

王勇, 著







Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research orientation 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Definitio of key terms 1.3.1 L2 vocabulary knowledge 1.3.2 Lexical semantic relatio 1.3.3 Canonicity of antonymous pai 1.4 Organization of the bookChapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Overview 2.2 Studies on word knowledge types 2.2.1 An influential agenda for researchinto word knowledge types 2.2.2 A revised and well-acceptedframework of word knowledge 2.2.3 Advocates of "framework" positionand related studies 2.3 Studies on "receptive" vs. "productive" wordknowledge 2.3.1 Early discussio on receptive vs.productive distinction 2.3.2 Current discussio on receptive andproductive vocabulary 2.4 Studies on word knowledge measurement ofvocabulary knowledge 2.4.1 Early conceptio about the vocabularymeasurement and its test development 2.4.2 Further development of vocabularyknowledge measurement 2.4.3 A large-scale quantitative test onL2 English vocabulary in the 1980s 2.4.4 Test itruments developed on thebasis of "continuum" 2.4.5 A recent challenge to thequantitative vocabulary measurement 2.4.6 A new approach to vocabularymeasurement in a word knowledge framework 2.5 Studies on L2 vocabulary development 2.5.1 A macro theory of vocabularydevelopment and acquisition; A unified Competition Model 2.5.2 Micro theories of L2 vocabularyacquisition 2.5.3 Empirical studies on L2 vocabularydevelopment 2.6 Lexical semantic relatio; Theories 2.6.1 Congruence relatio 2.6.2 Hierarchical relatio 2.6.3 Non-hierarchical relatio 2.7 Lexical semantic relatio; Related empiricalresearch 2.7.1 Research related to acquisition ofL2 synonymous relatio 2.7.2 Research related to antonymy 2.8 Summary 2.8.1 Current research related to L2vocabulary acquisition and L2 lexieal semantic relatio 2.8.2 Strengths of the current researchrelated to L2 vocabulary acquisition and L2 lexical semanticrelatio 2.8.3 Weaknesses of the current researchrelated to L2 vocabulary acquisition and L2 lexieal relatioChapter 3 A Developmental Model for Acquisition of L2 LexicalSemantic Relatio in Advanced Chinese ESL Learne 3.1 Prior coideratio 3.2 The development of lexical semantics 3.3 Development of L2 lexical semantic relatio amongadvanced ESL learne in the classroom setting; A developmentalmodelChapter 4 Research Methodology 4.1 Research questio 4.2 Research design 4.2.1 Nature of the design 4.2.2 Research procedures 4.2.3 Participants 4.3 Variables for investigation and their operationaldefinitio 4.4 Itrumentation 4.4.1 Design of the sentence completiontask for synonym differentiation 4.4.2 Design of the antonymous paircanonicity judgment test 4.4.3 Productive vs. receptive vocabularyknowledge tests 4.4.4 Word associates test 4.5 A pilot study 4.6 Data collection 4.7 Data preparation and analysis 4.7.1 Setting up norms 4.7.2 Scoring scheme 4.7.3 Statistics for quantitativeanalysisChapter 5 Results of the Empirical Study 5.1 Quantitative results 5.1.1 The correlation of the scores onsynonym differentiation test with the overall L2 proficiency andaspects of vocabulary development 5.1.2 The difference between NSs' andNNSs' performance on the synonym differentiation test 5.1.3 The enhancing effect of semanticprocessing on the acquisition of synonymy 5.1.4 The difference between NSs' andNNSs' results of judgments of the eanonicity of the antonymouspai ... 5.1.5 Possible facto influencing thescores on antonym eanonicity judgment test 5.1.6 The relation between NNSs'discrepancy from NSs' antonym canonicity judgment scores and NNSs'overall L2 proficiency and specific lexical proficiency 5.2 An exteion of the present study 5.3 Two case studies 5.3.1 A case study of big, little, largeand small 5.3.2 A ease study of correct, right,incorrect, and wrong 5.4 SummaryChapter 6 Discussion 6.1 Acquisition of synonymy by Chinese advanced ESLlearne--status quo and beyond 6.2 Acquisition of antonymy by Chinese advanced ESLlearne--discrepancy and its probable causes 6.3 Approach to help acquisition of synonymy andantonymy-- frequency effect, enhanced input and increasedengagement 6.4 Canonical antonymous pai; Dichotomy vs.continuum 6.5 Theorizing acquisition of L2 lexical semanticrelatio in the classroom itruction settingChapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Major findings 7.1.1 The nature of acquisition of L2lexical semantic relatio in the classroom setting 7.1.2 Effects of itruction on theacquisition of L2 lexical semantic relatio 7.2 Implicatio 7.3 Recommendatio for further research 7.3.1 Choice of test items in bothsynonymous pai and antonymous pai 7.3.2 Research itrument 7.3.3 Research designAppendices Appendix I Deese's last of 40 Antonymous Pai Appendix II Initial Stimulus last Used for the RatingTask(Sabourin, 1998) Appendix III Frequency and Mutual Information Value ofAntonymous Pai(Information Retrieved from COCA on November 11,2009) Appendix IV The Antonym Canonicity Judgment Test Appendix V Sentence Completion Test (SynonymDifferentiation Test) Appendix VI ANOVA of NNS09 vs. NNS07 vs. NS;Significant and Marginally Significant Antonymous Pai Appendix VII The Results of a One-Way ANOVA betweenNNS07 and NS Appendix VIII The Results of a Multiple RegressionAnalysis on NNS and NS Antonym Results Appendix IX A Rank of Antonym Canonicity by NSScores Appendix X The Independent Samples t-test between theScores of Subgroups of Synonym Differentiation Test by NativeSpeake and Nonnative Speaker Pilot Group Appendix XI The Independent Samples t-test betweenPerceived Difficulty of Subgroups of Synonym Differentiation Testby Native Speake and Nonnative Speaker Pilot GroupBibliographyAcknowledgements




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英语词汇语义关系习得研究是山东大学出版社于2011.12出版的中图分类号为 H313 的主题关于 英语-词汇-语义学-研究 的书籍。