

徐华, 包振华, 编著









CHAPTER ONE BASIS OF TEXTILES FOREIGN TRADE / 纺织品外贸基础Section One Classification of Textile Materials / 纺织材料的分类I. Textile Fiber and Its Classification / 纺织纤维及其分类II. Classification of Yarn / 纱线的分类III. Classification of Fabric / 织物的分类Section Two Technical Indexes of Textiles and Conventional Units inForeign Trade/纺织品的技术指标及外贸常用单位I. Main Technical Indexes of Yarn / 纱线的主要技术指标II. Main Technical Indexes of Fabric / 织物的主要技术指标III. Conventional Units in International Trade / 国际贸易常用单位IV. Conversion of Metric Units and British Units in Textiles Trade/纺织品贸易中常用公制、英制单位换算New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking Points

CHAPTER ONE BASIS OF TEXTILES FOREIGN TRADE / 纺织品外贸基础Section One Classification of Textile Materials / 纺织材料的分类I. Textile Fiber and Its Classification / 纺织纤维及其分类II. Classification of Yarn / 纱线的分类III. Classification of Fabric / 织物的分类Section Two Technical Indexes of Textiles and Conventional Units inForeign Trade/纺织品的技术指标及外贸常用单位I. Main Technical Indexes of Yarn / 纱线的主要技术指标II. Main Technical Indexes of Fabric / 织物的主要技术指标III. Conventional Units in International Trade / 国际贸易常用单位IV. Conversion of Metric Units and British Units in Textiles Trade/纺织品贸易中常用公制、英制单位换算New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking PointsCHAPTER TWO CLAUSES OF QUALITY, QUANTITY AND PACKINGFOR TEXTILES / 纺织品的品质、数量和包装条款Section One Requirements of Quality and Quantity of TextileMaterial andRelated Contract Clauses / 纺织材料的品质、数量要求及合同条款I. Requirements of Quality and Quantity of Raw Cotton for Importand Export/ 原棉进出口的品质及数量要求II. Requirements of Quality and Quantity of Wool Import and Export/羊毛纤维进出口的品质及数量要求III. Requirements of Quality and Quantity of Silk /生丝的品质及数量要求IV. Requirements of Quality and Quantity of Man-made Fiber forImport and Export / 化学纤维进出口的品质及数量要求Section Two Requirements of Quality and Quantity of Textile Fabricand Related Contract Clauses/ 纺织面料的品质、数量要求及合同条款I. Expressions of Specification of Woven Fabric and Requirements ofQuality / 机织面料的规格表示方法及品质要求II. Indication of Specification of Knitted Fabric / 针织面料的规格表示III. Requirements of Quality of Fabric Finishing /织物后整理的品质要求Section Three Packing of Textiles and Related ContractClauses/ 纺织品的包装及合同条款I. Importance of Commodities Packing / 商品包装的重要性II. Varieties of Packing and Choice of Packing Material /包装的种类和包装材料的选择III. Packing Methods and Clauses / 包装方式及包装条款IV. Product Code, Label and Hang-tag / 条码、标签及吊牌New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking PointsCHAPTER THREE INTERNATIONAL TRADE TERMS / 国际贸易术语Section One International Trade Terms, Rules & Conventions andIncoterms 2010 /国际贸易术语、国际惯例及通则2010I. International Trade Terms / 国际贸易术语II. International Trade Rules and Conventions / 国际贸易惯例III. Incoterms / 国际贸易术语解释通则IV. Relative Terminology / 相关术语Section Two Rules for Sea and Inland waterway Transport /适用于海上和内陆水上运输的术语I. FOB — Free On Board / 船上交货 (……指定装运港)II. CFR — Cost and Freight / 成本加运费 (……指定目的港)III. CIF — Cost Insurance and Freight / 成本、保险费加运费(……指定目的港)IV. FAS — Free Alongside Ship / 船边交货 (……指定装运港)Section Three Rules for any Mode or Modes of Transport /适用于任何运输方式的术语I. FCA — Free Carrier/ 货交承运人 (……指定地点)II. CPT — Carriage Paid To / 运费付至(……指定目的地)III. CIP — Carriage And Insurance Paid To运费和保险费付至(……指定目的地)IV. EXW — Ex Works / 工厂交货(……指定地点)V. DAT — Delivered At Terminal / 运输终端交货 (……指定目的地)VI. DAP — Delivered At Place /目的地交货 (……指定目的地)VII. DDP — Delivered Duty Paid / 完税后交货 (……指定目的地)New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking PointsCHAPTER FOUR PRICE OF IMPORT AND EXPORT GOODS /进出口商品的价格Section One Price Clauses / 价格条款I. Price Clauses in Contract of International Trade /国际贸易合同中的价格条款II. Principles and Methods of Pricing / 作价原则和方法III. Money of Account / 计价货币IV. Exchange Conversion of Money of Account / 计价货币的汇率折算V. Commission and Discount / 佣金与折扣Section Two Price Accounting of Export Goods / 出口商品的价格核算I. Price Formation / 价格构成II. Price Accounting of Export Goods / 出口货物的价格核算III. Export Quotation Accounting of Three Foreign Trade Terms/三种贸易术语的对外报价核算IV. Accounting of Export Counter Offer / 出口还价核算V. Conversion of Three Trade Terms / 三种贸易术语的换算Section Three Price Clauses in Sales Contract / 合同中的价格条款New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking PointsCHAPTER FIVE INTERNATIONAL CARGO TRANSPORT /国际货物运输Section One Modes of Transport / 运输方式I. Marine Transport / 海洋运输II. Railway Transport / 铁路运输III. Air Transport / 航空运输IV. Container Transport / 集装箱运输V. International Multi-modal Transport / 国际多式联运VI. Land Bridge Transport / 大陆桥运输VII. Overland Common Points (OCP) / 内陆公共点VIII. Postal Transport / 邮包运输Section Two Shipment Clauses / 装运条款I. Time of Shipment / 装运时间II. Port of Shipment and Destination / 装运港和目的港III. Partial Shipment and Transshipment / 分批装运和转运IV. Detention and Despatch Clauses / 滞期与速遣条款Section Three Transport Documents / 运输单据I. Container Booking Note (CBN) / 集装箱货物托运单II. Ocean Bill of Lading (B/L) / 海运提单III. Documents Used in Container Transport—Combined TransportDocument / 集装箱运输中使用的单据——联运单据IV. Air Waybill / 航空运输单据V. Railway Bills / 铁路运单VI. Packing List / 装箱单New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking PointsCHAPTER SIX INTERNATIONAL CARGO TRANSPORTATIONINSURANCE / 国际货物运输保险Section One Marine Cargo Transportation Insurance / 海上货物运输保险I. Marine Perils and Losses / 海上风险与损失II. Extraneous Risks and Losses / 外来风险和损失III. Expenses / 费用Section Two Risks Coverage for China Marine Cargo TransportationInsurance /我国海洋货物运输保险的险别I. Basic Risks Coverage for Marine Transportation / 海运基本险别II. Additional Risks Coverage for Marine Transportation /海运附加险别Section Three Overland, Air Transportation and Parcel PostInsurance /我国陆运、空运与邮包货物运输保险I. Overland Transportation Insurance / 陆运货物保险II. Air Transportation Cargo Insurance / 空运货物保险III. Parcel Post Insurance / 邮包运输保险Section Four Institute Cargo Clauses / 协会货物保险条款I. Institute Cargo Clause A / 协会货物A 条款II. Institute Cargo Clause B / 协会货物B条款III. Institute Cargo Clause C / 协会货物C 条款Section Five Practice of International Cargo TransportationInsurance /国际货物运输保险实务I. Choosing on Risks Coverage / 选择险别II. Cargo Transportation Insured Amount and Insurance Premium/货物运输投保金额及保险费III. Insurance Documents / 保险单据New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking PointsCHAPTER SEVEN INTERNATIONAL PAYMENT/ 国际结算Section One International Payment and Instruments / 支付工具I. Draft/Bill of Exchange / 汇票II. Promissory Note / 本票III. Check/Cheque / 支票Section Two Means of International Settlements / 国际结算方式I. Remittance / 汇付II. Collection / 托收III. Letter of Credit (L/C) / 信用证IV. Factoring / 保理V. Letter of Guarantee (L/G) / 保函New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking PointsCHAPTER EIGHT TEXTILES INSPECTION AND COMMODITYINSPECTION CLAUSES / 纺织品检验与商品检验条款Section One Main Inspection Agencies at Home and Abroad andInspection Standards/国内外主要检验机构及检验标准I. Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People’sRepublic of China / 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局II. Textiles Testing Office, Testing Technique Center on IndustrialRaw Material, Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau/ 上海出入境检验检疫局工业原材料检测技术中心纺织品检测室III. Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of National CottonTextiles /国家棉纺织产品质量监督检验中心IV. Testing & Adjusting Laboratory, Shanghai Institute ofTechnical Supervision for Textile Industry /上海市纺织工业技术监督所检测/校准实验室V. SGS-CSTC Standard Technical Service Ltd, Shanghai Brand /上海通标标准技术服务有限公司VI. Intertek Testing Services Ltd., Shanghai /上海天祥质量技术部服务有限公司VII. Merchandise Testing Laboratories Shanghai /上海申美商品检测有限公司VIII. Japan Synthetic Textile Inspection Institute FoundationShanghai Kakon Apparel Test & Mending Co., Ltd. /日本化学纤维检查协会上海科恳服装检验修整有限公司IX. Japan Spinners Inspecting Foundation, Shanghai Office/日本纺织品检查协会上海试验中心Section Two Inspection and Labelling of Green Textiles orEcological Textiles /绿色纺织品或生态纺织品的检验与标志I. Meaning and Main Contents of Green Textiles or EcologicalTextiles /绿色纺织品或生态纺织品的含义和主要内容II. Ecolabelling of Green Textiles / 绿色纺织品的生态标志III. Testing Items of Ecological Textiles / 生态纺织品的检验项目Section Three Commodity Inspection Clauses and InspectionCertificates /商检条款及商检证书I. Commodity Inspection Clauses / 商检条款II. Declaration Form on Export Commodity / 出境货物报检单III. Inspection Certificates / 商检证书New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking PointsCHAPTER NINE SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADEDISPUTES / 贸易争端的解决Section One Dispute / 争议I. Kinds of Disputes / 争议的种类II. Causes for Disputes / 产生争议的原因III. Ways of Solving Disputes / 解决争议的途径Section Two Claim / 索赔I. Claim and Claim Settlement / 索赔与理赔II. Claim Clauses in Sales Contract / 买卖合同中的索赔条款Section Three Force Majeure / 不可抗力I. Definition of Force Majeure and Its Confirmation /不可抗力的含义和认定II. Legal Consequence of Force Majeure / 不可抗力事件的法律后果III. Informing and Proving of Force Majeure Events /不可抗力事件的通知和证明IV. Force Majeure Clauses in Sales Contract / 买卖合同中的不可抗力条款Section Four Arbitration / 仲裁I. Form of Arbitration / 仲裁的形式II. Arbitration Organization / 仲裁机构III. Arbitration Agreement and Its Functions / 仲裁协议及其作用IV. Arbitration Clauses / 仲裁条款New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking PointsCHAPTER TEN BUSINESS NEGOTIATION AND PERFORMANCEOF INTERNATIONAL SALES CONTRACTS /国际货物买卖合同的商订与履行Section One Conclusion of Contract / 合同的签订I. General Procedures in Business Negotiation / 磋商的一般程序II. Conclusion of Written Contract / 合同的签订III. Basic Contents of Written Contract / 合同的基本内容Section Two Implementing of Sales Contract / 进出口合同的履行I. Implementing of Export Contract / 出口合同的履行II. Implementing Import Contract / 进口合同的履行Section Three The Main Import & Export Documents /主要进出口单据New Words and ExpressionsNotesThinking Points附录1 单证常用(缩)语和词组附录2 中国及世界主要港口附录3《托收统一规则》(URC522)(英文版)附录4《跟单信用证统一惯例》UCP600 (英文版)参考文献


本书以纺织品对外贸易为对象,以纺织品合同条款为基础,以国际贸易惯例为依据,比较全面地介绍了纺织品对外贸易的基本理论和相关知识、纺织品外贸中常用的英语专业词汇。全书共分10章,包括纺织品外贸基础,纺织品的品质、数量和包装条款,国际贸易术语,进出口商品的价格,国际货物运输,国际货物运输保险,国际结算,纺织品检验与商品检验条款,贸易争端的解决,国际货物买卖合同的商订与履行。相关章节附有配套的合同样本、主要单据样本、重难点解释以及主要词汇,书后附有单证常用(缩)语和词组、中国及世界主要港口、托收统一规则(URC522)及跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP600)等,供学习者参考。  本书可作为本科国际经济与贸易专业、纺织品检验与贸易专业以及与纺织贸易相关专业的专业英语教材,也可作为高职高专纺织品检验与贸易专业学生的专业英语教材,同时,可供从事纺织品外贸业务的从业人员使用。




尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


纺织品外贸实务英语是中国纺织出版社于2013.5出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 纺织品-对外贸易-英语 的书籍。