

(印) 卡哈特 (Kahate,A.) , 著







Atul Kahate在印度和世界IT业中已经有12年的工作经验,他取得了统计学学士学位和计算机系统专业的MBA学位。他与他人为Tata McGraw-Hill出版公司合著了多部著作,不少书被用作教材或全世界的大学/学院/IT公司用作参考书。Atul Kahate还在印度和国外获得过多个奖项,过去曾就职于Syntel、L&T Infotech American Express和德国银行,现就职于i-flex solution有限公司。


Preface to the Second Editon xi

jace to the Second Editon xi

Preface to the First Editon xv

jace to the First Editon xv

Important Terms andAbbreviations xvii

1. Attacks on Computers and Computer Security

1.1 intfoduction 11

1.2 The Need for Security 1

1.3 SecuritV Approaches 4

1.4 Principles of Security 7

1.5 TVves of Attacks 12

Summary 33

Multiple-choice Ouestions 34

pie-choice Questions 34

Exercises 36

Design/Programming Exercises 37

2. Cryptography: Concepts and Techniques 38

2.1 Intfoduction 38

2.2 Plain Text and Cipher Text 40

2.3 Substitution Techniques 41

2.4 Transposition Techniques 54

2.5 EncrVption and DecrVption 59

2.6 Symmetric and AsVmmetric Key Cryptography 62

2.7 Steganography 73

2.8 Key Range and Key Size 74

2.9 Possible TVves of Attacks 77

Multiple-choice Ouestions 83

pie-choice Questions 83

Exercises 85

Design/Programming Exercises 85

vin Contents

3. Symmetric Key Algorithms and AES 87

3.1 Introduction 87

3.2 Algorithm Types and Modes 87

3.3 An Overview of Symmetric Key Cryptography 98

3.4 Data Encryption Standard (DES) 100

3.5 International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) 115

3.6 RC4 123

3.7 RCS 125

3.8 Blowfish 131

3.9 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 137

Summary 148

Multiple-choice Questions 150

Exercises 152

Design/Programming Exercises 152

4. Asymmetric Key Algorithms, Digital Signatures and RSA 153

4.1 Introduction 153

4.2 Brief History of Asymmetric Key Cryptography 153

4.3 An Overview of Asymmetric Key Cryptography 154

4.4 The RSA Algorithm 156

4.5 Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography Together 160

4.6 Digital Signatures 165

4.7 KnapsackAlgorithm 197

4.8 Some Other Algorithms 198

Summary 201

Multiple——choice Questions 201

Exercises 203

Design/Programming Exercises 203

5. Digital Certificates and Public Key infrastructure (PKI) 205

5.1 Introduction 205

5.2 Digital Certificates 206

5.3 Private Key Management 237

5.4 The PKIX Model 239

5.5 Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) 241

5.6 XML, PKI and Security 247

5.7 Creating Digital Certificates Using Java 252

Summary 260

Multiple-choice Questions 262

Exercises 263

Design/Programming Exercises 263

Contents ix

6. Internet Security Protocols 265

6.1 Introduction 265

6.2 Basic Concepts 265

6.3 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 272

6.4 Transport Layer Security (TLS) 284

6.5 Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (SHTTP) 284

6.6 Time Stamping Protocol (TSP) 285

6.7 Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) 286

6.8 SSL Versus SET 298

6.9 3-D Secure Protocol 299

6.10 Electronic Money 302

6.11 Email Security 307

6.12 Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Security 327

6.13 Security in GSM 330

6.14 Security in 3G 332

Summary 335

Multiple-choice Questions 337

Exercises 338

Design/Programming Exercises 339

7. User Authentication and Kerberos 340

7.1 Intfoduction 340

7.2 Authentication Basics 340

7.3 Passwords 341

7.4 Authentication Tokens 354

7.5 Certificate-based Authentication 365

7.6 Biometric Authentication 371

7.7 Kerberos 372

7.8 Key Distribution Center (KDC) 378

7.9 Security Handshake Pitfalls 379

7.10 Single Sign On (SSO) Approaches 387

Summary 388

Multiple-choice Questions 390

Exercises 391

Design/Programming Exercises 391

8. Cryptography in lava, .NET and Operating Systems 393

8.1 Intfoduction 393

8.2 Cryptographic Solutions Using Java 393

8.3 Cryptographic Solutions Using Microsoft .NET Framework 400

8.4 Cryptographic Toolkits 403

x Contents

8.5 Security and Operating Systems 404

8.6 Database Security 409

Summary 426

Multiple-choice Questions 427

Exercises 428

Design/Programming Exercises 428

9. Network Security, Firewalls and Virtual Private Networks (VPN) 430

9.1 Intfoduction 430

9.2 Brief introduction to TCP/IP 430

9.3 Firewalls 435

9.4 lP Security 452

9.5 Virtual Private Networks (VPN) 469

9.6 Intrusion 472

Summary 476

Multiple-choice Questions 478

Exercises 479

Design/Programming Exercises 480

10. Case Studies on Cryptography and Security 481

10.1 Introduction 481

10.2 Cryptographic Solutions——A Case Study 481

10.3 Single Sign On (SSO) 488

10.4 Secure inter-branch Payment Transactions 491

10.5 Denial Of Service (DOS) Attacks 496

10.6 lP Spoofing Attacks 498

10.7 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability (CSSV) 499

10.8 Contract Signing 501

10.9 Secret Splitting 501

10.10 Virtual Elections 502

10.11 Secure Multiparty Calculation 504

10.12 Creating a VPN 505

10.13 Cookies and Privacy 506

APPendix A: Mathematical Background 507

APPendix B: Number Systems 516

APPendix C: Information Theory 521

APPendix D: Real-ide TOols 523

APPendix E: Web Resources 524

APPendix F: A Brief introduction tO ASN, BER, DER 527

References 533






页数 558 印数


密码学与网络安全:第2版是清华大学出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 TP393.08 ,TN918.1 的主题关于 计算机网络-安全技术-高等学校-教材-英文 ,密码-理论-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。