

玄哲昊, 编著







1 There be 有

2 There must be 一定有

3 There is no use/sense (in) doing something 做没有用/没有意义

4 There seems/appears to be+主语 看起来/似乎

5 There is no need 没有必要

6 There be+名词/名词词组+doing something 某人/某物正在做某事

7 There being

8 What++be there

9 There+不及物动词+主语+状语

10 I like nothing better than 我喜欢胜过任何东西

11 I prefer torather than 我宁愿而不愿

12 I prefer to 我喜欢甚于

13 I would like torather than 我宁愿也不

14 I’d rather 我还是吧

15 I would ratherthan 我宁愿而不愿

16 junior to 年纪较低/职位较低

17 as+形容词/副词+as 和一样

18 no more/less than 不比多/不少于

19 be equal to 和相当

20 compare with/to 与比较

21 next to 次于

22 The, the 越越

23 否定词+ so/asas 不像一样

24 but on the contrary 和相反

25 while/whereas

26 A to B is what C to D A对于B就像C对于D一样

27 主语+谓语动词+like/as+名词

28 主语+be+as+形容词+as

29 no more than/no less than 正如一样

30 主语+as if/as though+从句 好像似的

31 May/might as well as 与一样

32 compared to 把比作

33 It seems/seemed that 好像/似乎

34 What, that 正如,也

35 one the other  一个, 另一个

36 On (the) one hand, on the other (hand),  一方面,另一方面

37 To start with 首先

38 both and 两个都

39 Neither nor 既不也不

40 either or 不是就是

41 as +形容词/副词+ as possible

42 主语+谓语+so/such+形容词/副词+as to do

43 主句+谓语+so+形容词/副词+that+从句

44 so much so that 到如此程度以致

45 too to 太而

46 主语+谓语+too+形容词/副词+(for+逻辑主语)+动词不定式

47 主语+谓语+形容词/副词/名词+enough+(for+逻辑主语)+动词不定式

48 主语+谓语+only too+形容词/副词+动词不定式

49 主语+know better than to+不定式

50 To some extent/degree,

51 主语+be+不定量词短语

52 Here/There

53 Only 只是/只有

54 So/nor/neither+谓语+主语

55 Were/Had/Should+主语+谓语其他部分+,+主语 如果/就

56 However/No matter how,+主句

57 表语+as/though,+主句

58 The more,the more

59 Where, there 哪里哪里就

60 Wherever, there 无论到哪里,哪里都

61 主语+谓语+(the)方位词 朝着

62 where

63 wherever

64 be located in/on/to 位于/坐落在

65 主语+谓语+from+by way of 从出发,途经到

66 What a(an)+形容词+名词+is ! 多么啊!

67 How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语+其他! 多么啊!

68 If only!  要是多好啊!/但愿

69 Would (that)+主语+谓语+其他!

70 感叹词+句子!

71 Fancy+动名词+其他!  想不到

72 That!

73 Such a!

74 To think+that 想想看/想不到

75 副词+谓语动词+主语(名词)+其他

76 May+动词/代词+动词原形+!

77 How+主语+谓语

78 the sameas 和一样

79 all that

80 否定的存在句+but+定语从句

81 as引导的非限制性定语从句

82 An advantage ofis that 的好处是

83 do good to 对有益

84 In conclusion 最后/总之

85 It appears that 看来

86 It goes without saying that 理应如此/不言而喻

87 Recent studies show that 最近研究发现

88 result in 导致

89 There is no denying that 不可否认

90 主语+谓语+such+形容词/副词+that+从句

91 主语,+with the result+that

92 I’m determined to 我决定

93 must do 必须

94 so that 以便/为的是

95 in order that 为了/以便

96 so as to do 为了

97 for the sake of/for the benefit of 为了的好处

98 with a view to 为了,以为目的

99 See to it that 务必要

100 for fear of 以免/生怕

101 in case 以免

102 on purpose that 为了

103 in order to 为了、使

104 主句+lest+目的从句

105 I’ll never forget 我将永远不会忘记

106 I’m fed up with 我实在难以忍受

107 I’m glad/happy/pleased to 我很高兴

108 I’m grateful for 我对特别感激

109 I’m interested in 我对感兴趣

110 I’m (not) sure 我(不是)很确定

111 I’m sorry to 我很抱歉

112 It is (not) necessary to 是(没)有必要的

113 It is (not) true that  (不)是真的

114 It is dangerous to 是很危险的

115 It is essential that 重要的是

116 It is good manners to do 是有礼貌的表现

117 It is important that  是很重要的

118 It pays to do 是值得的

119 It would be foolish to 很傻

120 It’s a pity that 可怜的是/遗憾的是

121 It’s a pleasure to 很高兴

122 It’s a wonder (that) 真令人感到吃惊

123 It’s kind of you to 你真是太好了

124 Somebody is in charge of 某人负责

125 That’s the best way to 这是的最好办法

126 The point is 重点是

127 The reason whyis that 的原因就是

128 Your problem is 你的问题是

129 be nothing but/nothing else than 不是别的,而是

130 So far from being, 非但不,反而

131 regard as 把当做

132 You look like 你看起来好像

133 It’s not right to 做是不对的

134 essential to for 必不可少

135 I would like you to 我想让你

136 Don’t tell me 不会是吧!

137 Let me help you 让我帮你

138 Let’s drink to 让我们为干杯

139 Make sure 一定要做

140 Let’s go 让我们去吧!

141 Please feel free to 请随时

142 Being a is not easy 做一个不容易

143 Do 一定要/

144 Suppose 让

145 Be careful! 小心!

146 Don’t waste time doing 不要浪费时间做

147 Let me fill you in on 让我来告诉你

148 Will you

149 What/how about  怎么样?

150 You’d better 最好

151 Can you  你会

152 None of/No+名词 禁止/不许

153 Never+动词原形 永远不要

154 May +第二、第三人称主语+动词原形 愿/祝

155 主语+do+谓语

156 the very 就是那个

157 It was/is+被强调部分+that

158 It is/was not until that 直到才

159 Whatbe

160 反身代词

161 加强语气的副词

162 强调词+助动词+主语+谓语+其他

163 Though/Although, (yet/still)尽管/虽然

164 Even though 虽然、即使

165 Be+主语+表语A+or 表语B,主句

166 Be+主语+ ever so+形容词,+主句

167 No matter 无论

168 Whether or+让步从句,+主句 不管还是

169 While 尽管

170 It is a that 无论怎样

171 True,第一分句,but+第二分句

172 简单句中主语、表语、助动词、宾语、定语的省略

173 省略冠词、介词及连词等虚词

174 并列句中同等成分的省略

175 前句+后句,and so+特殊定式动词+主语

176 宾语从句中省略连词that

177 There be+主语+(省略that/who)从句

178 Every time 每当的时候

179 From then on 从那时起

180 Hardly when 一就

181 Scarcelywhen/before 刚就

182 on the point of  即将的时刻

183 There used to be 过去曾有

184 before 在以前

185 after 在之后

186 Since 自从

187 as long as 长达之久

188 It takes+时间+不定式 需要时间

189 When+时间从句,(then)主句+when+时间从句

190 No sooner than 一就

191 第一分句+at the same time+第二分句

192 prior to 先于

193 As soon as 刚就

194 the very moment that 一就

195 Immediately 一就

196 主句+until+时间状语

197 By the time that 等到时候

198 A+plus/minus/times+B equal/equals+C

199 主语+谓语动词double/treble/quadruple+宾语

200 主语+be+倍数+被比较对象

201 as as 比倍

202 句子的主要成分+数词+exactly等明确限定词

203 under

204 句子的主语成分+above/over等+数词

205 more or less 大约

206 inclusive of/exclusive of 计入/扣除

207 amount to 总数

208 As/So long as 只要

209 but for 若不是

210 主句+unless+从句

211 I would appreciate it if 如果,我会非常感激

212 I’d be happy to if you’d like 如果你愿意我很高兴

213 If I , I would 如果我我会

214 If I had done, I would have done 如果我我就会

215 If I were youI would 如果我是你,我就会

216 If only! 只有!

217 If you ask me,  如果你问我,我认为

218 If you don’t mind,  如果你不介意的话

219 It would be wonderful if  要是那就太好了

220 Now that 既然

221 once 一旦

222 Supposing/suppose 假设

223 Given that 考虑到

224 What if  倘若将会怎么样?

225 on condition that 只要如果

226 But that+从句+主句

227 If it is possible,  如果可能的话

228 Are you sure  你确定

229 Can you believe (that) 你相信吗?

230 Can’t we 难道我们不能 吗?

231 Can I ask you to 能请你吗?

232 Can you please explain 你能解释一下吗

233 Can you recommend 你能推荐吗?

234 Do you enjoy doing 你喜欢做吗?

235 Do you have any good ways to 你有没有好的方法?

236 Do you mean  你的意思是?

237 Do/Would you mind if 如果你是否介意?

238 Do you know ifwhether 你知道是否

239 Do you think it is possible to 你认为 可能吗?

240 Have you considered (doing) 你有没有考虑过(做)

241 Have you ever been 你曾经吗

242 How are you getting on/along with 进展如何

243 How are you going to 你怎么

244 How do you like? 你觉得怎么样?

245 How does (sound)  (听起来)怎么样?

246 Is there anything else  还有别的吗

247 Is it possible to 有可能吗

248 May I ask  我可以吗?

249 What do you say to V-ing  你觉得怎么样?

250 What do you think of  你认为怎么样?

251 Won’t you  你不吗?

252 一般疑问句+or+一般疑问句

253 肯定陈述句+be/do/have/情态动词+not+主语? 是吗?

254 疑问句+疑问关联词+从句

255 How come 为什么

256 I’m curious to (do) about 我对(做)很好奇

257 I’ve had it up to here with 我真受不了

258 It is (very) useful to 很有用

259 on the ground that 因为

260 In as much as 既然

261 because of 出于原因

262 thanks to 由于/因为

263 What by and 部分由于部分由于

264 be late for 迟到了

265 in that 既然

266 because

267 as 由于

268 Not that, but that 不是因为,而是因为

269 Now that 既然/由于

270 partly through and partly through 半因半因

271 in consequence of 由于

272 in view of 考虑到

273 by reason of 由于/因为

274 as a result of 由于

275 be that

276 To conclude 最后

277 A conclusion be reached

278 sum up

279 The final point is 最后想说

280 As for 关于/至于

281 As far as be concerned 就而论

282 with respect to 关于

283 as regards 考虑到

284 With regard to 关于




尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数印数 4500


一生必学的英语句型大全集是中国纺织出版社于2015.4出版的中图分类号为 H314.3 的主题关于 英语-句型 的书籍。