

顾九龙, 主编







Unit 1Two Tang Poems唐诗二首Unit 2Steve Jobs Wonderful Quotations史蒂夫乔布斯经典语录Unit 3Some Famous Sayings About “Time”关于time的名言Unit 4Steve Jobs Wonderful Quotations史蒂夫乔布斯经典语录Unit 5Bend, but Dont Break弯而不折Unit 6The Eight Sentences of the Greatest Influence on America fromObama 奥巴马对美国影响最大的八句话Unit 7Obamas Inaugural Address (Excerpt)奥巴马就职演说(节选)Unit 8I Have a Dream (Ⅰ)我有一个梦想(1)Unit 9I Have a Dream (Ⅱ)我有一个梦想(2)Unit 10Essay About Life关于“生活”的美文Unit 11Two Tang Poems唐诗二首Unit 12A Love Letter一封情书Unit 13A Piece from Francis Bacons Of Studies弗朗西期培根的《论读书》片段Unit 14A Piece of Letter from Jane Austen to Her Niece, FannyKnight 名人书信片段; 简奥斯汀致侄女范妮奈特Unit 15Seek in Life生命的追求Unit 16A Piece of Letter from Mary Shelley to Marianne Hunt 名人书信片段;玛丽雪莱致玛丽安亨特Unit 17The American President Clintons Speech About TeenagersSmoking 美国总统克林顿关于青少年吸烟的演讲Unit 18Your Mind Is a Garden & Your Thoughts Are theSeeds心如花园思想为种Unit 19Two Tang Poems唐诗二首Unit 20A Piece of Letter from Mary Shelley to Jane Williams名人书信片段; 玛丽雪莱致简威廉斯Unit 21Steve Jobs Wonderful Quotations史蒂夫乔布斯经典语录Unit 22The Lockless Door不锁之门Unit 23Happy Birthday to You祝你生日快乐Unit 24A Piece of Letter fromJohn Ruskin to Edward Clayton名人书信片段; 约翰罗斯金致爱德华克雷顿Unit 25Busuanzi Ode to the plum Blossom卜算子咏梅Unit 26Chinese Sayings汉语谚语Unit 27Famous Persons Quotes About “Ideal”名人谈“理想”Unit 28Never Give Up Hope永远别放弃希望Unit 29A Piece of Letter from Charlotte Bronte to EllenNussey 名人书信片段:夏洛特勃朗特致埃伦纳西Unit 30Two Tang Poems唐诗二首Unit 31A Piece of Letter from Mother Teresa to the President ofIraqand America Before the Gulf War特雷莎修女在海湾战争前写给美国总统和伊拉克总统的书信片段Unit 32Albert Einsteins Quotes艾伯特爱因斯坦名言Unit 33A Piece of Letter from Emily Dickinson to Abiah Root名人书信片段; 埃米莉狄更生致阿拜赫鲁特Unit 34Shepherd Coffee牧羊人咖啡Unit 35Dont Wait不要等待Unit 36Tongue Twister绕口令Unit 37Drawing a Snake and Adding Feet画蛇添足Unit 38Steve Jobs Wonderful Quotations史蒂夫乔布斯经典语录Unit 39Im Imperfect, but Im Perfectly Me我不完美 但很完整Unit 40A Piece of Letter from Katherine Mansfield to Sylvia Payne名人书信片段; 凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德致西尔维娅佩恩Unit 41The First Snow初雪Unit 42Be There Just to Make Up the Number滥竽充数Unit 43Richard Nixons Inaugural Address (Excerpt)理查德尼克松就职演说(节选)Unit 44To Be an Honest Man做个诚实的人Unit 45Never Give Up永不言弃Unit 46A Piece of Letter from Virginia Woolf to Vita SackvillWest名人书信片段; 弗吉尼娅伍尔夫致维塔萨克维尔韦斯特Unit 47Be Thankful心存感激Unit 48A Haven of Peace of Happiness世外桃源Unit 49Love爱Unit 50A Piece of Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Sir Joseph Banks名人书信片段; 本杰明富兰克林致约瑟夫班克斯爵士Unit 51Always Have a Dream永不放弃梦想Unit 52A Piece form N.Ostrovskys How the Steel was Tempered尼奥斯特洛夫斯基《钢铁是怎样炼成的》片段Unit 53Albert Einsteins Famous Sayings艾伯特爱因斯坦名言Unit 54Summer夏日Unit 55A Piece of Letter from Pierre Curie to Marie Curie 名人书信片段;皮埃尔居里致玛丽居里Unit 56Mother母亲Unit 57Putting the Finishing Touch to the Picture of aDragon画龙点睛Unit 58Attitude to Life生活态度Unit 59Where to Live — in the City or in the Country生活在城市还是农村Unit 60The Old Man and the Boy (Excerpt)老人和男孩(节选)Unit 61A Snowy Winter Morning冬日下雪的早晨Unit 62A Tale of Two Cities (Excerpt)双城记(节选)Unit 63Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again再别康桥Unit 64What Is Life生活是什么Unit 65Sharpen Your Axe磨刀不误砍柴工Unit 66Two Tang Poems唐诗二首Unit 67Let Love Grow in the Heart让爱在心里成长Unit 68There Is Another Sky总有另一片天Unit 69The Milkmaid and Her Pail挤奶女孩和她的桶Unit 70Ten Famous Saying About Life十句引人深思的人生哲理Unit 71Quotes for Fathers Love名人话父爱Unit 72Bill Gatess EightClassic Laws of Life 比尔盖茨的八大经典人生定律Unit 73Ten Famous Sayings About Courage十句经典给你坚持的勇气Unit 74The Umbrella伞Unit 75Clouds那些云彩Unit 76Threecharacter Scripture三字经Unit 77Obamas November 16, 2011 Speech — Thanksgiving奥巴马2011年11月16日演讲稿——感恩节Unit 78Rush (Excerpt Ⅰ)匆匆(节选1)Unit 79Rush (Excerpt Ⅱ)匆匆(节选2)Unit 80Rush (Excerpt Ⅲ)匆匆(节选3)Unit 81Thanksgiving Day感恩节由来Unit 82True Love真爱Unit 83Tagores Famous Sayings泰戈尔经典语录Unit 84Sympathy同情Unit 85Little Things, Big Difference小事情,大差异Unit 86The Road to Success成功之路Unit 87A Blooming Tree一棵开花的树Unit 88Sleeping on Brushwood and Tasting Gall卧薪尝胆Unit 89Rousing the Spirits with the First Drum Roll一鼓作气Unit 90Reading Good Books阅读好书Unit 91A True Friend真正的朋友Unit 92Night in the Open World露天世界的夜晚Unit 93Friend for Life一生的知己Unit 94It Is Never Too Late to Mend亡羊补牢Unit 95Run in Opposite Directions南辕北辙Unit 96Life Is a Journey人生如旅Unit 97The Significance of Failure失败的意义Unit 98Look Up at the Starry Sky仰望星空Unit 99The Fox and the Crow狐狸和乌鸦Unit 100Windflowers风之花


  一日之计在于晨,早晨空气清新,学生精力充沛,记忆力强,正是读书的黄金时间。每日阅读并背诵一篇短文的学生,阅读量和词汇量扩大了,知识面也拓宽了。早读读什么?当然是《高中英语经典早读早背文选(含MP3光盘)》,本书有四个特点:  (1)选文经典,让你在背诵经典美文的同时,感受多彩人生。  (2)体裁全面,涉及优美散文、诗歌、名言警句、寓言故事、谚语等。  (3)篇幅适中,可看性强,让你一节早读课轻松习背一篇美文。  (4)外教领读,配有MP3光盘,让你学习纯正地道发音。  《高中英语经典早读早背文选》内容涉及诗歌、名人名句、谚语和散文及从报纸上摘编的时事新闻等,体裁全面,贴近学生的生活和语言水平,具有思想性、趣味性、知识性、挑战性和时代性。每篇阅读文章附有生词表及中英对照,篇篇文章都值得诵读,是提高阅读技巧,加强语言修养的上佳之作。  该文选在编写过程中,曾先作为内部资料多次试用,受到广大师生的欢迎,很多一线教师对该文选提出了大量的宝贵意见。为使您学到纯正的英语,我们特别配置了MP3光盘,以便您在朗读中有所参照,从而在模仿的过程中,练就地道的英语语言表达能力。


尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


高中英语经典早读早背文选是华东理工大学出版社于2012.8出版的中图分类号为 G634.413 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高中-教学参考资料 的书籍。