

陈传, 著







Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background

1.2 Problem Statement

1.3 Research Objectives

1.4 Scope

1.5 Research Methodology

1.6 Relevance

1.7 Reader's Guide

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Entry as a Strategic Issue

2.1.1 Strategic Planning and Management:a Construction Perspective

2.1.2 Internationalization Process

2.1.3 Entry Barriers

2.1.4 Entry Timing

2.1.5 Market Selection

2.1.6 Entry Mode Selection

2.2 Entry as an Organizational Issue

2.3 Entry for International Construction Markets

2.3.1 International Project Go/No-Go Decision

2.3.2 Internationalization of Construction Firms

2.3.3 Entry Modes Examined in International Construction Literature

2.3.4 International Construction Market Structure,Trends,and Future

2.3.5 Other Related Topics in International Construction

2.4 Concluding Remarks

2.5 Summary

Chapter 3 An Overview of the International Construction Market Entry

3.1 A General Review of the History of International Construction

3.1.1 Pre-World War II period

3.1.2 Post-World War H Period until 1992

3.1.3 The Past Decade:an Empirical Analysis

3.2 Comments on the Chronological Review

3.3 The Increasing Popularity of Permanent Entry

3.4 Voices from the Industry during the Past Two Decades : A New Trend

3.5 An Empirical Investigation of the Mobile Versus Permanent Entry Dichotomy

3.6 Summary

Chapter 4 Entry Mode Definition

4.1 Methodology

4.2 Basic Entry Modes for International Construction Markets

4.2.1 Strategic Alliance( SA)

4.2.2 BOT/Equity Project

4.2.3 JV Project

4.2.4 Representative Office( RO)

4.2.5 Licensing

4.2.6 Local Agent( LA)

4.2.7 JV Company

4.2.8 Sole Venture( SV) Company

4.2.9 Branch Ofice/Company( BO)

4.3 Evaluation of the Entry Modes

4.4 Transferability and Compatibility of Entry Modes

4.5 Entry Mode-Country Relationship( Applicability)

4.6 Summary

Chapter 5 Relationships Between Market Entry Modes

5.1 Classifying Entry Modes by Setting Characteristics

5.2 A Synthesis of Setting Characteristics of Entry Modes

5.3 Different Effects of Entry Modes

5.3.1 Risk Exposure

5.3.2 Control

5.3.3 Resource Commitment

5.3.4 Flexibility

5.4 A Synthesis of Different Effects

5.5 An Investigation of Different Effects of Entry Modes

5.6 Entry Mode Combination and Sequencing

5.7 A Review of the Mobile versus Permanent Entry Dichotomy

5.8 Summary

Chapter 6 Theory Development

6.1 Review of Related Theories

6.1.1 Transaction Cost Economics(TCE)

6.1.2 Stage Models of Entry

6.1.3 Ownership Location Internalization ( OLI) Paradigm

6.1.4 Organizational Capability( OC)

6.1.5 Bargaining Power ( BP)

6.1.6 Institutional (Cultural Theory

6.2 A Synthesis of Different TTeories from a Process Perspective

6.3 Hypotheses Development

6.3.1 Home Country Factors

6.3.2 Home Country-Host Country Factors

6.3.3 Host Country Factors

6.3.4 Firm Factors

6.4 Interaction Effects

6.5 A Synthesis of Influencing Factors

6.6 Summary

Chapter 7 Theory Testing

7.1 Methodology

7.1.1 Sample

7.1.2 Analytical Approach

7.2 Measurement of Variables

7.2.1 Measurement of the Dependent Variable

7.2.2 Measurement of Independent Variables

7.2.3 Control Variable-Home Country Economic Level

7.3 Results

7.3.1 Logistic Regression

7.3.2 TTet

7.4 Conclusions and Managerial/Future Research Implications

7.5 Summary

Chapter 8 Conclusions

8.1 A Summary of the Research Process and Findings

8.1.1 Characterization of the Global Construction Market Trends from a Market Entry Perspective

8.1.2 Development of a Taxonomy of Entry Modes for the Global Construction Market

8.1.3 Differentiation of Entry Modes

8.1.4 Identification of Factors Influencing Entry Mode Selection

8.1.5 Hypothesis Testing and Model Development for Entry Mode Selection

8.2 Contributions of the Research

8.2.1 A Taxonomy of Entry Modes for International Construction Markets

8.2.2 Influencing Factors for Entry Mode Selection in International Construction

8.2.3 A Descriptive and Normative Model for Entry Mode Selection in International Construction

8.2.4 Innovation in Research Methodology for Construction Management

8.3 Limitations of the Research

8.3.1 Selection between Two Groups of Entry Modes

8.3.2 Limited Factors Included in the Model

8.3.3 Data Accessibility

8.4 Future Research

8.4.1 Market Selection

8.4.2 Selection between Basic Entry Modes

8.4.3 Principles for Combining and Sequencing Different Entry Modes

8.4.4 The Culture of International Contractors





尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 240 印数


国际建筑市场的进入模式与模型分类是科学出版社于2014.10出版的中图分类号为 F416.9 的主题关于 建筑业-国际市场-研究-英文 的书籍。