

李军, 编







李军,1958年11月出生,辽宁沈阳人,1984年辽宁大学中文系毕业、同年来中国青年杂志社从事编辑工作。1994年取得副编审职称,先后在《农村青年》《个体青年》《青年报刊研究》从事编辑和主编工作,新闻出版界从业30余年。在为他人做嫁衣的同时,也采访和写作了大量新闻报道及论文约百万字,并编辑、撰写了10余本图书。2004年担任《中国青年》杂志总编室主任兼网络编辑部主任后,专门从事互联网研究,主持《中青亮点》网站的编辑和运营长达10余年,为互联网界资深人士。   Li Jun, born in November 1958, is from Shenyang, Liaoning Province. In 1984 he graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Liaoning University and worked as an editor in the China Youth Magazine. In 1994 he obtained the title of associate senior editor. Later, he worked as a copyreader or an editor in chief in Rural Youth, Individual Youth and Study on the Youth Newspaper. So far he has devoted himself to the press for over 30 years. He also interviewed and wrote a large number of reports and papers except working for others. Besides, he edited and wrote more than ten books. In 2004 he held the posts of directors of Editor Office and Internet Newsroom. Since then he has been specializing in Internet research, editing and operating He is a veritable industry senior in the field of Internet.



  The Internet has created countless legends in both China and the rest of the world. It has revolutionized our way of living and thinking. Cyberworld - China Embraces the Internet truly represents the magnificent development history of Chinese Internet industry since 1995 and vividly records lots of celebrities who have been devoting themselves into pioneering Chinese Internet industry over the past twenty years and have become men of the time at present. Though many of these influential men such as Ma Yun (Jack Ma), Ma Huateng (Pony Ma), Ding Lei (William Ding), Zhang Chaoyang (Charles Zhang), Zhou Hongyi and Liu Qiangdong (Richard Liu) have long been known to the public, the author tries to reinterpret them from a fresh perspective with the latest material and more attention on their stories in starting business and unfold the ups and downs of these folk heroes and their relationships in the Internet age through introducing a series of figures with entrepreneurship.



  Figures in this book are all living legends and each of their stories is thought-provoking. Top notch or grassroots, wealthy or penniless, get rich overnight or go bankruptcy, frank and lovely or astute and arrogant… Nothing is too strange among all sorts of legendary figures. In any case, the world of Internet is rich and varied. In Cyberworld - China Embraces the Internet, we are just trying to share with readers the pluralism of the Internet age honestly, objectively and humorously.


尺寸23 × 16装帧平装
页数印数 3000


中国网事20年是五洲传播出版社于2014.10出版的中图分类号为 TP393.4-092 的主题关于 互联网络-历史-研究-中国-1995~2014-英文 的书籍。