

(新西兰) 宋在晶, 著







PrefaceAbbreviationsAcknowledgementsIntroducing linguistic typology 1.1 What do linguistic typologists study? 1.2 Typological analysis 1.3 Typology of language universals 1.4 Language universals and linguistic typology 1.5 Assumptions and problems in typological analysis 1.5.1 Cross-linguistic comparability 1.5.2 The Principle of Uniformitarianism 1.5.3 Approaches to language sampling 1.5.4 Determining language sample sizes 1.5.5 Problems with data 1.6 Partial typology vs. holistic typology

PrefaceAbbreviationsAcknowledgementsIntroducing linguistic typology 1.1 What do linguistic typologists study? 1.2 Typological analysis 1.3 Typology of language universals 1.4 Language universals and linguistic typology 1.5 Assumptions and problems in typological analysis 1.5.1 Cross-linguistic comparability 1.5.2 The Principle of Uniformitarianism 1.5.3 Approaches to language sampling 1.5.4 Determining language sample sizes 1.5.5 Problems with data 1.6 Partial typology vs. holistic typology 1.7 Organization of the rest of the book2 Basic word order 2.1 What is basic word order? 2.2 Early research on basic word order 2.2.1 The inception of word order typology 2.2.2 The OV-VO typology 2.2.3 Making language universals exceptionless 2.3 Explaining the distribution of the basic clausal word orders 2.4 Back to the OV-VO typology: the Branching Direction Theory 2.5 Seeking a global explanation: the Early Immediate Constituents Theory 2.6 From word order to morpheme order: the suffixing preference 2.7 Closing remarks3 Case marking 3.1 Introduction 3.2 A, S and P, and types of case marking 3.2.1 Nominative-accusative system 3.2.2 Ergative-absolutive system 3.2.3 Tripartite system 3.2.4 AP/S system 3.2.5 Neutral system 3.3 More types of case marking 3.3.1 Split-ergative system 3.3.2 Active-stative system 3.3.3 Direct-inverse system 3.4 Distribution of the case marking systems 3.5 The discriminatory view of case marking 3.6 The indexing view of case marking 3.7 The discriminatory view vs. the indexing view 3.8 The Nominal Hierarchy and the split-ergative system 3.9 Towards a unified explanation: attention flow and viewpoint 3.10 Ergativity from discourse to grammar 3.11 Case marking in altered or non-basic constructions 3.11.1 Passive 3.11.2 Antipassive 3.11.3 Noun incorporation 3.11.4 Advancement of obliques to P 3.12 Syntactic ergativity 3.13 Head marking vs. dependent marking 3.14 Case marking type and word order type4 Relative clauses 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The position of the head noun vis-a-vis the restricting clause 4.3 Expression of the head noun 4.3.1 The obliteration strategy 4.3.2 The pronoun-retention strategy 4.3.3 The relative-pronoun strategy 4.3.4 Language-internal distribution of the relativization strategies 4.4 Accessibility Hierarchy: accessibility to relativization 4.5 Conspiracy in relativization 4.6 Correlations between RC-related properties 4.7 The head noun in the main clause 4.8 Subject primacy vs. discourse preferences in relativization 4.9 RC type and word order type 4.10 The role of processing in the distribution of RC types 4.11 The AH and structural complexity5 Causatives 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The morphologically based typology of causative constructions 5.3 The syntax of the causee NP: the Case Hierarchy 5.4 Conspiracy in causativization 5.5 Doubling: coding vs. grammatical relation 5.6 Causation types and causative types 5.7 The case marking of the causee NP 5.8 The conceptual integration of the causee in the causative event 5.9 Towards a typology of causative constructions6 The application of linguistic typology 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Linguistic typology and historical linguistics 6.2.1 Early attempts at word order reconstruction 6.2.2 Linguistic typology as a control on, and a tool in, reconstruction 6.2.3 Linguistic typology and linguistic prehistory 6.3 Linguistic typology and language acquisition 6.3.1 Accessibility to relativization in FLA 6.3.2 Accessibility to relativization in SLA 6.3.3 Two potential FLA/SLA areas of application 6.3.4 Closing remarks7 European approaches to linguistic typology 7.1 Introduction 7.2 The Leningrad Typology Group 7.3 The Cologne UNITYP Group 7.4 The Prague School Typology 7.5 EpilogueBibliographyAuthor IndexLanguage IndexSubject Index


本书作者在大量不同语言的资料和例证的基础上,对语言类型学作了全新和深入的介绍。本书的特色是着重对此领域中的主要问题,如基本语序、格标记、关系从句、致使构式等进行了具体而详细的研究,通过具体案例研究,揭示了如何发现和解释语言类型的系统模式,以及这些模式所受的限制。另外,本书还讨论了一些实用的问题和方法,如语料的采集和语言样本的制作,最后本书探讨了语言类型学在历时语言学、语言习得等其他领域中的应用问题。 对于研究兴趣在语言类型和语言共性、语言比较、历时语言学、语言习得、语言认知等领域的读者而言,本书都是一部有价值的著作。


本书作者在大量不同语言的资料和例证的基础上,对语言类型学作了全新和深入的介绍。本书的特色是着重对此领域中的主要问题,如基本语序、格标记、关系从句、致使构式等进行了具体而详细的研究,通过具体案例研究,揭示了如何发现和解释语言类型的系统模式,以及这些模式所受的限制。另外,本书还讨论了一些实用的问题和方法,如语料的采集和语言样本的制作,最后本书探讨了语言类型学在历时语言学、语言习得等其他领域中的应用问题。 对于研究兴趣在语言类型和语言共性、语言比较、历时语言学、语言习得、语言认知等领域的读者而言,本书都是一部有价值的著作。




语言类型学是北京大学出版社于2009.01出版的中图分类号为 H003 的主题关于 类型学(语言学)-英文 的书籍。