

(德) 威德曼, 等著





本书列入和Springer合作出版的《非线性物理科学》系列。本书属于生物学、神经生理学、非线性科学、生命科学的交叉学科。本书是首本对可变重力条件下神经元生理学研究的进行完整概述的著作,描述了神经系统与地球引力的相互作用。为提供基本的科学和技术背景,本书还介绍了神经系统的结构和重力研究平台。 并描述了化学模型系统与重力交互作用和模拟,展示了从单个分子到整个人脑与重力的交互的一系列的结论。


Dr. Meike Wiedemann and Dr. Florian P.M. Kohn are Biological Scientists in the Lab of Membranephysiology at the University of Hohenheim, Germany and have been working in the field of life sciences under space condition for some years. Prof. Harald Roesner has been working in the field of Neurophysiology and is now retired. Prof. Wolfgang R.L. Hanke is the leader of the Department of Membranephysiology at the University of Hohenheim.


Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Historical remarks

1.1. Gravitational research

1.2 Excitable media and their control by small external forces

1.3 Waves and oscillations in biological systems

1.4 Book layout


Chapter 2 Gravity

2.1 Physical remarks

2.2 Perception of gravity by living systems


Chapter 3 Basic Structure of Neuronal Systems


Chapter 4 Platforms for Gravitational Research

4.1 Microgravity platforms

4.1.1 Short term platforms

4.1.2 Long term platforms

4.1.3 Magnetic levitation

4.2 Removing orientation

4.2.1 Clinostats

4.2.2 Random positioning machine

4.3 Macro-gravity platforms

4.3.1 Centrifuge


Chapter 5 A Model Systems for Gravity Research: The Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction

5.1 Setup for the Belousov-Zhabotinsky experiments

5.2 Preparation of gels for the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

5.3 Data evaluation


Chapter 6 Interaction of Gravity with Molecules and


6.1 Bilayer experiments

6.1.1 Hardware for the Microba mission

6.1.2 Hardware for the drop-tower

6.1.3 Hardware for parabolic flights

6.1.4 Hardware for laboratory centrifuge

6.1.5 Experimental results

6.2 Patch-clamp experiments

6.2.1 Principles of patch-clamp experiments

6.2.2 Hardware for the drop-tower

6.2.3 First hardware for parabolic flights

6.2.4 For the drop-tower

6.2.5 First parabolic flight experiment

6.2.6 Second hardware for parabolic flights

6.2.7 Second parabolic flight experiment

6.2.8 First results and future perspectives


Chapter 7 Behavior of Action Potentials Under Variable Gravity Conditions

7.1 Introductory remarks

7.2 Materials and methods

7.3 Isolated leech neuron experiments

7.4 Earthworm and nerve fiber experiments (rats and worms)

7.5 Discussion


Chapter 8 Fluorescence and Light Scatter Experiments to Investigate Cell Properues at Microgravity

8.1 Fluorescence measurements to determine calcium influx and membrane potential changes

8.1.1 Intracellular calcium concentration experiments

8.1.2 Membrane potential experiments

8.2 Light scatter experiments to determine changes in cell size

8.2.1 Static light scatter

8.2.2 Dynamic light scatter


Chapter 9 Spreading Depression: A Self-organized Excitation Depression Wave in Different Gravity Conditions

9.1 The retinal spreading depression

9.2 Gravity platforms used for retinal spreading depression experiments

9.2.1 Methods Contents

9.2.2 Experiment setup and protocol for spreading depression experiments in parabolic flights

9.2.3 Experiment setup and protocol for spreading depression experiments on TEXUS sounding rocket

9.2.4 Setup and protocol for spreading depression experiments in the centrifuge

9.2.5 Data analysis

9.3 Results

9.3.1 Spreading depression experiments in parabolic flights and in the centrifuge

9.3.2 Spreading depression experiments on sounding rockets and in the centrifuge

9.3.3 Determination of latency of spreading depression waves in the centrifuge

9.3.4 Summary of all spreading depression experiments on different gravity platforms

9.4 Discussion

9.4.1 Comment on different gravity platforms


Chapter 10 The Brain Itself in Zero-g

10.1 Methods

10.1.1 Slow cortical potentials (SCP)

10.1.2 Classical frequency bands in EEG

10.1.3 Peripheral psycho physiological parameters

10.1.4 Protocol and data analysis

10.1.5 Subjects

10.1.6 Ethic

10.2 Results

10.2.1 Slow Cortical Potentials (SCP)

10.2.2 Frequency band EEG

10.2.3 Peripheral stress parameters

10.3 Discussion

10.3.1 Slow cortical potentials

10.3.2 Frequency band EEG

10.3.3 Peripheral parameters

10.4 Conclusion


Chapter 11 Effects of Altered Gravity on the Actin and Mierotubule Cytoskeleton, Cell Migration and Neurite Outgrowth

11.1 Summary

11.2 Introductory remarks

11.3 Material and methods

11.3.1 Cell transfection

11.3.2 Cell culture and experiments with SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells

11.3.3 Cell migration experiments- Human carcinoma cell lines

11.3.4 Scratch Migration Assay (SMA)

11.3.5 Neurite outgrowth experiments-Primary cell culture of embryonic chicken spinal cord neurons

11.3.6 Imunostaining of cells

11.3.7 Staining of F-actin

11.3.8 Microscopy and live imaging

11.4 Results and discussion

11.4.1 Effects of altered gravity on actin-driven lamellar protrusion of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells

11.4.2 Effect of altered gravity on the microtubule cytoskeleton of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells

11.4.3 Effects of altered gravity on cell migration

11.4.4 Effects of altered gravity on the intensity and direction of neurite outgrowth


Chapter 12 Discussion and Perspectives




Sciences Under Space Conditions describes the interaction of gravity with neuronal systems. To deliver the basic scientific and technological background, the structures of neuronal systems are described and platforms for gravity research are presented. The book is rounded off by information about the interaction of chemical model systems with gravity and some simulations, and results about the interaction of gravity with neuronal systems from single molecules to the entire human brain are demonstrated. This is the first book to give a complete overview about neurophysiological research under conditions of variable gravity.
The book is intended for scientists in the field of space research, neurophysiology, and those who are interested in the control of non-linear systems by small external forces.


尺寸24 × 16装帧精装
页数印数 200


可变重力条件下神经元系统中的自组织和斑图动力学是高等教育出版社于2010.9出版的中图分类号为 R338 的主题关于 神经生理学-英文 的书籍。