

孙庆祥, 主编







Unit 1 Diagnosis/诊断

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 2 Therapeutics/疗法

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 3 Traditional Chinese Medicine/中国传统医学

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 4 Nursing/护理

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 5 Oncology/肿瘤学

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 6 Integumentary System/皮肤系统

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 7 Musculoskeletal System/肌肉骨骼系统

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 8 Nervous System/神经系统

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 9 Endocrine System/内分泌系统

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 10 Sensory Systems/感觉系统

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 11 Cardiovascular System/心血管系统

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 12 Respiratory System/呼吸系统

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 13 Urogenital System/泌尿生殖系统

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices

Unit 14 Digestive System/消化系统

Part I Translation of the Texts

Part II Key to the Tasks

Part III Script of the Audiovisual Material

Part IV Supplementary Practices

Part V Key to the Supplementary Practices


孙庆祥主编的《医学英语参考用书》 是《医学英语(临床医学)》的配套参考用书,每个 单元包括5部分内容。
Part Ⅰ Translation of the Texts 为了帮助使用者对课文的理解,本书提供了两篇 主课文(Text A和Text B)的参考译文,供使用者参 考。
Part Ⅱ Key to the Tasks 除了教材中Text A的Presentation、Text B的 Topics for Indepth Discussion及Writing中的 作文(部分Task给出了例文)没有给出参考答案,其 他所有Task均给出了参考答案。
Part Ⅲ Script of the Audiovisual Material 本书提供视频、音频内容的相应文本,以帮助使 用者对内容的理解。
Part Ⅳ Supplementary Practices 为了帮助使用者进一步巩固每个单元所学的知识 ,提高语言应用能力,本书还编排了两种补充练习: 词汇选择练习和汉译英练习。
Part Ⅴ Key to the Supplementary Practices 本书给补充练习提供了参考答案。需要指出的是 ,因为很多情况下翻译没有标准答案,所以本书所提 供的答案不是唯一的答案,很多句子可以有其他不同 的表达,希望使用者能够探索不同的表达方式。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


医学英语(临床医学)参考用书是复旦大学出版社于2014.5出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 医学-英语-高等学校-教学参考资料 的书籍。