

张涛, 刘君, 编著







Unit 1 Cultural Heritage文化遗产

Passage 1 Cultural Heritage文化遗产

Passage 2 West Lake at Hangzhou:Its Beauty Feasts Your Eves魅力西湖美不胜收

Passage 3 The Grand Canyon大峡谷

Unit 2 Places of Interest名胜古迹

Passage 1 Paris:a Romantic Capital巴黎:浪漫之都

Passage 2 Shanghai-the Pearl of the Orient上海——东方的明珠

Passage 3 Vienna-a Royal City皇家之城——维也纳

Unit 3 Holidays and Festivals假H风情

Passage 1 Mother's Day and Father's Day母亲节和父亲节

Passage 2 April Fool's Day愚人节的由来

Passage 3 Tips to Get You There旅行小贴士

Unit 4 Cultural Values文化价值观

Passage 1 What I Have Lived for我为何而生

Passage 2 Life Is to Be Whole生命在于完整

Passage 3 Home家

Passage 4 The Gift of Love爱的礼物

Passage 5 Be an Optimist做一个乐天派

Unit 5 Classical Literature经典佳作

Passage 1 Pride and Prejudice(Excerpt)傲慢与偏见(节选)

Passage 2 Jane Austin's Novels简·奥斯汀的小说世界

Passage 3 Who Moved My Cheese?《谁动了我的奶酪?》

Passage 4 Jane Eyre《简-爱》

Passage 5 Three Days to See(Excerpt)假如给我三天光明(节选)

Unit 6 Visual Arts视觉艺术

Passage 1 Artists'Aspiration艺术家的灵感

Passage 2 H0w Room Designs Affect Our Work and Feelings房屋设计有讲究

Passage 3 Houses of New Style新型房屋

Unit 7 Performing Arts表演艺术

Passage 1 The Necessity of Operas and Other Forms of Culture歌剧和其他娱乐必不可少

Passage 2 Beethoven and Lennon贝多芬和列侬

Passage 3 Being Beautiful,It's a Curse美丽是种诅咒

Unit 8 Sports and Games体育运动

Passage 1 New Beijing,the Three-coloured New Olympics新北京,三色新奥运

Passage 2 What We Want from Sports我们为何爱运动

Passage 3 Sports and Games体育与运动

Passage 4 Ronald0:King of the World罗纳尔多:世界之王

Unit 9 Scientific Achievements科学伟绩

Passage 1 Science-a Way of Thinking科学——思维方式

Passage 2 The Importance of Scientific Experiments科学实验的重要性

Passage 3 The Study of Science科学

Passage 4 Science and People人与科学

Passage 5 Robot机器人

Unit 10 Space Exploration太空探索

Passage 1 China Sends First Female Astronaut into Space中国首位女航天员进入太空

Passage 2 The Space Shuttle Endeavour Smoothly for a Launch美国航天飞机“奋进号”成功发射

Passage 3 Space Tourism太空旅行

Passage 4 US Scientists Want to Grow Vegetables on the Moon美国科学家希望在月球上种植蔬菜

Unit 11 Bio-pharmacy乍物医药

Passage 1 Lack of Vitamin D Linked to Depression in Elderly老年人缺维生素D会导致抑郁症

Passage 2 Niua\Realify t0 Medicine医学中的虚拟觋实

Passage 3 Reasons Why People Find Relief in Smoking人们通过吸烟得到慰藉的原因

Unit 12 Network Technology网络科技

Passage 1 Online Love Is Often Blind,Brief网恋盲目而短暂

Passage 2 Students and Technology in the Classroom学生与教室里的高科技

Passage 3 Being Online Boosts Chances of Being in Love互联网增加恋爱机会

Unit 13 Films and TV Programs影视天地

Passage 1 Selected Script from the Film of 2012《20l 2》对话节选

Passage 2 Marilyn Monroe:Candle in the Wind玛丽莲·梦露:风中之烛如梦似露

Passage 3 The Nominations for the Oscar Best Picture Films奥斯卡最佳影片提名揭晓

Passage 4 Media's Message Can Fool Kids媒体信息可能误导孩子

Unit 14 Art of Music占乐艺术

Passage 1 Music音乐

Passage 2 Music Education Deserves More Attention音乐教育值得人们关注

Passage 3 Musical Instrument's Influence on the Brain乐器对大脑的影响

Unit 15 Colourful World缤纷肚界

Passage 1 Background Music?It's Bad!边听音乐边学习?错!

Passage 2 Girls Make Boys Worse at English男生英语差归因班里女生多

Passage 3 Exercise Really Does Make You Clever锻炼让你更聪明

Unit 16 Food Culture饮食爻化

Passage 1 Fallacies about Food盘点饮食谬论

Passage 2 Coffee,Tea Linked to Lower Risk of Kidnev Cancer喝咖啡和茶能够预防肾癌

Passage 3 How Certain Vegetables Combat Cancer某些蔬菜如何防癌

Passage 4 Chocolate巧克力

Unit 17 Language Art语言艺术

Passage 1 The Impoance of English英语的重要性

Passage 2 H0w to Learn English Well如何学好英语

Passage 3 HoW t0 Learn and Remember English如何学习并记忆英语

Passage 4 Reading Is Fun读书之乐

Unit 18 Body Language肢体语苦

Passage 1 Body Language肢体语言

Passage 2 Things You Want to Know about“Laughter”关于“笑”

Passage 3 Gestures of Approval and Disapproval表达“同意”“不同意”的手势语

Unit 19 Good Manners丈明礼仪

Passage 1 On Punctuality论守时

Passage 2 Lady First女士优先

Passage 3 Whatever Happened to Manners礼仪究竟出了什么问题

Unit 20 Cross CulturaI Communication跨艾化交际

Passage 1 Communication Principles交际法则

Passage 2 The American Character美国人的性格

Passage 3 Conservatism of the English People英国人的保守主义

Passage 4 Cultural Exchange文化交流

Passage 5 Avoiding Cultural Taboos如何避免文化禁忌和冲突


《新英语系列丛书:读书之乐(新英语·极地阅读 高中版)》是以高中生为读者对象的主题式英语课外读物。涉及爱的礼物、名胜古迹等十几个主题数百个话题。主要内容以文章导读、主体文章、字斟句酌、金句必背、读有所获、愿你多知等6大板块呈现。主题时代气息浓厚,体裁多样,题材广泛,材料鲜活,语言地道。


丛书名新英语(New English)系列丛书
尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 252 印数 2000


极地阅读是兰州大学出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 G634.413 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高中-课外读物 的书籍。