

(印) 巴拉古路萨米 (Balagurusamy,E.) , 著









1 overview of c

1.1 history of c

1.2 importance of c

1.3 sample program 1: printing a message

1.4 sample program 2' adding two numbers

1.5 sample program 3: interest calculation

1.6 sample program 4: use of subroutines

1.7 sample program 5: use of math functions

1.8 basic Structure of c programs

1.9 programming style

1.10 executing a 'c' program

1.11 UNIX system

1.12 ms-dos System

Review questions

Programming exercises

2 constants, variables, and data types

2.1 Introduction

2.2 character set

2.3 c tokens

2.4 keywords and identifiers

2.5 constants

2.6 variables

2.7 data types

2.8 Declaration of variables

2.9 declaration of storage class

2.10 assigning values to variables

2.11 defining symbolic constants

2.12 declaring a variable as constant

2.13 declaring a variable as volatile

2.14 overflow and underflow of data

Review questions

Programming exercises

3 operators and expressions

3.1 Introduction

3.2 arithmetic operators

3.3 relational operators

3.4 logical operators

3.5 assignment operators

3.6 increment and decrement operators

3.7 conditional Operator

3.8 bitwise operators

3.9 special operators

3.10 arithmetic expressions

3.11 Evaluation of expressions

3.12 Precedence of arithmetic operators

3.13 Some computational problems

3.14 type conversions in expressions

3.15 operator precedence and Associativity

3.16 mathematical functions

Review questions

Programming exercises

4 managing input and output operations

4.1 Introduction

4.2 reading a character

4.3 writing a character

4.4 formatted input

4.5 formatted output

Review questions

Programming exercises

5 decision making and branching

5.1 Introduction

5.2 decision making with if statement

5.3 simple if statement

5.4 The if...else statement

5.5 nesting of if...else statements

5.6 The else if ladder

5.7 The switch statement

5.8 The?: Operator

5.9 The go to statement

Review questions

Programming exercises

6 decision making and looping

6.1 Introduction

6.2 The while statement

6.3 The do statement

6.4 The for statement

6.5 jumps in loops

6.6 concise test expressions

Review questions

Programming exercises

7 arrays

7.1 Introduction

7.2 one-dimensional arrays

7.3 Declaration of one-dimensional arrays

7.4 Initialization of one-dimensional arrays

7.5 two-dimensional arrays

7.6 initializing two-dimensional arrays

7.7 multi-dimensional arrays

7.8 dynamic arrays

7.9 more about arrays

Review questions

Programming exercises

8 character arrays and strings

8.1 Introduction

8.2 declaring and initializing string variables

8.3 reading strings from terminal

8.4 writing strings to screen

8.5 arithmetic operations on characters

8.6 putting strings together

8.7 Comparison of two strings

8.8 string-handling functions

8.9 table of strings

8.10 other features of strings

Review questions

Programming exercises

9 user-defined functions

9.1 Introduction

9.2 need for user-defined functions

9.3 A multi-function program

9.4 elements of user-defined functions

9.5 Definition of functions

9.6 return values and their types

9.7 function calls

9.8 function declaration

9.9 Category of functions

9.10 No arguments and no return values

9.11 arguments but no return values

9.12 arguments with return values

9.13 No arguments but returns a value

9.14 functions that return multiple values

9.15 nesting of functions

9.16 Recursion

9.17 passing arrays to functions

9.18 passing strings to functions

9.19 The scope, visibility and lifetime of variables

9.20 Multifile programs

Review questions

Programming exercises

10 structures and unions

10.1 Introduction

10.2 defining a structure

10.3 declaring structure variables

10.4 accessing structure members

10.5 structure initialization

10.6 copying and comparing structure variables

10.7 operations on individual members

10.8 arrays of structures

10.9 arrays within structures

10.10 structures within structures

10.11 structures and functions

10.12 unions

10.13 size of structures

10.14 bit fields

Review questions

Programming exercises

11 pointers

11.1 Introduction

11.2 understanding pointers

11.3 accessing the address of a variable

11.4 declaring pointer variables

11.5 Initialization of pointer variables

11.6 accessing a variable through its pointer

11.7 chain of pointers

11.8 pointer expressions

11.9 pointer increments and scale factor

11.10 pointers and arrays

11.11 pointers and character strings

11.12 array of pointers

11.13 pointers as function arguments

11.14 functions returning pointers

11.15 pointers to functions

11.16 pointers and structures

11.17 troubles with pointers

Review questions

Programming exercises

12 file management in c

12.1 Introduction

12.2 defining and opening a file

12.3 closing a file

12.4 input/output operations on files

12.5 error handling during I/O operations

12.6 random Access to files

12.7 command line arguments

Review questions

Programming exercises

13 dynamic memory allocation and linked lists

13.1 Introduction

13.2 dynamic Memory Allocation

13.3 Allocating a block of memory: NALLOC

13.4 Allocating multiple blocks of memory: CALLOC

13.5 Releasing the used space: free

13.6 Altering the size of a block: REALLOC

13.7 Concepts of linked lists

13.8 Advantages of linked lists

13.9 Types of linked lists

13.10 Pointers revisited

13.11 Creating a linked list

13.12 Inserting an item

13.13 Deleting an item

13.14 Application of linked lists

Review questions

Programming exercises

14 The preprocessor

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Macro substitution

14.3 File inclusion

14.4 Compiler control directives

14.5 ANSI additions

Review questions

Programming exercises

15 Developing a C program: some guidelines

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Program design

15.3 Program coding

15.4 Common programming errors

15.5 Program testing and debugging

15.6 Program efficiency

Review questions

Appendix Ⅰ: Bit-level programming

Appendix Ⅱ: ASCII values of characters

Appendix Ⅲ: ANSI library functions

Appendix Ⅳ: Projects

Appendix Ⅴ: C99 features








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页数 537 印数


标准C程序设计是清华大学出版社于2011.出版的中图分类号为 TP312 的主题关于 C语言-程序设计-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。