

(德) 卡恩 (Kan,S.H.) , 著







Foreword to the Second EditionForeword to the First EditionPrefaceChapter 1:What Is Software Quality? 1.1 Quality:Popular Views 1.2 Quality:Professional Views 1.3 Software Quality 1.4 Total Quality Management 1.5 Summary ReferencesChapter 2:Software Development Process Models 2.1 The Waterfall Development Model 2.2 The Prototyping Approach 2.3 The Spiral Model 2.4 The Iterative Development Process Model

Foreword to the Second EditionForeword to the First EditionPrefaceChapter 1:What Is Software Quality? 1.1 Quality:Popular Views 1.2 Quality:Professional Views 1.3 Software Quality 1.4 Total Quality Management 1.5 Summary ReferencesChapter 2:Software Development Process Models 2.1 The Waterfall Development Model 2.2 The Prototyping Approach 2.3 The Spiral Model 2.4 The Iterative Development Process Model 2.5 The Object-Oriented Development Process 2.6 The Cleanroom Methodology 2.7 The Defect Prevention Process 2.8 Process Maturity Framework and Quality Standards 2.9 Summary ReferencesChapter 3:Fundamentals of Measurement Theory 3.1 Definition,Operational Definition,and Measurement 3.2 Level of Measurement 3.3 Some Basic Measures 3.4 Reliability and Validity 3.5 Measurement Errors 3.6 Be Careful with Correlation 3.7 Criteria for Causality 3.8 Summary ReferencesChapter 4:Software Quality Metrics Overview 4.1 Product Quality Metrics 4.2 In-Process Quality Metrics 4.3 Metrics for Software Maintenance 4.4 Examples of Metrics Programs 4.5 Collecting Software Engineering Data 4.6 Summary ReferencesChapter 5:Applying the Seven Basic Quality Tools in Software Development 5.1 Ishikawa's Seven Basic Tools 5.2 Checklist 5.3 Pareto Diagram 5.4 Histogram 5.5 Run Charts 5.6 Scatter Diagram 5.7 Control Chart 5.8 Cause-and-Effect Diagram 5.9 Relations Diagram 5.10 Summary References Chapter 6:Defect Removal Effectiveness 6.1 Literature Review 6.2 A Closer Look at Defect Removal Effectiveness 6.3 Defect Removal Effectiveness and Quality Planning 6.4 Cost Effectiveness of Phase Defect Removal 6.5 Defect Removal Effectiveness and Process Maturity Level 6.6 Summary ReferencesChapter 7:The Rayleigh Model 7.1 Reliability Models 7.2 The Rayleigh Model 7.3 Basic Assumptions 7.4 Implementation 7.5 Reliability and Predictive Validity 7.6 Summary References Chapter 8:Exponential Distribution and Reliability Growth Models 8.1 The Exponential Model 8.2 Reliability Growth Models 8.3 Model Assumptions 8.4 Criteria for Model Evaluation 8.5 Modeling Process 8.6 Test Compression Factor 8.7 Estimating the Distribution of Total Defects over Time 8.8 Summary ReferencesChapter 9:Quality Management Models 9.1 The Rayleigh Model Framework 9.2 The Code Integration Pattern 9.3 The PTR Submodel 9.4 The PTR Arrival/Backlog Projection Model 9.5 Reliability Growth Models 9.6 Criteria for Model Evaluation 9.7 In-Process Metrics and Reports 9.8 Orthogonal Defect Classification 9.9 Summary References Chapter 10:In-Process Metrics for Software Testing 10.1 In-Process Metrics for Software Testing 10.2 In-Process Metrics and Quality Management 10.3 Possible Metrics for Acceptance Testing to Evaluate Vendor-Developed Software 10.4 How Do Your Know Your Product is Good Enough to Ship? 10.5 Summary ReferencesChapter 11:Complexity Metrics and Models 11.1 Lines of Code 11.2 Halstead's Software Science 11.3 Cyclomatic Complexity 11.4 Syntactic Constructs 11.5 Structure Metrics 11.6 An Example of Module Design Metrics in Practice 11.7 Summary ReferencesChapter 12:Metrics and Lessons Learned for Object-Oriented Projects 12.1 Object-Oriented Concepts and Constructs 12.2 Design and complexity Metrics 12.3 Productivity Metrics 12.4 Quality and Quality Management Metrics 12.5 Lessons Learned for OO Projects 12.6 Summary ReferencesChapter 13:Availability Metrics 13.1 Definition and Measurements of System Availability 13.2 Reliability,Availability,and Defect Rate 13.3 Collecting Customer Outage Data for Quality Improvement 13.4 In-Process metrics for Outage and Availability 13.5 Summary ReferencesChapter 14:Measuring and Analyzing Customer Satisfaction 14.1 Customer Satisfaction Surveys 14.2 Analyzing Satisfaction Data 14.3 Satisfaction with Company 14.4 How Good Is Good Enough? 14.5 Summary ReferencesChapter 15:Conducting In-Process Quality Assessments 15.1 The Preparation Phase 15.2 The Evaluation Phase 15.3 The Summarization Phase 15.4 Recommendations and Risk Mitigation 15.5 Summary ReferencesChapter 16:Conducting Software Project Assessments 16.1 Audit and Assessment 16.2 Software Process Maturity Assessment and Software Project Assessment 16.3 Software process Assessment Cycle 16.4 A Proposed Software Project Assessment Method 16.5 Summary ReferencesChapter 17:Dos and Don'ts of Software Process Improvement 17.1 Measuring Process Maturity 17.2 Measuring Process Capability 17.3 Staged versus Continuous-Debating Religion 17.4 Measuring Levels Is Not Enough 17.5 Establishing the Alignment Principle 17.6 Take Time Getting Faster 17.7 Keep It Simple-or Face Decomplexification 17.8 Measuring the Value of Process Improvement 17.9 Measuring Process Adoption 17.10 Measuring Process Compliance 17.11 Celebrate The Journey,Not Just the Destination 17.12 Summary ReferencesChapter 18:Using Function Point Metrics to Measure Software Process Improvement 18.1 Software Process Improvement Sequences 18.2 Process Improvement Economies 18.3 Measuring Process Improvements at Activity Levels 18.4 Summary ReferencesChapter 19:Concluding Remarks 19.1 Data Quality Control 19.2 Getting Started with a Software Metrics Program 19.3 Software Quality Engineering Modeling 19.4 Statistical Process Control in Software Development 19.5 Measurement and the futureReferencesAppendix:A Project Assessment QuestionnaireIndex




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软件质量工程的度量与模型:第2版是清华大学出版社于2004.07出版的中图分类号为 TP311.5 的主题关于 软件质量-质量管理-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。