

江春, 刘宝成, 主编







Part One Managing into the 21st Century Unit One The Key Management Theories Unit Two Strategic Planning Unit Three Throw Away Your Mission Statement Unit Four The Best Organization Is No Organization Unit Five Organizational Culture Unit Six Tips'for Employee Motivation Unit Seven The Essential Qualities of Great Managers Unit Eight Have You Got the Right Strff to Ba a Leader?' Unit Nine Hiring Employees—An Essential Ingredient for Gorwth Unit Ten Managment Is About Making Decisions Unit Eleven Human Resource Strategies for Hard Times Unit Twelve Hiring Employees—It's Not Just Luce Unit Thirteen Projiect Effective and Efficient Interaal Control Unit Fourteen Project Management Is About Lessons-to-Learn

Part One Managing into the 21st Century Unit One The Key Management Theories Unit Two Strategic Planning Unit Three Throw Away Your Mission Statement Unit Four The Best Organization Is No Organization Unit Five Organizational Culture Unit Six Tips'for Employee Motivation Unit Seven The Essential Qualities of Great Managers Unit Eight Have You Got the Right Strff to Ba a Leader?' Unit Nine Hiring Employees—An Essential Ingredient for Gorwth Unit Ten Managment Is About Making Decisions Unit Eleven Human Resource Strategies for Hard Times Unit Twelve Hiring Employees—It's Not Just Luce Unit Thirteen Projiect Effective and Efficient Interaal Control Unit Fourteen Project Management Is About Lessons-to-Learn Unit Fifteen What Happened to Corporate Integrity? Unit Sixteen Only the Ethical SurvivesPart Two Enhancing Business Communications Unit One Developing Interpersonal Skills Unit Two Strategy in Working with People Unit Three Your Public Relations Unit Four Bassics in Internal Organizational Communication Unit Five Conversation As Communication Unit Seven Assertive Communication Unit Eight Some Tips on Communication Unit Nine How to Deliver Bad News Unit Ten Dealing with Complaints Unit Eleven Teams and the Changing Environment Unit Twelve How to Resolve Conficts—Wtthout Offending Anyone Unit Thirteen Principles of NegotiationPart There Doing Business Across Borders Unit One A Brief History of International Trade Policy Unit Two Who Gains from Trade? Unit Three How Beneficial Is Foreign Direct Investment for Developing Countries? Unit Four Multinational Corporations:Myths and Facts Unit Five Recession:What Does It Mean to Investors? Unit Six Globalization Today Unit S even Enter the Dragon:China's Big Companies and the Worle EconomyPart Four Working Through Cultural Diversities Unit One Understanding Culure Unit Two Culture and Its Characteristics Unit Three Hofstede's Four Value Dimensions ……


本套书分为上、下两册,涵盖了8个商务专题,全部用英文编写。每篇文章由3部分组成。(1)文章导读;(2)阅读欣赏;(3)注释讲解。又自成体系。它试图介绍商务某一领域的新知识、新发展、新观念。每个商务主题的中央文标题为: ——迈入管理新世纪(Managing into the 21st Century) ——沟通、沟通、财沟能(Managing into the 21st Communications) ——商战无国界(Enhancing Business Communications) ——商战无国界(Dong Business Across Borders) ——穿赵多元文化(Working Through Cultral Diversities) ——精彩的广告世界Living in the Vibrant World of Aavertising ——金融世界 让数字说话(Letting Figures Talk in the Wolrd of Finance) ——营销的艺术:理智与情感(The Art of Markeing :Sense and Sensitivity) ——在法律上下生存和竞争Living and Surviving Under the Law 此套读本的定和位和特色,此套读物专门为大学本科英语专业三、四级学生所设计、供他们做英语泛读教材。可在两年内全部读完。亦可作为商务英语专业本科、研究生、MBA高级商务英语课程的阅读教材。此外,还是出国商务培训、出国学位学习培训和公司商务英语培训的理想阅读教材。参加BEC考试、商务师资格考试及其他商业类出国考试的考生也可将此书作为系统商务知识补充和语言阅读能力的提高教材。而大学本科以下、以上的学生或其他已从事商务工作的英语爱好者也可以阅读。 此套丛书的特点为: ——语言浅显易懂并涵盖了商务英语各方面的必要词汇; ——内容丰富有趣,包括了商务领域的方方面面; ——编写者兼具商务知识、语言优势、教学理论与实践经验; ——一石双鸟、厚积薄发。既学语言又学商务。




商务英语阅读是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2005.出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 商务-英语-阅读教学-自学参考资料 的书籍。