

张佐贤, 著







Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Purpose of this study1.2 Significance of this study1.3 Clear-up of the key termChapter 2 The Situation of English Reading Teaching in CSMS2.1 The goal of English reading teaching in senior middle schools2.2 An analysis of English reading teaching in CSMS2.2.1 Students' problems in reading2.2.2 Teachers' problems in teaching2.2.3 About new textbooks and after class reading materialsChapter 3 Literature Review3.1 A brief introduction to reading theories3.1.1 The meaning of reading3.1.2 Reading proces3.1.3 Three models for the reading process3.1.3.1 Bottom-up model of reading3.1.3.2 Top-down model of reading3.1.3.3 Interactive model3.1.4 Schema3.1.5 Relevance theory3.1.6 Dual-coding theory3.2 Advocacy of task-based English language teaching in reading3.3 About task and TBLT3.3.1 Task3.3.1.1 Definition of task3.3.1.2 The differences between task and exercise3.3.1.3 Features of a task3.3.1.4 Components of a task3.3.1.5 Task types3.3.1.6 Principles in task selecting3.3.2 The TBLT3.3.2.1 About TBLT3.3.2.2 Features of TBLT3.3.2.3 The basic principles in TBLT3.3.2.4 Teacher and student's role in TBLT3.4 Theoretical basis of TBLT3.4.1 A psych.linguistic framework for TBLT based on the Vygotskyan hypothesis3.4.2 Rationale from Krashen's second language acquisition hypothesis3.5 The implementation of TBLT3.5.1 The Bangalore Communicational Teaching Project3.5.2 Skehan's framework for task implementation3.5.3 Willis' Model for TBLT3.6 The development of TBLT research in China3.6.1 Affirm TBLT in primary and middle school English teaching syllabus3.6.2 Organize and attend both international and national academic discussion3.6.3 Training teachers3.6.4 Textbooks edited according to the thinking of TBLT put into practiceChapter 4 The Study4.1 Introduction to the experiment4.1.1 The purpose of the experiment4.1.2 The hypothesis4.1.3 The subjects4.1.4 Experimental time4.1.5 Experimental materials4.1.5.1 The teaching materials4.1.5.2 The test materials4.1.6 Variables4.1.7 Procedure4.2 The implementation of experiment4.2.1 The pre-test4.2.1.1 Reading pre-test4.2.1.2 Questionnaire pre-test4.2.2 Teaching techniques used in the EC and CC4.2.2.1 Teaching techniques used in the EC4.2.2.2 Teaching techniques used in the CC4.2.3 The post-test4.2.3.1 Reading post-test4.2.3.2 Questionnaire post-test4.3 Data collecting and analysis4.3.1 Data analysis of reading tests4.3.2 Data analysis of Questionnaire testsChapter 5 Discussions and Conclusion5.1 Major findings of the study5.2 Limitations of the present study5.3 Suggestions for further research5.4 ConclusionAppendicesAppendix 1 Examination paper on pre-testAppendix 2 Examination paper on post-testAppendix 3 Questionnaire of students' I&S in studying EnglishAppendix 4 The material of teaching case 1Appendix 5 The material of teaching case 2Appendix 6 The raw scores about pre-test and post-test of readingAppendix 7 The raw scores about pre-test and post-test of I&SBibliographyList of Figures and Tables




尺寸21 × 15装帧平装
页数 216 印数 500


任务型教学在农村中学英语阅读教学中的应用研究是甘肃文化出版社于2014.8出版的中图分类号为 G633.412 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-教学研究-农村学校-中学 的书籍。