

(韩) 李元馥, 著







1 George Washington 1789~1797

America's Founding Father Who Laid the Foundation of Democracy

2 John Adams 1797~1801

Man of Self-sacrifice Who Put Country before Ambition

3 Thomas Jefferson 1801~1809

Author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute of

Virginia for Religious Freedom and Father of the University of Virginia

4 James Madison 1809~1817

Father of the Constitution that Established Separation of Powers

and Checks and Balances

5 James Monroe 1817~1825

Defender of the New World from European Interference

6 John Quincy Adams 1825~1829

Intellectual Leader with Top Educational Background

7 Andrew Jackson 1829~1837

Pioneer of the Era of Mass Democracy

8 Martin Van Buren 1837~1841

First Career Politician to Become President

9 William Henry Harrison 1841

First 'Image Politician'

10 John Tyler 1841~1845

First Vice President to Ascend to the Presidency via Succession

11 James Knox Polk 1845~1849

Fierce Leader of the Era of Territorial Expansion

12 Zachary Taylor 1849~1850

Career Soldier Who Went Straight to the White House

13 Millard Fillmore 1850~1853

From Tailor to the White House

14 Franklin Pierce 1853~1857

Northern Traitor, Southern Sympathizer

15 James Buchanan 1857~1861

Another Sacrificial Lamb of the North-South Conflict

16 Abraham Lincoln 1861~1865

Hero, Saint and Martyr: A Giant in U.S. History

17 Andrew Johnson 1865~1869

First President to be Impeached by Congress

18 Ulysses Simpson Grant 1869~1877

Politically Inept War Hero

19 Rutherford Birchard Hayes 1877~1881

Morality Politician Out of Touch with Reality

20 James Abram Garfield 1881

Corrupt Politician Assassinated while Fighting Corruption

21 Chester Alan Arthur 1881~1885

Defender of Presidential Dignity

22&24 Grover Cleveland 1885~1889, 1893~1897

Foe of Organized Labor

23 Benjamin Harrison 1889~1893

Gifted Public Speaker, Not So Gifted President

25 William McKinley 1897~1901

Architect of American Imperialism

26 Theodore Roosevelt 1901~1909

The Trustbuster

27 William Howard Taft 1909~1913

Overweight President Overshadowed by His Predecessor

28 Woodrow Wilson 1913~1921

Messenger of World Peace, the American Way

29 Warren Gamaliel Harding 1921~1923

Ordinary Leader during Ordinary Times

30 Calvin Coolidge 1923~1929

Laissez-fairist Who Narrowly Escaped the Great Depression

31 Herbert Clark Hoover 1929~1933

Competent Leader Swamped by the Great Depression

32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933~1945

Creator of the New Deal

33 Harry S. Truman 1945~1953

Little Big Man Who Took America to Center Stage

34 Dwight David Eisenhower 1953~1961

Preserver of World Peace amid the Intensifying Cold War

35 John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1961~1963

The Camelot Myth: Image More than Achievements

36 Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963~1969

Man of Contradictions: Leader of the Great Society, Commander of the Dirty War

37 Richard Milhous Nixon 1969~1974

Diplomatic Genius Overshadowed by Watergate

38 Gerald Rudolph Ford 1974~1977

Restorer of Ethics to the Presidency

39 James Earl (Jimmy) Carter 1977~1981

Unsuccessful Morality Politician, Reborn as the Apostle of Peace

40 Ronald Wilson Reagan 1981~1989

Man Contributing to the Peaceful Ending of the Cold War

41 George Herbert Walker Bush 1989~1993

Pioneer of New World Order

42 William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton 1993~2001

Leader of Times of Unprecedented Economic Prosperity

43 George Walker Bush 2001~2009

Self-righteous Warrior against Terror

44 Barack Hussein Obama 2009~

First African-American President

Index 索引

Vocabulary 词汇表








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美国总统是浙江教育出版社于2012.6出版的中图分类号为 K837.127-49 的主题关于 总统-生平事迹-美国-通俗读物 的书籍。