

(美) 曲 (Qu) , (美) 萨默斯 (Sommers,W.) , 杨瑞新, 主编







Professor John J. Qu works at the Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science at George Mason University (GMU), USA. He is the Founder and Director of the Environmental Science and Technology Center (ESTC) and EastFIRE Lab at GMU.


1 Introduction to remote sensing and modeling applications to wildland fires


2 Wildland fire and eastern states diversity

2.1 Introduction

2.2 The eastern united states

2.3 Eastern united states diversity

2.4 A fire information strategy for the eastern states

R eferences

3 Demographic trends in the eastern us and the wildland urban interface: implications for fire management

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Demographics

3.3 The wildland urban interface

3.3.1 Georgia case study

3.4 Iimplications for managers

3.5 Conclusion



4 An overview of noaa's fire weather, climate, and air qualityforecast services

4.1 Nws fire weather

4.2 Products and services

4.3 Making optimal use of nws technology

4.3.1 Digital services

4.4 MNws climate services

4.4.1 Product improvements

4.5 National air quality forecasting

4.5.1 Planned capabilities

4.6 Summary


5 A Review of wildland fire and air quality management

5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Smoke contributes to air pollution

5.2 Regulatory considerations relating to smoke

5.2.1 Regional haze rule

5.2.2 National ambient air quality standards for pm

5.2.3 Managing smoke from wildfire

5.3 A Review of the taset report——tools available to manage smoke

5.4 Smoke management——programs and systems

5.4.1 Plan

5.4.2 Do (implement)

5.4.3 Check (evaluate)

5.4.4 Act (improve)

5.5 Aummary



6 High-resolution numerical models for smoke transport in plumes from wildland fires

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Numerical model

6.3 Dynamical properties of simulated plumes

6.3.1 Mean plume trajectories

6.3.2 Mean plume structure

6.3.3 Turbulent kinetic energy (tke)

6.4 Summary and conclusions



7 Interaction between a wildfire and the sea-breeze front

7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 Sea-breeze structure and characteristics

7.1.2 Radar observations of smoke plumes and the sea-breeze

7.1.3 Effect of sea-breezes on fires

7.1.4 East fork fire

7.2 Data and methodology

7.2.1 Case study

7.2.2 Idealized numerical simulations

7.3 Case study analysis

7.4 Numerical simulations

7.5 Summary and conclusions



8 Prescribed fire and air quality in the american south: a review of conflicting interests and a technique for incorporating the land manager into regional air quality modeling

9 Estimates of wildland fire emissions

10 Integrating remote sensing and surface weather data to monitor vegetation phenology

11 Creating a crosswalk of vegetation types and fire fuel models for the national park service

12 Diurnal and seasonal cycles of land fires from trmm

13 Fire research in the new jersey pine barrens

14 Dead fuel loads in north carolina's piedmont and coastal plain and a small scale assessment of nfdrs fuel models

15 Numerical simulations of grassland fire behavior from the lanl-firetec and nist-wfds models

16 Physics-based modeling of wildland-urban interface fires

17 Climate change and fire impacts on ecosystem critical nitrogen load

18 Simulating fire spread with landscape level edge fuel scenarios

19 The need for data integration to achieve forest sustainability: modeling and assessing the impacts of wildland fire on eastern landscapes

20 Automated wildfire detection through artificial neural networks.

21 Altered disturbance regimes: the demise of fire in the eastern united

22 Fire spread regulated by weather, landscape structure, and management in

23 The gofc-gold fire mapping and monitoring theme:Assessment and strategic plans


Scientists and managers alike need timely, cost-effective, and technically appropriate fire-related information to develop functional strategies for the diverse fire communities. Remote Sensing and Modeling Applications to Wildland Fires addresses wildtand fire management needs by presenting discussions that link ecology and the physical sciences from local to regional levels, views on integrated decision support data for policy and decision makers, new technologies and techniques, and future challenges and how remote sensing might help to address them. While creating awareness of wildland fire management and rehabilitation issues, hands-on experience in applying remote sensing and simulation modeling is also shared.This book will be a useful reference work for researchers, practitioners andgraduate students in the fields of fire science, remote sensing and modeling applications.


尺寸26 × 19装帧精装


野外火灾遥感模型及其应用是清华大学出版社于2012.8出版的中图分类号为 TU998.12 的主题关于 遥感技术-应用-火灾监测-英文 的书籍。