

邱立志, 编著







Unit 1 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Getting I.ost and Asking the Way Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Getting Lost and Asking the Way Part Ⅲ Integrated Course:   Text A The Development of Reading Habits  Text B Outside Distractions While Studying  Part Ⅳ Reading Training: I Love This Game Part Ⅴ Writing Work: How to Write LettersUnit 2 Part Ⅰ I.istening Comprehension: Sports and Games Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Sports and Games Part Ⅲ Integrated Course:   Text A The Voice of Time  Text B From Olympia to the Great Wall Part Ⅳ Reading Training: Dancing Beijing

Unit 1 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Getting I.ost and Asking the Way Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Getting Lost and Asking the Way Part Ⅲ Integrated Course:   Text A The Development of Reading Habits  Text B Outside Distractions While Studying  Part Ⅳ Reading Training: I Love This Game Part Ⅴ Writing Work: How to Write LettersUnit 2 Part Ⅰ I.istening Comprehension: Sports and Games Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Sports and Games Part Ⅲ Integrated Course:   Text A The Voice of Time  Text B From Olympia to the Great Wall Part Ⅳ Reading Training: Dancing Beijing Part Ⅴ Writing Work: Invitation Letters and Consultation LettersUnit 3 Part Ⅰ l.istening Comprehension: Seeing the Doctor Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Seeing the Doctor Part Ⅲ Integrated Course:   Text A When Mothers Get the Bug ( I )  Text B When Mothers Get the Bug ( 1I ) Part Ⅳ Reading Training: My Experience in Ja Pan Part Ⅴ Writing Work: Letters of Congratulations and ThanksUnit 4 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Sightseeing and Touring Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Sightseeing and Touring Part Ⅲ Integrated Course:   Text A The Killer Smog ( I )  Text B The Killer Smog ( 11 ) Part Ⅳ Reading Training: What People Don't Know about Air PartⅤ Writing Work: Letters of Introduction and RecommendationUnit 5 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Going Shopping Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Going Shopping Part Ⅲ Integrated Course:   Text A World Trade Center  Text B Attack On America Part Ⅳ Reading Training: Rethinking Skyscrapers Part Ⅴ Writing Work: Job Application Letters and ResumesUnit 6 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: At the Bookseller's Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: At the Bookseller's Part Ⅲ Integrated Course:   Text A China's First S Paceman Yang Liwei( [ )  Text B China's First S Paceman Yang Liwei ( [I ) Part Ⅳ Reading Training: Life On Board the S Pace Shuttle Part Ⅴ Writing Work: Summary and MemorandumUnit 7 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Eating at a Restaurant Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Eating at a Restaurant Part Ⅲ Integrated Course:   Text A Sea Harvest  Text B Forecast and Clouds Part Ⅳ Reading Training: Marie Can Read at Last Part Ⅴ Writing Work: Notes and NoticesUnit 8 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Renting and Buying a Car Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Renting and Buying a Car Part Ⅲ Integrated Course:   Text A She Remembers( I )  Text B She Remembers ( II ) Part Ⅳ Reading Training: Thunder of Hometown Part Ⅴ Writing Work: Instructions and Recruitment Advertisements


一、紧扣大纲,降低难度;我们以教育部高等教育司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》为依据,在专家的指导下,以教学第一线教师为主体,紧密结合英语教学实际,在原教材的基础上适当降低难度。  二、调整了教材结构,方便师生使用。在保留第一版综合本的基础上,对教材的结构进行了调整,为教师的课堂教学和学生的课后复习巩固提供了方便。  三、更加注重语言技能的培养。






21世纪实用英语是中国人民大学出版社于2007.出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-高等学校:技术学校-教材 的书籍。