

贺雪娟, 主编







Chapter 1 Seeking for Potential Clients

Unit 1 First Business Contact

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 First Contact

Part 2 Discussing in Detail

Part 3 Potential Client Analysis

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 2 B 2 B Communication

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Making a Business Call

Part 2 Company Visit

Part 3 Making a Business Appointment

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 3 Product Presentation

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 At a Fair

Part 2 In the Showroom

Part 3 The Product Launch

Section Ⅰ Data Bank

Section Ⅱ Leisure Time

Chapter 2 Business Consultation

Unit 4 Enquiries and Replies

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 In the Showroom

Part 2 Over the Phone

Part 3 On the Factory Tour

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 5 Offersand Counter-offers

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Lowering the Prices

Part 2 Offering Discounts

Part 3 Increasing Agency Commissions

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Chapter 3 Business Negotiation

Unit 6 Terms of Commodity

SectionⅠ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part I Quality Control

Part 2 Packing Negotiation

Part 3 Quantity Negotiation

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 7 Transportation and Insurance

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Transportation

Part 2 Delivery

Part 3 Insurance

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

SectionⅣ Leisure Time

Unit 8 Pricing and Payment

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Initial Haggling

Part 2 Negotiating in Detail

Part 3 Terms of Payment

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section IV Leisure Time

Chapten 4 Conclusion of the Contract

Unit 9 Placing an Order

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Trial Order

Part 2 Repeat Order

Part 3 Telephone Order

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 10 Signing the Contract

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Drawing up a Draft Contract

Part 2 Alternating the Contract

Part 3 Signing and Contract

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 11 Quiz

Unit 12 Declaring at Customs

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Customs Formalities

Part 2 HS Code

Part 3 Declaration Documents

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Chapter 5 Post Contract Actions

Unit 13 After-sales Service

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Introduction to Service

Part 2 Customer Service

Part 3 Customer Feedback

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 14 Complaints and Claims

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Making Complaints

Part 2 Rejecting Claims

Part 3 Accepting Claims

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Chapter 6 Other Trade Forms

Unit 15 Agency

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Negotiation on Sole Agent Agreement

Part 2 Requirements of Sole Agency

Part 3 Signing the Sole Agent Agreement

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 16 Bids and Tenders

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Calling for a Bid

Part 2 Submitting a Bid

Part 3 Concluding a Tender

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Chapter 7 Business Skills in International Trade

Unit 17 Business Etiquette

Section Ⅱ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Personal Etiquette

Part 2 Business Etiquette

Part 3 Cross-cultural Communication

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 18 Presentation Skills

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Making a Start

Part 2 Key Factors of a Successful Presentation

Part 3 Finishing Off

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 19 Skills for Successful Negotiation

Section Ⅰ Lead-in

Section Ⅱ Business Scenes

Part 1 Different Negotiating Styles of Different Cultures

Part 2 Proper Behaviors in Negotiation

Part 3 Negotiation Strategies

Section Ⅲ Data Bank

Section Ⅳ Leisure Time

Unit 20 Final Test

Words and Expressions




尺寸26 × 20装帧平装
页数印数 3000


职通商务英语听说教程是高等教育出版社于2011.6出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 商务-英语-听说教学-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。