针刺治疗神经系统疾患 : 神经生物学研究
针刺治疗神经系统疾患 : 神经生物学研究封面图

针刺治疗神经系统疾患 : 神经生物学研究

(美) 夏萤, 等主编







Dr. Ying Xia is Associate Professor at Yale University School of Medicineand Guest Professor at Shanghai Research Center for Acupuncture andMeridians. Drs. Xiaoding Cao, Gencheng Wu and lieshi Cheng areProfessors in the State Key Laboratory of Medical Neu


Introduction to the EditorsContributors.1 History of Modern Acupuncture Research in China2 Neuroanatomic Basis of Acupuncture Points3 Neural Transmission of Acupuncture Signal4 Acupuncture-Induced Activation of Endogenous Opioid System5 Effect of Acupuncture on Neurotransmitters/Modulators6 Acupuncture-Drug Balanced Anesthesia7 Acupuncture Analgesia in Clinical Practice8 Neurochemical Basis of Electroacupuncture Analgesia on Acute and Chronic Pain9 Acupuncture Therapy for Stoke10 Effects of Acupuncture on Arrhythmia and Other Cardiac Diseases11 Acupuncture Therapy for Hypertension and Hypotension12 Effect of Acupuncture on Epilepsy 13 Neuroimmuno-effect of Acupuncture on Immune-mediated Disorders

Introduction to the EditorsContributors.1 History of Modern Acupuncture Research in China2 Neuroanatomic Basis of Acupuncture Points3 Neural Transmission of Acupuncture Signal4 Acupuncture-Induced Activation of Endogenous Opioid System5 Effect of Acupuncture on Neurotransmitters/Modulators6 Acupuncture-Drug Balanced Anesthesia7 Acupuncture Analgesia in Clinical Practice8 Neurochemical Basis of Electroacupuncture Analgesia on Acute and Chronic Pain9 Acupuncture Therapy for Stoke10 Effects of Acupuncture on Arrhythmia and Other Cardiac Diseases11 Acupuncture Therapy for Hypertension and Hypotension12 Effect of Acupuncture on Epilepsy 13 Neuroimmuno-effect of Acupuncture on Immune-mediated Disorders14 Acupuncture Treatment for Female Infertility15 Acupuncture Therapy for Menopausal and Perimenopausal Syndrome16 Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation..17 Beneficial Effect of Acupuncture on Depression,18 Effect of Acupuncture on Drug Addiction.Index


本书采用现代科学语言,诠释了针刺疗法对于神经系统疾患的作用及其神经生物学机理。内容包括针刺疗法的简要历史、针刺效应的一般机理、穴位功能及现代研究、针刺镇痛及针药复合麻醉、慢性疼痛、中风、心脏病、高血压、癫痫、免疫抑制、不孕症、围绝经期综合征、抑郁症、戒烟和戒毒等。所有章节均邀请有经验的学者撰写,作者分别来自复旦大学上海医学院中西医结合系(针刺原理研究所)及医学神经生物学国家重点实验室、上海市针灸经络研究中心、美国耶鲁大学医学院和哈佛人学医学院。其中复旦大学上海医学院中西医结合系(针刺原理研究所)开展针刺研究已有50多年的历史,1983年被任命为世界卫生组织传统医学合作中心。  本书基于多学科技术的现代研究,为针刺研究和神经科学工作者呈现了针刺疗法的概貌和展望,为临床工作者在针刺疗法的应用及机理方面提供了较为翔实的参考资料。对医学生而言,这是一本中西医结合的专业指导书。


Written in modern scientific language, Acupuncture Therapy for Neu-rological Diseases A Neurobiological View discusses current research,applying multiple neuroscience approaches, on the effect of acupunctureon neurological diseases and the underlying mechanisms. Apart from basicprinciples of acupuncture, topics include acupuncture analgesia, acupunc-ture-drug balanced anesthesia, acute and chronic body pain, stroke, car-diac diseases, hypertension, hypoteusion, epilepsy, neuroimmuno suppres-sion, female infertility, menopausal & perimenopausal syndrome, smoking,depression, and drug addiction. Each chapter is written by experts in thefield, This unique book provides a broad perspective on the principles ofacupuncture for acupuncture researchers and neuroscientists. It summa-rizes clinical applications of various acupoints and optimal conditions inthe treatment of neurological diseases. For a medical student, this book isa modern course in ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine, especially acu-puncture.


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尺寸26 × 0装帧平装
页数印数 2000


针刺治疗神经系统疾患 : 神经生物学研究是清华大学出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 R246.6 的主题关于 神经系统疾病-针刺疗法-英文 的书籍。