软件工程 : 第9版
软件工程 : 第9版封面图

软件工程 : 第9版

(英) 萨默维尔 (Sommerville,I.) , 著







preface vpart 1 introduction to software engineering 1chapter 1 introduction 3 1.1 professional software development 5 1.2 software engineering ethics 14 1.3 case studies 17chapter 2 software processes 27 2.1 software process models 29 2.2 process activities 36 2.3 coping with change 43 2.4 the rational unified process 50chapter 3 agile software development 56 3.1 agile methods 58 3.2 plan-driven and agile development 62 3.3 extreme programming 64 3.4 agile project management 72 3.5 scaling agile methods 74chapter 4 requirements engineering 82 4.1 functional and non-functional requirements 84 4.2 the software requirements document 91 4.3 requirements specification 94 4.4 requirements engineering processes 99 4.5 requirements elicitation and analysis 100 4.6 requirements validation 110 4.7 requirements management 111chapter 5 system modeling 118 5.1 context models 121 5.2 interaction models 124 5.3 structural models 129 5.4 behavioral models 133 5.5 model-driven engineering 138chapter 6 architectural design 147 6.1 architectural design decisions 151 6.2 architectural views 153 6.3 architectural patterns 155 6.4 application architectures 164chapter 7 design and implementation 176 7.1 object-oriented design using the uml 178 7.2 design patterns 189 7.3 implementation issues 193 7.4 open source development 198chapter 8 software testing 205 8.1 development testing 210 8.2 test-driven development 221 8.3 release testing 224 8.4 user testing 228chapter 9 software evolution 234 9.1 evolution processes 237 9.2 program evolution dynamics 240 9.3 software maintenance 242 9.4 legacy system management 252 part 2 dependability and security 261chapter 10 sociotechnical systems 263 10.1 complex systems 266 10.2 systems engineering 273 10.3 system procurement 275 10.4 system development 278 10.5 system operation 281chapter 11 dependability and security 289 11.1 dependability properties 291 11.2 availability and reliability 295 11.3 safety 299 11.4 security 302chapter 12 dependability and security specification 309 12.1 risk-driven requirements specification 311 12.2 safety specification 313 12.3 reliability specification 320 12.4 security specification 329 12.5 formal specification 333chapter 13 dependability engineering 341 13.1 redundancy and diversity 343 13.2 dependable processes 345 13.3 dependable system architectures 348 13.4 dependable programming 355chapter 14 security engineering 366 14.1 security risk management 369 14.2 design for security 375 14.3 system survivability 386chapter 15 dependability and security assurance 393 15.1 static analysis 395 15.2 reliability testing 401 15.3 security testing 404 15.4 process assurance 406 15.5 safety and dependability cases 410 part 3 advanced software engineering 423chapter 16 software reuse 425 16.1 the reuse landscape 428 16.2 application frameworks 431 16.3 software product lines 434 16.4 cots product reuse 440chapter 17 component-based software engineering 452 17.1 components and component models 455 17.2 cbse processes 461 17.3 component composition 468chapter 18 distributed software engineering 479 18.1 distributed systems issues 481 18.2 client–server computing 488 18.3 architectural patterns for distributed systems 490 18.4 software as a service 501chapter 19 service-oriented architecture 508 19.1 services as reusable components 514 19.2 service engineering 518 19.3 software development with services 527chapter 20 embedded software 537 20.1 embedded systems design 540 20.2 architectural patterns 547 20.3 timing analysis 554 20.4 real-time operating systems 558chapter 21 aspect-oriented software engineering 565 21.1 the separation of concerns 567 21.2 aspects, join points and pointcuts 571 21.3 software engineering with aspects 576 part 4 software management 591chapter 22 project management 593 22.1 risk management 595 22.2 managing people 602 22.3 teamwork 607chapter 23 project planning 618 23.1 software pricing 621 23.2 plan-driven development 623 23.3 project scheduling 626 23.4 agile planning 631 23.5 estimation techniques 633chapter 24 quality management 651 24.1 software quality 655 24.2 software standards 657 24.3 reviews and inspections 663 24.4 software measurement and metrics 668chapter 25 configuration management 681 25.1 change management 685 25.2 version management 690 25.3 system building 693 25.4 release management 699chapter 26 process improvement 705 26.1 the process improvement process 708 26.2 process measurement 711 26.3 process analysis 715 26.4 process change 718 26.5 the cmmi process improvement framework 721glossary 733subject index 749author index 767


  本书是系统介绍软件工程理论的经典教材,自1982年初版以来,随着软件工程学科的发展不断更新,影响了一代又一代软件工程人才,对学科本身也产生了积极影响。全书共四个部分,完整讨论了软件工程各个阶段的内容,是软件工程和系统工程专业本科生和研究生的优秀教材,也是软件工程师必备的参考书籍。  本书特点  ·涵盖了对所有开发过程都很基础的重要主题,包括软件工程理论与实践的最新进展。  ·将第8版中的八篇内容重构为四个部分,使教师讲授软件工程课程更加容易。  ·每一章都有30%~40%的更新,增加了敏捷软件开发和嵌入式系统等新章,补充了模型驱动工程、开源开发、测试驱动开发、可依赖系统体系结构、静态分析和模型检查、cots复用、服务作为软件以及敏捷规划等新内容。  ·着重讨论了开发可靠的分布式系统的相关主题以及敏捷方法和软件复用。  ·反映敏捷方法先进性的同时,不忘强调传统的计划驱动软件工程的作用,阐述了两者结合构建优秀软件系统的重要性。  ·以一个新的病人记录系统案例研究贯穿始终,系统、完整地讲解软件工程的各个方面。  ·设计为“印刷/web”相结合的方式,核心信息采用印刷版本,教辅材料及先前版本中的一些章节放在web上,为读者提供丰富翔实的信息。


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尺寸25 × 17装帧平装
页数 773 印数 3000


软件工程 : 第9版是机械工业出版社于2011.6出版的中图分类号为 TP311.5 的主题关于 软件工程-教材-英文 的书籍。