生涯规划 : 体验式学习
生涯规划 : 体验式学习封面图

生涯规划 : 体验式学习

黄天中, 著







Part 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Career Management

1.1 Career management and its related terms

1.2 Theories of career management and its development history

Chapter 2 Experiential Learning

2.1 Experiential learning and its related terms

2.2 Theories of experiential learning and its developing history

2.3 Career management and experiential learning

Part 2 Dignity of Life

Chapter 3 Career Management and Life Course

3.1 Life development

3.2 Environmental influences on life

3.3 Importance of health

Chapter 4 Career Management and Attitude Towards Spiritual Belief

4.1 Definition and character of spiritual belief

4.2 Classification of spiritual development

4.3 Exertion of spiritual belief

Chapter 5 Life Care

5.1 Concepts of life and death

5.2 Life care

5.3 Hospice

Part 3 Quality of Life

Chapter 6 Career Management and Self-understanding

6.1 Self-understanding and career management

6.2 Personal qualities and career management

Chapter 7 Career Management and Interpersonal Relationships

7.1 Interpersonal relationships and communication

7.2 Parenthood

7.3 Fellowship

7.4 Relationship between men and women

Chapter 8 Career Management and Stress Management

8.1 Essence of stress

8.2 Responses to stress

8.3 Adjusting stress

Chapter 9 Career Management and Time Management

9.1 Introduction of time

9.2 Time management

Chapter 10 Career and Leisure Management

10.1 Definitions and functions of leisure

10.2 Classification of leisure activities

10.3 Leisure management

Chapter 11 Career Management andPersonal Finance

11.1 Importance of personal finance

11.2 Appropriate financing values

11.3 Personal financial plans

11.4 Personal financial strategies

Chapter 12 Career Management and Mental Health

12.1 Introduction to mental health

12.2 Maintain mental health

12.3 Mental health and career management

Part 4 Occupational Career

Chapter 13 Career Management and Occupational Career

13.1 Development and management of occupational career

13.2 Occupational career and employment

13.3 Occupational career and occupation

13.4 Occupational career and entrepreneurship

13.5 Occupational career and profession

13.6 Occupational career and professional aspiration

Chapter 14 Career Exploration and Career Choice

14.1 Self-exploration

14.2 Exploration of career resources

14.3 Exploration of environmental resources

14.4 Career choices

Part 5 Learning

Chapter 15 Career Management and Holistic Education

15.1 Holistic education and its related terms

15.2 Career management and holistic education

Chapter 16 Lifelong Learning

16.1 Connotation and types of lifelong learning

16.2 Specialty and secondary specialty learning

16.3 Free learning

16.4 Boundless learning

16.5 University without walls

Part 6 Application

Chapter 17 Curriculum and Projects of Experiential Career

17.1 Career management and experiential education courses

17.2 Familial affection practicum

17.3 School association practicum

17.4 Non-profit practicum

17.5 Government organization practicum

17.6 Profit organization practicum

17.7 Cross-cultural practicum

17.8 Outward bound practicum



This book describes the theory and practice of operation from the aspects of life, living, career, applications cases, and so on. It involves all aspects of life activities and covers how to form positive a life philosophy, values,happiness, and occupation. It provides many scientific learning methods, working methods and life attitudes,including the arts of getting along with people, stress adaptation, the cultivation of innovative and professional aspiration, improvement of professional skills, and so on. This book interprets a series of preparation for one's "self-actualization" and shows readers a comprehensive way of improving overall quality based on the concept of holistic education, and the individual's goal of balanced development from a unique perspective and rich.


Everyone has your own road to goThe point is how you are going to walk on it.The road may be wide,the road may be narrow.There is an ascent and there is a downhill;There is breaking through brambles and thons,even there lis no way OUt.However,as long as you settle down,make a good decision for yourcareerand be yourself!Then you are in control ofyour road.


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尺寸19 × 0装帧平装
页数印数 2000


生涯规划 : 体验式学习是高等教育出版社于2009.11出版的中图分类号为 C913.2-49 的主题关于 职业选择-通俗读物-英文 的书籍。