

(比) 高瓦特斯 (Goyvaerts,J.) , (美) 利维森 (Levithan,S.) , 著







高瓦特斯(Jan Goyvaerts),管理着Just Great Software公司,他设计和开发了一些最流行的正则表达式软件。      利维森(Steven Levithan),杰出的JavaScript正则表达式专家,同时他也是多个开源正则表达式工具的编写者。



1.Introduction to Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions Defined

Search and Replace with Regular Expressions

Tools for Working with Regular Expressions

2.Basic Regular Expression Skills

2.1 Match Literal Text

2.2 Match Nonprintable Characters

2.3 Match One of Many Characters

2.4 Match Any Character

2.5 Match Something at the Start and/or the End of a Line

2.6 Match Whole Words

2.7 Unicode Code Points, Categories, Blocks, and Scripts

2.8 Match One of Several Alternatives

2.9 Group and Capture Parts of the Match

2.10 Match Previously Matched Text Again

2.11 Capture and Name Parts of the Match

2.12 Repeat Part of the Regex a Certain Number of Times

2.13 Choose Minimalor Maximal Repetition

2.14 Eliminate Needless Backtracking

2.15 Prevent Runaway Repetition

2.16 Test for a Match Without Adding It to the Overall Match

2.17 Match One of Two Alternatives Based on a Condition

2.18 Add Comments to a Regular Expression

2.19 Insert Literal Text into the Replacement Text

2.20 Insert the Regex Match into the Replacement Text

2.21 Insert Part of the Regex Match into the Replacement Text

2.22 Insert Match Context into the Replacement Text

3.Programming with Regular Expressions

Programming Languages and Regex Flavors

3.1 Literal Regular Expressions in Source Code

3.2 Import the Regular Expression Library

3.3 Create Regular Expression Objects

3.4 Set Regular Expression Options

3.5 Test If a Match Can Be Found Within a Subject String

3.6 Test Whether a Regex Matches the Subject String Entirely

3.7 Retrieve the Matched Text

3.8 Determine the Position and Length of the Match

3.9 Retrieve Part of the Matched Text

3.10 Retrieve a List of All Matches

3.11 Iterate over All Matches

3.12 Validate Matches in Procedural Code

3.13 Find a Match Within Another Match

3.14 Replace All Matches

3.15 Replace Matches Reusing Parts of the Match

3.16 Replace Matches with Replacements Generatedin Code

3.17 Replace All Matches Within the Matches ofAnother Regex

3.18 Replace All Matches Between the Matches of Another Regex

3.19 Split a String

3.20 Split a String, Keeping the Regex Matches

3.21 Search Line by Line

3.22 Construct a Parser

4.Validation and Formatting

4.1 Validate Email Addresses

4.2 Validate and Format North American Phone Numbers

4.3 Validate International Phone Numbers

4.4 Validate Traditional Date Formats

4.5 Validate Traditional Date Formats, Excluding Invalid Dates

4.6 Validate Traditional Time Formats

4.7 Validate ISO 8601 Dates and Times

4.8 Limit Input to Alphanumeric Characters

4.9 Limit the Length of Text

4.10 Limit the Number of Lines in Text

4.11 Validate Affirmative Responses

4.12 Validate Social Security Numbers

4.13 Validate ISBNs

4.14 Validate ZIP Codes

4.15 Validate Canadian Postal Codes

4.16 Validate U.K.Postcodes

4.17 Find Addresses with Post Office Boxes


5.Words, Lines, and SpeaaI Characters


7.Source Code and Log Files

8.URLs, Paths, and lnternet Addresses

9.Markup and Data Formats




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正则表达式Cookbook是东南大学出版社于2013.5出版的中图分类号为 TP301.2 的主题关于 正则表达式-英文 的书籍。