中国特有湿地甲烷排放 : 案例研究、整合分析与模型模拟
中国特有湿地甲烷排放 : 案例研究、整合分析与模型模拟封面图

中国特有湿地甲烷排放 : 案例研究、整合分析与模型模拟

陈槐, 吴宁, (加) 彭长辉, 王艳芬, 编著







Chapter 1 Methane is an Important Greenhouse Gas

1.1 Methane as an Important Greenhouse Gas

1.2 Methane Emission Processes in Wetlands

1.3 Wetlands as an Important Source of Methane

1.4 Briefly Advances in Studies about Methane Emissions from

Wetlands in China

1.5 Zoige Alpine Wetlands and Methane Emissions

1.6 Three Gorges Reservoir and Methane Emissions

1.7 Objectives


Chapter 2 Methane Emissions from Zoige Alpine Wetlands

2.1 Diurnal Variation of Methane Emissions from an Alpine Wetland

2.1.1 Introduction

2.1.2 Materials and Methods

2.1.3 Results

2.1.4 Discussion

2.1.5 Conclusions

2.2 Determinants Influencing Seasonal Variations of Methane Emissions

from Alpine Wetlands in Zoige Plateau and Their Implications

2.2.1 Introduction

2.2.2 Materials and Methods

2.2.3 Results

2.2.4 Discussion

2.2.5 Conclusions

2.3 Spatial Variations on Methane Emissions from Zoige Alpine Wetlands

2.3.1 Introduction

2.3.2 Materials and Methods

2.3.3 Results

2.3.4 Discussion

2.3.5 Conclusions

2.4 Methane Effluxes from Littoral Zone of a Lake on QinghaiTibetan Plateau

2.4.1 Introduction

2.4.2 Materials and Methods

2.4.3 Results

2.4.4 Discussion

2.5 Methane Fluxes from Alpine Wetlands of Zoige Plateau in Relation

to Water Regime and Vegetation under Two Scales

2.5.1 Introduction

2.5.2 Materials and Methods

2.5.3 Results

2.5.4 Discussion

2.5.5 Conclusions

2.6 Interannual Variations of Methane Emission from an Open Fen on

QinghaiTibetan Plateau: a Threeyear Study

2.6.1 Introduction

2.6.2 Materials and Methods

2.6.3 Results

2.6.4 Discussion


Chapter 3 Methane Emissions from Three Gorges


3.1 Methane Emissions from Newly Created Marshes in Drawdown Area

of Three Gorges Reservoir

3.1.1 Introduction

3.1.2 Materials and Methods

3.1.3 Results

3.1.4 Discussion

3.2 Methane Emissions from Surface of Three Gorge Dam Reservoir

3.2.1 Introduction

3.2.2 Materials and Methods

3.2.3 Results and Discussions


Chapter 4 Methanogens and Methanogensis in Zoige Wetlands

4.1 Methanogenic Communities in Zoige Wetlands

4.1.1 Methanogenic Communities Composition in Zoige Wetlands

4.1.2 New Methanogenic Species in Zoige Wetlands

4.2 Influencing Factors of Methanogenic Community Structure in Zoige Wetlands

4.2.1 Vegetation Type

4.2.2 Temperature

4.2.3 Declining Precipitation


Chapter 5 Methane Emissions from Rice Paddies~ Natural

Wetlands and Lakes in China

5.1 CH4 Emission Rates from Rice Paddies in China

5.1.1 Rice Cultivation in China and Overview of Its CH4 Emission Estimates

5.1.2 CH4 Emissions from Rice Paddies in China

5.2 CH4 Emission Rates from Natural Wetlands in China

5.2.1 Natural Wetlands in China and Overview of Their CH4 Emission Estimates

5.2.2 CH4 Emissions from Natural Wetlands in China

5.3 CH4 Emission Rates from Lakes and Reservoirs in China

5.3.1 Lakes and Reservoirs in China and Overview of Their CH4 Emission Estimates

5.3.2 CH4 Emission Rates from Lakes and Reservoirs in China

5.4 CH4 Emission Rate Estimation

5.4.1 CHa Emission Rate Estimation from Rice Paddies in China

5.4.2 CH4 Emission Estimation from Natural Wetlands in China

5.4.3 CH4 Emission Estimates from Lakes and Reservoirs in China

5.4.4 Total CH4 Emissions from Rice Paddies, Wetlands and Lakes

in China

5.5 Limitations, Uncertainties and Future Directions


Chapter 6 Modelling Methane Emissions of Wetlands in China

6.1 Overview of Methane Emission Modelling

6.2 Wetland Methane Emission Model Construction

6.2.1 Integrated Biosphere Simulator and Water Table Modelling

6.2.2 Methane Module

6.3 Wetland Methane Emission Model Validation and Sensitivity


6.3.1 Sensitivity Index for Initial Sensitivity Analysis

6.3.2 Initial Sensitivity Analysis

6.3.3 Model Performance in China




  《全球变化与地球系统科学系列·中国特有湿地甲烷排放:案例研究、整合分析与模型模拟》共分6章,第1章阐述了甲烷及湿地甲烷排放的机理和常识;第2章系统介绍我国特有的若尔盖高原湿地甲烷排放系统,包括若尔盖湿地甲烷排放的昼夜动态、季节动态、年际动态及其不同尺度的空间异质性;第3章介绍我国特有的三峡水库水面及消落带甲烷排放的特征;第4章介绍若尔盖湿地甲烷菌群落及其结构特征;第5章整合分析了我国稻田、自然湿地及湖泊甲烷排放并对这三个甲烷源重新估计;第6 章提供了湿地甲烷模型及其验证。


This book is intended to introduce CH4 fluxes from wetlands to climate ma—nagers,policy makers,practicing scientists,modellists,advanced undergraduatestudents,beginning graduate students from a wide array of disciplines,such asecologG climatology,geographyj forestry,microbiology,etc.We also provideaccess to the rapidly expanding literature in CH4 fluxes of wetlands in Chinathat contribute to fully understanding of the budget of CH4 fluxes of wetlandsin China and their trends.


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尺寸24 × 17装帧精装
页数印数 1000


中国特有湿地甲烷排放 : 案例研究、整合分析与模型模拟是高等教育出版社于2014.9出版的中图分类号为 P942.078 的主题关于 沼泽化地-甲烷-释放-研究-中国-英文 的书籍。