

袁淑娟, 著







Table 2.1 Semantic Relationship between a Word and Its Immediate AncestorTable 3.1 Description of the Composition of SubjectsTable 3.2 Description of the Four Passage Sight Vocabulary TestsTable 3.3 Description of the Target Reading PassagesTable 3.4 Composition of the Target Words and Number of Words Used in the Passage Sight Vocabulary Test for Each Reading Passage Table 3.5 Results of the 1-sample K-S Test for Both Year Two and Year Four Students on the Three L2 Proficiency TestsTable 3.6 Results of the Independent Samples T-test between Year Two and Year Four Students on the Three L2 Proficiency TestsTable 3.7 Text Coverage of the Four Reading PassagesTable 3.8 Values of Morphological Transparency and Contextual Support of the Target WordsTable 3.9 Three Passage Sight Vocabulary Scores of an Exemplary StudentTable 3.10 A Sample to Illustrate How to Treat the Lexical Inferencing Success Raw ScoresTable 3.11 A Sample to Illustrate How to Treat the Lexical Inferening Difficulty RatingsTable 3.12 Description of the Subjects Participating in the Retrospective StudyTable 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Factors Concerning L2 Proficiency, Lexical Inferencing Success, and Lexical Inferencing Difficulty (Year 2)Table 4.2 Pearson Correlations between Factors Concerning L2 Proficiency, and Lexical Inferencing Success, Lexical Inferencing Difficulty (Year 2)Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistics of Factors Concerning L2 Proficiency, Lexical Infereneing Success, and Lexical Inferencing Difficulty (Year 4)Table 4.4 Pearson Correlations between Factors Concerning L2 Proficiency, and Lexical Inferencing Success,Lexical Inferencing Difficulty (Year 4)Table 4.5 Response Frequencies on the Topic Familiarity ScaleTable 4.6 Descriptive Statistics of Responses on the Topic Familiarity ScaleTable 4.7 Descriptive Statistics of Passage Sight Vocabulary,Topic Familiarity, and Lexical Infereneing Success (Year 2)Table 4.8 Results of ANCOVA among Lexical Inferencing Success, Topic Familiarity, and Passage Sight Vocabulary (Year 2)Table 4.9 Descriptive Statistics of Passage Sight Vocabulary, Topic Familiarity, and Lexical Inferencing Success (Year 4)Table 4.10 Results of ANCOVA among Lexical Inferencing Success, Topic Familiarity, and Passage Sight Vocabulary (Year 4)Table 4.11 Descriptive Statistics of Lexical Inferencing Difficulty Ratings for the Four Reading PassagesTable 4.12 Results of ANCOVA among Lexical Inferencing Difficulty, Topic Familiarity, and Passage Sight Vocabulary (Year 2)Table 4.13 Results of ANCOVA among Lexical Inferencing Difficulty, Topic Familiarity, and Passage Sight Vocabulary (Year 4)Table 4.14 Descriptive Statistics of Lexical Inferencing Success of Target Words in Light of Morphological Transparency and Contextual Support (Year 2)Table 4.15 Main Effects of Morphological Transparency and Contextual Support on Lexical Infereneing Success and Their Interaction (Year 2)Table 4.16 Descriptive Statistics of Lexieal Inferencing Success of Target Words in Light of Morphological Transparency and Contextual Support (Year 4)Table 4.17 Main Effects of Morphological Transparency and Contextual Support on Lexical Inferencing Success and Their Interaction (Year 4)Table 4.18 Results of the Multiple Regression Analysis of Morphological Transparency, Contextual Support, and Lexieal Infereneing Success (Year 2)……




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中国英语学习者词汇推理研究是山东大学出版社于2014.8出版的中图分类号为 H313 的主题关于 英语-词汇-语言学习-研究-中国 的书籍。