

吕家林, 杨山青, 主编









【周易】The Book of Change

天行健 The Vigorous Heaven’S Movement.

时止则止 Timing is Essential in Deciding When to Act and When to Stay Put

【诗经】The Book Of Songs

王风·采葛 Regional Songs·Picking Ramee

小雅·北山(片段) MinorFestal Songs-The Northern Mountain

【尚书】The Classic of History

欲败度Greed Corrupting Statutes

【逸周书】The Book of The Zhou

于安思危 Thinking Over Perils In Safety

【左传】Chronicle of Zuo

君子畏于天 Gentleman’S Fear Of God

三立 The Noblest Deeds for a Pe on

言以足志 Words Carrying Thoughts

【国语】Discou es of The States

天道无亲 The God Blesses Nobody on Purpose

【老子】Lao Tzu

知人者智 People who Know Othe are Intelligent

不自见 Free from Self-display

信言不美 True Words are Not Embellished

知足不辱 Free from I ult are Those who Feel Satisfied

【论语】Analects of Confucius

学而不思则罔 Learning without Thinking Leadsto Confusior

不患无位 No Need To Worry About The Position

己欲立而立人 Living And Making People Living

己所不欲The Thing You Dislike

古之学者为己 Ancient Schola Learning To Improve Themselves

君子有九思 Nine Cares Of A Gentleman


大丈夫 A True Man

穷则独善其身 In Hardship Treasuring Themselves Solely

仰不愧于天 To The Heaven Feeling Unashamed

其进锐者 Advancing With Precipitation

养心在于寡欲 Cultivating One’S Heart by Reducing One’S Desires

【列子】Lie Tzu

成于此者亏于彼 Gain Here Implying A Loss Elsewhere

【庄子】Chuang T zu

君子之交淡如水 Gentleman’S Friendship is As Pure As I ipid Water

纪渻子养斗鸡Xingzi Ji Fed a Gamecock for King Xuan of the Zhou Dynasty

【鹖冠子】Heguan Zi

终身之命 Mission Completed Within A Life Time

【荀子】Hsun Tzu

君子博学 Broad Learning

君子坦荡荡 The Accommodating Attitude Of A Gentleman

知命者不怨天 Those Who Know Fate Do Not Resent Heaven

君子耻不修 A Gentleman is Ashamed of Lacking Cultivation

【管子】Kuan Chung

国有四维 A State Has Four Rei

身者治之本 Self-cultivation Being The Foundation Of Govemance Of The State

仁义礼乐出于法Benevolence,Righteousness,Propriety,And Music Being Based On The Law

【礼记】Book Of Rites

教学相长 Learning And Teaching Promoting Each Other

成人之道 The Moral Requirements for A Gentleman

君子有三患 Three Worries OfA Gentleman

君子慎独 The Gentleman Being Cautious In Solitude

五之 Five Abilities

修齐治平 The Four Life Goals OfA Confucian Scholar

【韩非子】Han Fei zi

奉法国强 Observing The Law And The Making OfA Strong Country

存私房钱被遣返 A Girl Being Kicked Out By Her Parents in—law For Having Pe onal Savings

方士教不死之道 A Necromancer Teaching King Of Yan The Way Of Immortality

曾子杀猪正妻教子 A Promise To Keep

【晏子春秋】The Spring andAutumnAnnals of Yan Zi

立子以道The Way To Educate Children

【吕氏春秋】The SpringAndAutumnAnnals Of Lv Buwei

君子必在己 The Gentleman Follows His Own Rules

大卜之爱 Fraternity

欲知人者 Wanting To Learn Othe

不卒听管仲 Duke Huan Asking For His Tragic Fate In Neglect To Guan Zhong’S Advice

眼见未必实 Seeing Is Not Necessarily Believing

用人不疑 No Suspecting OfThe Man You Want To Use


【贾谊】Jia Yi

民为本 People Being The Lifeblood To All

德莫高于博爱 Loving Unive al Being The Greatest Virtue

【乐府民歌】The Folk Songs From Yue Fu

上邪 Good Heaven

上山采蘼芜 Gathering Herbs In The Mountai

【法言】The Analects Of Yang Xiong

学以修性 Improving One’s Temperament By Leaming

君子动以仁义 Gentleman Making Action By Humanity An Righteousness

【淮南子】Huai Nan Tzu

君子不舍小善 Not Failing To Do Every Little Good


【世说新语】A New Account ofTales of The World

骂父乃无礼 Cu ing One Before His Child Being Rude

【左思】Zuo Si

咏史 Ode To History

【鲍照】Bao Zhao

拟行路难 Imitation OfA Hard Joumev

【陶渊明】Tao Yuanming

饮酒 On Drinking Wine

【北朝民歌】Northem Dynasty Folk Song

敕勒歌 Ode To Chi


【张若虚】Zhang Ruo xu

春江花月夜 Moonlight On The Spring River

【王之涣】Wang Zhi huan

登鹳雀楼 Ascending The Stork Tower

【孟浩然】Meng Hao ran

宿建德江 A Night—mooring On The Jiande River

春晓 Spring Morning

【王昌龄】Wang Changling

芙蓉楼送辛渐 Parting From Xin Jian At Lotus Inn

出塞 Going To The Frontier

【王维】Wang Wei

山居秋暝 An Autumn Night in the Mountai

鹿柴 A batis

九月九日忆山东兄弟 Missing My Brothe on Mountain Climbing in the Double Ninth Festival

送元二使安西Seeing Yuan Er Offto Anxi

【高适】Gao Shi

别董大 Parting from Dong Da

【崔颢】Cui Hao

黄鹤楼 The Yellow Crane Tower

【李白】Li Bai

将进酒 Invitation to Wine

赠汪伦 To Wang Lun

黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 Seeing Meng Haoran off to Guangling on the Yellow Crane Tower

【杜甫】Du Fu

自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字 My Confession on My Way Home

前出塞 Going to the Frontier(Part II)

江上值水如海势聊短述 Seeing the Torrential River Water

春夜喜雨 Delightful Rain in a Spring Night

【韦应物】Wei Ying wu

滁州西涧 The Mountain Stream to the West of Chuzhou Town

【张继】Zhang Ji

枫桥夜泊 A Night Mooring Near Maple Bridge

【孟郊】Meng Jiao

登科后 After Success in Imperial Exams

游子吟 The Wandering Son’S Song

【张籍】Zhang Ji

秋思 Autumn Thought

【刘禹锡】Liu Yu xi

乌衣巷 Black Robe Alley

竹枝词 A Bamboo-Twig Poem

【自居易】Bai Ju yi

问刘十九 An Invitation to My Cousin Liu Yutong

【柳宗元】Liu Zong yuan

江雪 Snowing on the River

【贾岛】Jia Dao

寻隐者不遇 A Call on the Recluse Who Is Out

题李凝幽居 Written on Li Ning’S Seclusion

【崔护】Cui Hu

题都城南庄 Written in the Capital’S Southem Manor

【元稹】Yuan Zhen

离思 On Parting

【杜牧】Du Mu

清明 The Clear-and—Bright Feast

山行 A Mountain Trip

【许浑】Xu Hun

咸阳城东楼 The Multi-Story Building in the East of Xianyang City

【李煜】Li Yu

浪淘沙 To the Tune of Wave—washing Sands

虞美人 Beauty Yu

【李商隐】Li Shang yin

无题 An Untitled Poem


【欧阳修】Ou yang Xiu

醉翁亭记 The Old Drunkard’S Arbor

【王安石】Wang An shi

游褒禅山记 A Tour to Mt.Baochan

【周敦颐】Zhou Dunyi

仁义礼智信 Humanity,Righteousness,Ritual,Knowledge And Integrity

圣人之道 The Way To Be A Saint

【程氏易传】Cheng Yi Commenting The Book Of Change

德不孤 Virtue Not Alone

天之理随时变 Principles Changing With The Passage Of Time

有物必有则 Everyth'ing Keeping Parallel With Its Rules

【二程遗书】Cheng Hao And Cheng Yi’S Posthumous Book

敬畏宜天道 Awing Heaven

敬畏匹敌上帝 Respecting Othe Then Matching The God

敬畏胜百邪 Esteem Conquering All Sorts of Evil Thoughts

兼宽广与毅力 Broad.minded With Pe everance

宽广与毅力要同时 Embracing a Broad-mind And Pe everance At the Same Time

治道治世必治心 Correcting ofthe Ruler’S Inner Erro is the Prerequisite of the Governance of the Country

君子之学必日新Gentlemen Refreshing their Mind

治怒治惧之法 Everyday Through Study

只会责备别人者不称职 Eliminating One’S Fiery Temper As Well As One’s Fear

罪己勿失自信 The People who Always Blame Othe are Not Qualified

嗜欲深者天机浅The-Pe on Who Admit his Guilt and Reflecting on himself should not Lose Confidence

【程氏经说】The Analects Of Cheng Hao And Cheng Yi

人之过各于其类 The Pe o with a Fervent Desire are Airheads

【张载】Zhang Zai

学者不宜志小气轻 Schola should Avoid Having No Ambition And Being Frivolous in Temperament

【柳永】Liu Yong

雨霖铃 To the Tune of Bells Ringing in the Rain

【苏轼】Su Shi

和子由渑池怀旧 Reminiscence ofMianchi Rhyming with Poem by Ziyou

定风波 Taming the Waves and Winds

念奴娇·赤壁怀古 The Charm of a Maiden Singer.The Red Cliff

水调歌头 Prelude to Water Melody

【秦观】Qin Guan

鹊桥仙 To the Tune of The Magpie—Bridge Legend

【李清照】Li Qing zhao

如梦令 A Dream Tune

声声慢 A Rhyming Song-Long Form

【辛弃疾】Xin Qi ji

永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古 To the Tune of Forever Happy Reminisce of the Bygone Days on the Beigu Pavilion at the

Capital’S Entrance

破阵子 To the Tune of Breaking Through the Enemy Array

【姜夔】Jiang Kui

暗香 To the Tune of Delicate Fragrance

【陆游】Lu You

剑门道中遇微雨 Caught in Light Rain on the Road to the Sword Gate

书愤 Telling My Anger


【萨都刺】Sa Du.La

次韵登凌歊台 Replying Rhyming On Lingxiao Terrace

【林鸿】Lin Hong

题枇杷山鸟 Poem on Loquat and Blackbirds

【沈周】Shen Zhou

题画 Poem on Painting

【于谦】Yu Qian

孤云 The Lonely Cloud

【唐寅】Tang Yin

言志 On Ambition

【王守仁】Wang Yang ming

与诸生歌于天泉桥 Singing With Friends On Tianquan Bridge

【钟惺】Zhong Xing

秣陵桃叶歌 T0 The Tune of Taoye Songs of Nanjing

【吕坤】Lv Kun

广所依不如无所依 Counting.On Nobody Is Better Than Exte ive Reliance

名心胜者必做伪 Selfishness and Vanity Leading to Falsification

男子八景 Eight Styles of a Man

可悲是死而无闻 With Fame,Death Mea No Sorrow

无心之人 Pe o Without Spirit And Soul

亡我者我 Self Doom

一刚一柔 One Thing Soft And The Other Hard

静下心来 Keeping Peace

不用心力者不长进 An Absent—minded and Effortless Pe on Makes No Progress

有德者必有言 A Man Of Virtue Must Have Said Something

修业之贼 Harmto a Career

仰不愧俯不怍 When Facing Heaven Not Feeling Shame

恭敬慊谨 Politeness,Respectfulness,Modesty And Cautiousness

新进之法 The New Brooms Adopting The Way To Dea Wim Affai

仁行俭欲 Kindness And Frugality

去了云便是晴天 A Cloudy Day Will be Sunny atier the CIoud is Dispe ed

世有十态 Many Kinds Of Pe o In The World

懒散乃立身之贼 Sluggishness Hinde Self-cultivation

勿使恣纵 Not Indulgent

世有十祸 Ten Kinds Of Fatal Behavior

五力 Five Abilities

勿忿疾于顽 Never Show Wrath To The Fatuous,Stubborn,Ignorant And Arrogant

穴上着针 Solving the Mental Problem

君子自主张 A Gentleman Completely Deciding By Himself


【曹雪芹】Cao Xue qin

《红楼梦·好了歌》 Won—Done Song

甄士隐注释《好了歌》 The Won—Done Song by Zhen Shiyin

葬花词 Song of the Burial of Flowe

【江阴女子】ALady In Jiangyin

题城墙 Writing On The Defe ive Wall





尺寸21 × 15装帧平装


汉英文化读本是贵州人民出版社于2012.6出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:K 的主题关于 英语-汉语-对照读物 ,中华文化-通俗读物 的书籍。