

张雁玲, 著







张雁玲,1964年生,英语语言文学博士。现任山西财经大学经贸外语学院副教授、外国语学及应用语言学专业硕士生导师。曾留学英国,获爱丁堡大学硕士学位;还曾师从“行动研究”鼻祖、国际知名教授John Elliott。主要从事英语教学法和教师发展研究。主持和完成省级教学科研课题七项,2008年“大学英语改革中地方高校教师的在岗教育与自我发展途”获山西省普通高等学校教学成果一等奖。在《外语界》、《外语教学》、《中国英语教学》等核心期刊发表论文10余篇。


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Personal Background

1.2 Setting

1.3 Action Research Cycles

1.4 Statement of the Problems

1.5 Purpose of the Study

1.6 Research Questions

1.7 Outline of the Study

Chapter 2 Language Teachers' Professional Development and Educational Research

2.1 Brief Introduction to Language Teacher Education

2.2 Perspective of Teacher Development

2.2.1 Reasons for teacher development

2.2.2 Purpose of educational research

2.3 Language Teacher Research in China

2.3.1 Research on language teacher professional development

2.3.2 A shift in research paradigm

2.3.3 Content of Chinese research in ELT

2.4 Pre-service Teacher Education

2.4.1 The curriculum for English major students

2.4.2 The missing parts of two curriculums for teacher preparation

2.4.3 Problematic practicum

2.5 In-service Language Teacher Education

2.5.1 Some training programs for in-service teachers

2.5.2 Factors concerning TEFL academics' development

Chapter 3 Action Research and Applications

3.1 Reform Pressure

3.1.1 Definitions of AR

3.1.2 Trial application of AR in my first project

3.2 The First Real Encounter with AR

3.2.1 The origin and the development of AR

3.2.2 Teacher as researcher

3.2.3 Reflective teachers

3.3 AR in Foreign Language Area

3.3.1 The research areas in the field of language teaching

3.3.2 The benefits of AR in the field of language teaching

3.3.3 The weaknesses and solutions of AR

3.3.4 The future of AR in the field of language teaching

3.4 AR in Chinese Context

3.4.1 English publications on AR in Hong Kong contexts

3.4.2 English publications on AR for TEFL academics in the mainland context

3.4.3 English publications on AR in general education field

3.4.4 Publications on AR of university language teaching in Chinese journals

Chapter 4 Research Design and Methodology

4.1 The Nature of the Study

4.2 Selection of Research Site

4.3 Selection of Participants

4.3.1 Participants in the second cycle

4.3.2 Participants in the third cycle

4.4 Ethical Procedures of the Study

4.5 Data Collection Methods

4.6 Limitations of This Study

Chapter 5 FOAR

5.1 Research Background

5.1.1 Planning

5.1.2 Implementing

5.1.3 Modifying plan

5.1.4 Reflection

5.1.5 Reimplementing with three teachers

5.2 Reflection

5.2.1 Replanning

5.2.2 Analyzing

5.3 Reflection on the Activity

5.3.1 Teachers' reflection on the observation

5.3.2 Implications of the activity

5.4 Findings and Discussion

5.4.1 Changes occurred in the experiment teachers

5.4.2 Changes occurred in the author

5.4.3 Constraining factor

5.4.4 Facilitating factor

Chapter 6 SOAR with Six Volunteer Teachers

6.1 Planning

6.2 Implementing

6.3 Reflection Before the 6-month Activity

6.3.1 The intention of taking part in the activity

6.3.2 Attitude to research and teaching

6.3.3 The problems identified by participants

6.4 Reflection after the 6-month Activity

6.5 Reflection Through a Follow-up Email Survey

6.5.1 Personal aims for participation

6.5.2 Feelings during participation

6.5.3 Participants' role

6.5.4 Changes occurred in the participants

6.5.5 Reactions from the colleagues

6.6 Findings and Discussion

6.6.1 The gap between what we discussed and what could be written...

6.6.2 The relationships within research group members

6.6.3 Psychological factors for women teachers

Chpter 7 SOAR with 20 Student Teachers

7.1 Planning

7.2 Implementing

7.3 Analyzing

7.4 Reflection

7.4.1 Enhancement in research awareness

7.4.2 Inspiration in teaching mode

7.4.3 The untargeted research method books

Chapter 8 Conclusion,Implication and Self-Reflection

8.1 Conclusions

8.1.1 AR helps empower participants

8.1.2 AR helps develop collaborative relationships

8.1.3 AR helps implement research education

8.2 Implications

8.2.1 Implication for in-service TEFL academics

8.2.2 Implication for pre-service TEFL academics

8.2.3 Implication for Chinese educators

8.2.4 Implication for Chinese Educational Administrators

8.3 Self Reflections

8.3.1 As a teacher

8.3.2 As a teacher researcher

8.3.3 As a change agent or facilitator

8.3.4 As a teacher educator


Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5





尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 238 印数 1000


行动研究中的高校外语教师研究能力的发展是中国财政经济出版社于2014.4出版的中图分类号为 H09 的主题关于 外语教学-教学研究-高等学校 的书籍。