

懒人外语教研组, 著







克里斯汀,毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学,从事语言教学及研究工作,英语口语高级培训师,以风趣、幽默的教育理念和教学风格深受学生和家长的欢迎,著有多部英语口语类畅销书籍。      布鲁斯,美国人,毕业于美国加州大学。身兼专栏作者、英文讲师等数职。曾出版过各类英语学习相关的书籍,也担任过加州大学的高级英语顾问。畅销多种英语类教材,深受英语爱好者们的喜爱。目前定居台湾,从事英语教学和写稿的工作。



I'm really bummed that I have to go to bed so late.

I would like to burn the midnight oil.

He is an early bird.

We're all out!

I'm tied up now.

Do you want to wear the pants?

Let's ride out the storm.

I blew it!

I am just a little under the weather today.


I always get butterflies in my stomach before the interview.

I feel like a million dollar.

You look blue today.

Hold your horses.

You hit the ceiling.

It's just a pain in the neck.

Stop picking on me!

You need to keep cool.

It really drives me up the wall

You are getting in my hair.

It really let me down.

You knock my socks off.

Don't get worked up over it.

You are hard headed.


How are you doing?

Break a leg!

Your friend is in hot water now.

Don't push your luck.

Give me a buzz on when you get home

Beats me!

What do you do?

It was really a close call.

What's the deal with you?

Don't beat about the bush.

It's a piece of cake.

You should tell him to take a hike.

Is somebody sitting here?

I'm really broke today.

I'm all ears.

But he blew me off

I caught him red-handed.

You look pretty with this pair of shades.

You look like a million dollars.

The evening party is really a trip.

It's really once in a blue moon.

Now I hardly ever get snail mail any more.

I don't see eye to eye with you.

He just kissed up to you.


This game is in the bag.

I like to chill out at weekend.

You are such a couch potato.

I am into soap operas.

That song is a hit with young people.

My vacation will go up in smoke.

I'm full of beans.

Let's make a day of it.

Let's get it together.

Just lighten up.

It is just eye candy

Could you please hook me up with two tickets?

Just give it a shot.

Just hang in there.


A hot dog would hit the spot.

What's the damage?

Please hang out for a moment.

The beef steak is money.

May I have a doggy bag?

You have a sweet tooth.

You are eating like a horse.

You will pig out during the Thanksgiving Day.

Nature calls.

The ATM is out of whack.

That does it.

Just follow your nose.

You always blow all of your money like that.


You have such a big mouth.

He is really yellow-livered.

She is really a black sheep.

He really looks like a big gun.

Love me, love my dog.

He is very sharp.

He played hooky today.

The blue corner is on the rope now.

She is a dead ringer for you.

You are such a brown-noser.

You are jumping the gun.

You've gone too far.

You're just burning your time.

She kicked the bucket last month.

She gets paid peanuts for doing that job.

It's a white elephant.

He won't get chewed out.

It's a fat chance.

It only happens when pigs fly.

I just took a shot in the dark.

He messed up my MP3.

It sounds like you are really in a bind.

I'm a dead meat.

I'm almost going to pot now.

His leg was shot.

He quarterbacked the meeting at the class.







尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 240 印数 2000


这些英语常用语老外天天都在用是万卷出版公司于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 英语-口语 的书籍。