

王瑛, 主编







Chapter 1Introduction

1.1Basic Concepts and Contents of International Settlement

1.1.1Basic Concepts of International Settlement

1.1.2Types of International Settlement

1.1.3Basic Contents of International Settlement

1.2Evolution of International Settlement

1.2.1From Cash Settlement to Noncash Settlement

1.2.2From Direct Payment to Payment Effected through

a Financial Intermediary

1.2.3From Payments under Simple Price Terms to Payments

under More Complex Price Terms

1.2.4New Tendency: Settlement through the Internet

1.3The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

1.4International Payment Systems

1.4.1Brief Introduction

1.4.2International Clearing Systems

Chapter 2Instruments of International Settlement

2.1An Overview of Negotiable Instruments

2.1.1Characteristics of a Negotiable Instrument

2.1.2Functions of Negotiable Instruments

2.2Bill of Exchange(汇票)

2.2.1Definition of a Bill of Exchange

2.2.2Essentials to a Bill of Exchange

2.2.3Parties to a Bill of Exchange

2.2.4Acts of Bills of Exchange

2.2.5Classification of Bill of Exchange

2.2.6Advantages of a Bill of Exchange

2.3Promissory Note(本票)

2.3.1Definition of a Promissory Note

2.3.2Characteristics of a Promissory Note

2.3.3Essentials to a Promissory Note

2.3.4Classification of Promissory Note

2.3.5Parties to a Promissory Note

2.3.6Difference between a Promissory Note and a Bill of Exchange


2.4.1Definition of a Cheque

2.4.2Essentials to a Cheque

2.4.3Features of a Cheque

2.4.4Parties to a Cheque

2.4.5Classification of Cheque

2.4.6Difference between a Cheque and a Bill of Exchange

Chapter 3Payment MethodⅠ: Remittance

3.1Outline of Remittance

3.1.1Definition of Remittance

3.1.2Parties to a Remittance

3.1.3Types of Remittance

3.2Procedure for Remittance

3.2.1Procedure for T/T

3.2.2Procedure for M/T

3.3.3Procedure for D/D

3.3.4Reimbursement Methods

3.3.5Cancellation of the Remittance

3.3Comparison of the T/T,M/T and D/D

3.4Advantages and Disadvantages of Remittance

3.4.1Advantages of Remittance

3.4.2Disadvantages of Remittance

3.5Function of Remittance in International Trade

3.5.1Open Account


3.5.3Payment in Advance

Chapter 4Payment Method Ⅱ: Collection

4.1An Overview of Collection

4.1.1Definition of Collection

4.1.2The Nature and Application of a Collection

4.1.2Parties to Collection

4.1.3Types of Collection

4.2Documentary Collection Practice

4.2.1Procedure of Documentary Collection

4.2.2Collection Application Form and Order

4.2.3Uniform Rules for Collection

4.3Risk Protection and Financing under Collection

4.3.1Risks Involved

4.3.2Notes,Tips,and Cautions

4.3.3Financing under the Collection

Chapter 5Payment Method Ⅲ: L/C

5.1An Overview of L/C

5.1.1Definition of L/C

5.1.2Characteristics of L/C

5.1.3International Rules and Customs for L/C

5.1.4Contents and Form of L/C

5.1.5Parties Involved in an L/C

5.2Types of L/C

5.2.1According to whether Accompanied by Commercial Documents

5.2.2According to whether Confirmed by Another Bank

5.2.3According to the Mode of Availability

5.2.4Straight L/C

5.2.5Anticipatory L/C

5.2.6Transferable L/C

5.2.7BacktoBack L/C

5.2.8Revolving L/C

5.2.9Reciprocal L/C

5.2.10Travelers L/C

5.3Procedures of Documentary L/C



5.3.3Utilization and Settlement

5.4Risks under L/C and Protection

5.5Financing under L/C

5.5.1Financing Provided to the Exporter

5.5.2Financing Provided to the Importer

5.6Introduction to UCP600

Chapter 6Other Methods of International Settlement

6.1Banks Letter of Guarantee(L/G)

6.1.1Definition of L/G

6.1.2Parties to An L/G

6.1.3Types of L/G

6.1.4Procedure of L/G

6.1.5Contents of L/G

6.1.6Differences between L/G and L/C

6.2Standby L/C

6.2.1Definition of Standby L/C

6.2.2Characteristics and Types of Standby L/C

6.2.3Differences between Standby L/C and L/ C

6.2.4Differences between Standby L/C and L/ G

6.3International Factoring

6.3.1Definition of International Factoring

6.3.2Parties to International Factoring

6.3.3Types of International Factoring

6.3.4Procedures of International Factoring

6.3.5Application of International Factoring

6.3.6Advantages of International Factoring

6.3.7Compassion between International Factoring and Traditional

Payment Method


6.4.1Definition of Forfaiting

6.4.2Characteristics of Forfaiting

6.4.3Parties to Forfaiting

6.4.4Procedure of Forfaiting

6.4.5Advantages and Disadvantages of Forfaiting

6.4.6Difference between Factoring and Forfaiting

Chapter 7Documents Used in International Settlement



7.2.1Commercial Invoice

7.2.2Other Invoice

7.3Transport Documents

7.3.1Marine Bill of Lading

7.3.2Sea Waybill

7.3.3Airway Bill

7.3.4Railway Bill

7.4Insurance Documents

7.4.1Insurance Policy

7.4.2Insurance Certificate

7.5Other Documents

7.5.1Packing List

7.5.2Certificate of Origin

7.5.3Inspection Certificate

7.5.4Export License

7.6Documents Examination and Disposal of Discrepancies

7.6.1Documents Examination

7.6.2Documents Checklists

7.6.3Disposal of Discrepancies

Chapter 8Nontrade Settlement

8.1Nontrade Settlement

8.2Overseas Chinese Remittance

8.3Travelers Cheque

8.3.1Definition of Travelers Cheque

8.3.2Parties to a Travelers Cheque

8.3.3Procedures of Travelers Cheque Transaction

8.3.4Advantages of the Travelers Cheque

8.4Credit Card

8.4.1Definition of Credit Card

8.4.2Parties to a Credit Card

8.4.3Procedure of Credit Card

8.4.4Function of Credit Card


跟单信用证专家(Certified Documentary Credit Specialist,CDCS)考试









尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 4000


国际结算是清华大学出版社于2016.出版的中图分类号为 F830.73 的主题关于 国际结算-高等学校-教材-汉、英 的书籍。