

许淑清, 吴静贤, 编著







Section 1 Social Formulas社交习俗

Unit 1 Introduction介绍

Part A Introducing Yourself自我介绍

Part B Introducing Someone Else介绍别人

Unit 2 Greetings问候

Part A Greeting Someone与人打招呼

Part B Asking How Someone Is问候别人

Unit 3 Talking to a Stranger与陌生人交谈

Unit 4 Farewell道别

Unit 5 Good Wishes祝愿

Part A GivingGeneralGoodWishes一般性祝愿

Part B Giving Good Wishes Off Special Occasions特别的祝愿

Unit 6 Congratulations祝贺

Part A Congratulations祝贺

Part B Replying to Congratulations回复祝贺

Unit 7 Compliments赞美

Unit 8 Invitations邀请

Part A Inviting andAccepting邀请和接受邀请

Part B Inviting andRefusing邀请和拒绝邀请

Unit 9 Thanks感谢

Part A Thanks感谢

Part B ReplyingtoThanks回答别人的谢意

Unit 10 Apologies道歉

Part A MakingApologies致歉

Part B Replying to Apologies回答致歉

Unit 11 Offering提供某物

Part A OfferingThings andAccepting主动提供东西,并被接受

Part B Offering Things and Declining主动提供东西和婉言谢绝

Section 2 Communication with Somebody交流

Unit 1 Comprehension理解

Part A Asking Whether Somebody Has Understood询问别人是否理解

Part B Checking Whether You’ve Understood核实你的理解是否正确

Unit 2 Repetition重述

Unit 3 Thinking考虑一会儿

Unit 4 Explanation解释

Unit 5 Examples举例

Section 3 Attitudes态度

Unit 1 Certainty肯定性

Part A Asking IfSomeone Is Sure about Something询问某人是否确信某事

Part B SayingYouAre Sure表示肯定

Part C Saying You Are Not Sure表示不肯定

Unit 2 Possibility可能性

Part A Possibility andProbability有可能

Part B Impossibility andImprobability不可能和不大可能

Unit 3 Curiosity好奇

Unit 4 BeHef and Disbelief相信与不相信

Part A Belief相信

Part B Disbelief不相信

Unit 5 Optimism乐观

Unit 6 Pessimism悲观

Unit 7 Amazement惊奇

Unit 8 Fear and Worrying恐惧和担心

Unit 9 Delight高兴

Unit 10 Excitement激动

Unit 11 Relief宽慰

Unit 12 Disappointment失望

Unit 13 Boredom厌烦

Unit 14 Anger and Annoyance生气和恼怒

Unit 15 Interests兴趣

Part A Showing Interest表示感兴趣

Part B Not Being Ime~sted表示不感兴趣

Unit 16 Sympathy同情

Part A Expressing Sympathy表示同情

Part B Bemg Unsympathetic表示不同情

Unit 17 Comfort安慰

Unit 18 Likes and Dislikes喜欢与不喜欢

Part A Likes喜欢

Part B Dislikes不喜欢

Unit 19 Preference偏爱

Unit 20 Agreement and Disagreement同意与不同意

Part A AskingforAgreement询问某人是否同意

Part B Part Agreemem部分同意

Part C Agreemem同意

Part D Disagreement不同意

Unit 21 Expressing Opinions表明观点

Part A Asking for Someone’S Opinions询问别人的观点

Part B Expressing Opinions表明观点

Unit 22 Determination and Decision决心和决定

Section 4 Actions行为

Unit 1 Help帮助

Part A Requesting Help请求帮助

Part B Offering andAcceptingHelp提供和接受帮助

Part C Declining and Refusing to Help谢绝和拒绝帮助

Unit 2 Permission允许

Part A Giving Permission允许

Part B Refusing Permission不允许

Unit 3 Advice劝告

Part A Askingforadvice听取劝告

Part B Giving Advice提出劝告

Unit 4 Suggestions建议

Unit 5 Encouragement鼓励

Unit 6 Complaint抱怨

Unit 7 Blame谴责

Unit 8 Threat威胁

Unit 9 Willingness and Unwillingness愿意和不愿意

Part A Expressing Willingness表示愿意

Part B Expressing Unwillingness表示不愿意

Unit 10 Appointment约会

Part A Requesting an Appointment请求约会

Part B Agreeing and Disagreeing an Appointment同意或不同意赴约

Part C Agreeing on Time商定时间

Part D Changing or Canceling an Appointment改变或取消约会

Unit 11 Hesitation and Intention犹豫与意向

Part A Hesitation犹豫

Part B Intenfion意向

Unit 12 比较Comparison

Unit 13 许诺Promise

Unit 14 请求Requests

Part A Making aRequest提出请求

Part B Answers回答

Unit 15 Asking the Way问路

Part A Asking the Way问路

Part B Giving Direction指路

Part C Thanks感谢

Part D Answers回答

Unit 16 Shopping and Bargaining买东西和讨价还价

Part A Shopping买东西

Part B Bargaining讨价还价

Unit 17 At the Restaurant用餐

Part A Reservation and Greeting订餐及接待

Part B Ordering Meal点菜

Part C Having the Meal就餐

Part D PayingtheBill付帐

Part E Complaint提意见

Unit 18 At the Hotel住店

Part A Reserving Accommodation and Checking in预定旅馆房间和台前登记

Part B Housekeeping客房服务

Part C Check out退房

Part D Complaint抱怨

Unit 19 Seeing a Doctor就医

Unit 20 Descriptions of People描述人

Part A Describing People’S Appearance描述人的外表

Part B Describing People’S Quality描述人的性格

Unit 21 Descriptions of Things and Others描绘事物及其他

Section 5 Something about Olympics奥运专题

Unit 1 北京奥运会Beijing Olympics

Unit 2 奥运比赛The Olympic Games

Unit 3 奥运奖牌及其他Medals and Others

Unit 4 北京观光Sightseeing in Beijing

历届奥运会主办城市The Cities Hosting the Olympics

附录一 教你一招

附录二 机智表达法集锦

附录三 英语会话中的禁忌语






常用英语会话2600句是大连理工大学出版社于2007.10出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 英语-口语-自学参考资料 的书籍。