1 Introduction-Concept of Stress
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Stresses in the Members of a Structure
1. 3 Analysis and Design
1.4 Axial Loading; Normal Stress
1. 5 Shearing Stress
1.6 Bearing Stress in Connections
1.7 Application to the Analysis and Design of Simple Structures
Problems 1.1
1.8 Stress on an Oblique Plane under Axial Loading
1.9 Stress under General Loading Conditions; Components of Stress
1.10 Design Considerations
Problems 1.2
Review and Summary for Chapter 1
Review Problems
Computer Problems
2 Stress and Strain-Axial Loading
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Normal Strain under Axial Loading
2.3 Stress-Strain Diagram
2.4 Hooke's Law; Modulus of Elasticity
2.5 Elastic versus Plastic Behavior of a Material
2.6 Repeated Loadings; Fatigue
2.7 Deformations of Members under Axial Loading
Problems 2.1
2.8 Statically Indeterminate Problems
Problems 2.2
2.9 Poisson's Ratio
2.10 Multiaxial Loading; Generalized Hooke's Law
2.11 Shearing Strain
Problems 2.3
2.12 Stress and Strain Distribution under Axial Loading; Saint-Venant's Principle
2. 13 Stress Concentrations
Problems 2.4
Review and Summary for Chapter 2
Review Problems
Computer Problems
3 Torson
3. 1 Introduction
3.2 Preliminary Discussion of the Stresses In a Shaft
3.3 Deformations in a Circular Shaft
3.4 Stresses in the Elastic Range
Problems 3.1
3.5 Angle of Twist in the Elastic Range
3.6 Statically Indeterminate Shafts
Problems 3.2
3.7 Design of Transmission Shafts
3.8 Stress Concentrations in Circular Shafts
Problems 3.3
Review and Summary for Chapter 3
Review Problems
Computer Problems
4 Pure Bending
5 Analysis and Design of Beams for Bnding
6 Shearing Stresses in Beams
7 Tra formatio of Stress and Strain
8 Principal Stresses Under a Given Loaing
9 Deflection of Beams
10 Colums
《材料力学(第4版)(英文缩编版)》采用以应力为铺路石,以构件变形为主线的体系,符合国内教学改革的主流方向。教材结构清晰、论述严谨、图文并茂,同时还附有少量计算题目。该教材将杆件设计概念贯穿全书,广泛采用三维插图,有助于揭示力学原理、贴近工程实际以及培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。书中每章都分别针对基本概念和原理设置多个“Examples and Sample Problems”和“Homework Problem Sets”,每章后面还设有“Chapter Review and Summary”、“Review Problems”和“Computer Problems”,具有突出“三基”,循序渐进,由简到繁的特色。