

魏祖期, 主编





本书为临床医学五年制规划教材配套教材。这本《医学基础化学/Basic Chemistry for Higher Medical Education》。这本教材与人民卫生出版社出版的普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《基础化学(第7版)》配套,适合我国的医学教育特点,便于英语教学和对照进行双语教学。


Chapter 1 IntrodUctionChapter

1.1 Basic Chemistry and Its Role in Medical Education

1.1.1 Chemistry Is a Central Science ~

1.1.2 How to Learn Basic Chemistry Well

1.2 The Legal Units of Measurement in Our Country

1.3 The Significant Figures

1.3.1 The Concepts of the Significant Figures

1.3.2 Significant Figures in Calculation

1. Rounding

2. Addition and subtraction

3. Multiplication and division

1.4 Dimensional Analysis

1.5 Disperse System and Mixture Composition Scale

1.5.1 Disperse System and its Classification

1.5.2 The Mixture Composing Sea|es

1. The amount of substance

2. The amount-of-substance concentration

3. The mole fraction and the molality



Supplementary Exercises

Chapter 2 Colligative Properties of Dilute Solution

2.1 Vapor Pressure Lowering

2.1.1 The Vapor Pressure of Solution

2.1.2 Vapor Pressure Lowering-Raoults Law

2.2 Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression

2.2.1 Boiling Point Elevation

1. The boiling point of solution

2. Boiling point elevation of solution

2.2.2 Freezing Point Depression

1. Freezing point of pure liquid

2. Freezing point depression of solution

2.2.3 Colligative Properties of Electrolyte Dilute Solution

2,3 Osmotic Pressure of Solution

2.3.1 Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure

2.3.2 The Relationship between Osmotic Pressure of Solution and Concentration, Temperature of


2.3.3 Application of Osmotic Pressure in Medicine

1. Osmolarity

2. Isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic solution

3. Crystalloid osmotic pressure and colloidal osmotic pressure



Supplementary Exercises

Chapter 3 Electrolyte Solutions

3.1 Strong Electrolytic Solutions

3.1.1 Strong Electrolyte and Weak Electrolyte

3.1.2 The Main Point of Strong Electrolyte Solutions Theory

3.1.3 Activity and Activity Coefficient

3.2 Dissociation Equilibria of Weak Electrolytes

3.2.1 Ionization Constants for Weak Acids and Weak Bases

3.2.2 Shifting an Acid-Base Equilibrium

1. Influence of concentration on acid-base equilibrium

2. Influence of common ion effect on acid-base equilibrium

3. Influence of salt effect on acid-base equilibrium

3.3 Bmnsted-Lowry Acid-Base Theory

3.3.1 Br~nsted -Lowry Concept of Acid and Base

3.3.2 The Essence of Acid-Base Reaction

3.3.3 Autoionization of Water

1. Autoionization andKw

2. The pH scale

3.3.4 The Relation between Ka and Kb of a Conjugate Acid-Base Pair

3.3.5 Leveling Effect and the Differentiating Effect of Solvent

3.4 Solving Problems Involving Acid-Base Equilibria

3.4.1 StrongAcid and Strong Base

3.4.2 Weak Monoprotic Acid and Weak Monoacid Base

3.4.3 Polyprotic Acid and Polyacid Base

3.4.4 The pH of Amphoteric Substances

1. Solution of negative ions of amphoteric compounds

2. Positive ionic acid and negative ionic base solution

3. Amino acids

3.5 The Lewis Acid-Base and Hard and Soft Acid-Base

3.5.1 The Lewis Acid-Base

3.5.2 Hard and Soft Acids and Bases Principle (HSAB)

3.6 Equilibria of Slightly Soluble Ionic Compounds ~

3.6.1 The Solubility-Product Constant (Ksp)

1. Solubility and solubility product

2. Solubility product rule: Criteria for precipitation

3.6.2 Shifting the Precipitation Equilibrium

1. Formation of precipitation

2. Fractional precipitation

3. Dissolving slightly soluble ionic compounds

3.6.3 Applications of Precipitation-Dissolution Equilibria

1. Tooth decay and fluoridation

2. Urinary calculus

Summary :


Supplementary Exercises

Chapter 4 Buffer Solutions

4.1 Buffer Solution and Buffer Process

4.1.1 The Introduction of Buffer Solution and Buffer Process

4.1.2 The Components of a Buffer

4.2 Calculating the pH of a Buffer Solution

4.2.1 Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation

4.2.2 Correction Formula to Calculate the Accurate pH

4.3 Buffer Capacity and Buffer Range

4.3.1 Buffer Capacity

4.3.2 Factors Affecting Buffer Capacity

4.3.3 Effective Buffer Range

4.4 Preparation of a Buffer Solution

4.4.1 How to Prepare a Buffer Solution

4.4.2 Standard Buffer Solutions

4.5 Buffer Systems in Blood



Supplementary Exercises

Chapter 5 Colloids

5.1 Colloidal System

5.1.1 Preparation of Colloidal System

1. Dispersion methods

2. Aggregation methods

5.1.2 Surface Properties of Colloidal System

5.2 Sol

5.2.1 Basic Properties of Sols

1. Optical properties of sols

2. Kinetic properties of sols

3. Electrical properties of sol

5.2.2 Structure of Micelle and Stability of Sols


Chapter 6 Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

Chapter 7 Rate of Chemical Reaction

Chapter 8 Oxidation-Reduction Reaction and Electrode Potential

Chapter 9 Structure of the Atom and Periodic Law

Chapter 10 Covalent Bond and Intermolecular Forces

Chapter 11 Coordination Compounds

Chapter 12 Titrimetric Analysis

Chapter 13 Ultra-violet Visible Spectrophotometry

Chapter 14 Introduction to the Modern Instrumental Analysis

Chapter 15 Nuclear Reactions and Their Applications


Appendix 1 Chinese Legal Units of Measurement

Appendix 2 Fundamental Physical and Chemical Constants

Appendix 3 Tables of Equilibrium Constants

Appendix 4 Essencial Thermodynamic Data of Chemical Substances

Appendix 5 Standard Reduction Potentials, evalues, at 298.15 K (25℃)

Appendix 6 Greek Letters

Answers to Selected Exercises


Name, Atomic Number and Relative Atomic Weight of Elements

Periodic Table of the Elements






尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 179 印数


医学基础化学是人民卫生出版社于2010.9出版的中图分类号为 R313 的主题关于 医用化学-医学院校-教材-英文 的书籍。