite","Morningpurple"

Breeding and utilization of purple flesh sweetpotato

Breeding of a new leaf-vegetable type sweetpotato variety Fushu 10

Breeding of Quanshu No.9,a new sweetpotato variety with high starch content and high yield

Session 2 Cultivation and physiology

Cultivation of sweetpotato by using bio-degradable plastic mulching films

Experiment on multiline mixture in cultivation of sweetpotato-yiel and pest damage

Establishment of mass propagation system of virus-free sweetpotato plants and conservation

Rational utilization of fertilization in high-yield cultivation of sweetpotato

Effects of potassium on potassium efficiency,yield and pigment contents of sweetpotato

The accumulation and regulation of starch and the related enzyme activity during the thickening period of sweetpotato

Hydrogen sulfide promotes root organogenesis in sweetpotato seedlings

Effects of long-term different fertilization on the sweetpotato yield

Effect of planting sweetpotato on dry farmland with different gradient slopes on soil erosion in Three Gorgers Reservoir Region of Yangtze River

Effects of chemical control on growth and yield of virus-free sweetpotato

High yield mechanism and physiological characters of new sweetpotato varieties

Protective role of hydrogen sulfide on chlorophyll degradation and antioxidant metabolism in seedling leaves of Ipornoea batatas exposure to osmotic stress

Storage test of sweetpotato slurry for fuel-ethanol production

Current status of sweetpotato industry in Beijing Daxing District and development proposals

High-yield cultivation technology of high-starch sweetpotato Eshu No.5 interplanted with young trees

Physiology of a new high yield sweetpotato variety- Shangshu 19

Inter-planting cultivation between sweetpotato and orchard

Production status and industrialization development countermeasures of sweetpotato in Jining City

Grey relational analysis of storage root yield and above-ground traits in different sweetpotato genotypes

Session 3 Diseases and pests

Session 4 Cell biotechnology and molecular breeding

Session 5 Functionality and processing


《甘薯可持续生产技术与粮食能源安全:第三届中日韩甘薯学术讨论会论文集(英文版)》主要内容Sweetpotato is an important food, forage,industrial raw material crop, and today it is es-pecially attached importance as a new energy resource crop. China,Japan,and Korea arethe worlds main producers of sweetpotato,and the three countries have led the world inmany aspects of this crop such as breeding, cultivation, biotechnology, and processing.Thus,China-Japan-Korea Workshop on Sweetpotato is held at two-year intervals to ex-change the research results and experiences and to promote the research and production ofthis crop.


Organized jointly by,Sweetpotato Specialty Committee, Crop Science Society of China,China Agricultural University,Xuzhou Sweetpotato Research Center,Beijing Daxing District Government & Panggezhuang Town Government.


页数 471 印数 5000


第三届中日韩甘薯学术讨论会论文集是中国农业大学出版社于2008.08出版的中图分类号为 S531-53 的主题关于 甘薯-栽培-国际学术会议-文集 的书籍。