

(英) 盖尔恩斯 (Gairns,R.) , (美) 雷德曼 (Redman,S.) , 著







Introduction 导语

Starter 开篇

How to use a unit 如何使用每一单元

How to learn new words 如何学习生词

Abbreviations and symbols 缩写与符号

Learning 学习

1 I can talk about vocabulary learning 词汇学习

2 I can describe my progress and aims 进步与目标

3 I can understand a learner's dictionary 学习型词典

4 I can talk about English punctuation 英语标点符号

Review 复习

People 人

5 I can talk about appearance 外貌

6 I can talk about character 性格

7 I can describe my feelings 感受

8 I can talk about relationships 关系

9 I can talk about families 家庭

10 I can talk about weddings and funerals 婚礼与葬礼

Review 复习

The world around us 周围的世界

11 I can describe the universe 宇宙

12 I can talk about rivers and the sea 河流与海洋

13 I can describe the climate 气候

14 I can describe natural disasters 自然灾害

15 I can describe animals and insects 动物与昆虫

Review 复习

Daily life 日常生活

16 I can describe a range of food 食物

17 I can talk about diets and cooking 饮食与烹饪

18 I can talk about money 金钱

19 I can talk about sleep 睡眠

20 I can talk about injuries 伤害

21 I can talk about cars and driving 汽车与驾驶

22 I can describe travel problems and accidents 旅行中的麻烦与事故

23 I can talk about clothes and fashion 服装与时尚

Review 复习

Getting things done 完成每一件事

24 I can describe a visit to the dentist 看牙医

25 I can describe hospital procedures 就医流程

26 I can explain household tasks 家事

27 I can describe housework 家务活

28 I can talk to a hairdresser 与美发师交谈

Review 复习

Describing things 描述

29 I can describe urban life 城市生活

30 I can describe parts of a building 建筑物一隅

31 I can describe objects 物品

32 I can describe the senses 感知

33 I can describe a painting 画作

34 I can describe actions 行为

Review 复习

Social and political issues


35 I can talk about crime 犯罪行为

36 I can describe the justice system 司法系统

37 I can discuss health issues 健康话题

38 I can talk about politics 政治

39 I can talk about war and peace 战争与和平

40 I can talk about events in history 历史事件

Review 复习

Media and entertainment 媒体与娱乐

41 I can understand newspapers 报纸

42 I can talk about films 电影

43 I can talk about art and photography 美术与摄影

44 I can talk about music 音乐

45 I can talk about people and places in sport 体育人物与体育场所

46 I can describe sporting events 体育赛事

47 I can talk about books 书籍

48 I can describe festivals 节日

Review 复习

Work and study 工作与学习

49 I can get through exams 通过考试

50 I can describe university life 大学生活

51 I can apply for a job 申请工作

52 I can describe jobs 工作

53 I can describe a career 职业

54 I can describe working conditions 工作环境

Review 复习

Business 商务

55 I can talk about finance 金融

56 I can talk about companies 公司

57 I can describe a successful business 成功的企业

58 I can discuss marketing 营销

Review 复习

Social English 社交英语

59 I can express probability 可能性

60 I can explain similarities and differences 相似与差异

61 I can make arrangements to meet 安排会面

62 I can discuss my likes and dislikes 喜欢与厌恶

63 I can give my opinion 发表意见

64 I can talk about rules 规则

65 I can discuss hopes and plans 希望与计划

66 I can express dissatisfaction 表达不满

67 I can understand warnings 警告

Review 复习

Language 语言

68 I can use link words 连接词

69 I can use a range of adjectives 形容词

70 I can express place and time 地点和时间

71 I can use prepositions in phrases 短语中的介词

72 I can use prefixes 前缀

73 I can use suffixes 后缀

74 I can use verb patterns 动词模式

75 I can use phrasal verbs 短语动词

76 I can use a range of adverbs 副词

Review 复习

Styles of English 英语文体

77 I can recognize informal English 非正式英语

78 I can write a formal letter 正式信件

79 I can understand abbreviations and short forms 缩写词与简化形式

80 I can understand American English 美式英语

Review 复习

Vocabulary building 构词表

Answer key 答案

Review answer key 复习单元答案

Spotlight boxes 词汇要点

Word list 单词表

Acknowledgements 致谢




适读人群 :初中高年级学生及高中生、英语教师、英语爱好者



尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


牛津英语词汇是上海译文出版社于2015.6出版的中图分类号为 H313 的主题关于 英语-词汇-自学参考资料 的书籍。