

方笑君, 主编







Unit One The Early American Literature Chapter Ⅰ The Seventeenth Century Literature Chapter Ⅱ The Eighteenth Century Literature Benjamin Franklin 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading The Autobiography (excerpts)Unit Two The Age Of Romanticism Chapter Ⅰ American Literature of Pro-Romanticism Washington Irving 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Rip Van Winkle (excerpts) Chapter Ⅱ American Literature of Post-Romanticism Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unit One The Early American Literature Chapter Ⅰ The Seventeenth Century Literature Chapter Ⅱ The Eighteenth Century Literature Benjamin Franklin 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading The Autobiography (excerpts)Unit Two The Age Of Romanticism Chapter Ⅰ American Literature of Pro-Romanticism Washington Irving 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Rip Van Winkle (excerpts) Chapter Ⅱ American Literature of Post-Romanticism Ralph Waldo Emerson 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Self- Reliance (excerpts) Edgar Allan Poe 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading The Cask of Amontillado (excerpts) Nathaniel Hawthorne 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading The Scarlet Letter (Chapter 19 ) Walt Whitman 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading I Hear America Singing Come Up from the Fields Father From Song of Myself ( Section 1 ) O Captain ! My Captain ! Emily Dickinson 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Success Is Counted Sweetest There's a Certain Slant of Light Again His Voice Is at the Door I'm Nobody! Who Are You?Unit Three The Age of Realism and Naturalism Chapter Ⅰ American Literature of the Middle and Late Nineteenth Century Mark Twain 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ( Chapter 11 ) Henry James 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Paste Chapter Ⅱ American Literature at the Turn of the Century Theodore Dreiser 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Sister Carrie ( Chapter 1 ) Jack London 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Love of Life (excerpts)Unit Four The Twentieth Century American Literature Chapter Ⅰ Between the Two World Wars Robert Frost 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading The Road Not Taken Mending Wall Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Fire and Ice Ezra Pound 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading In a Station of the Metro A Pact Ernest Hemingway 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading In Another Country Francis Scott Fitzgerald 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading The Great Gatsby (Chapter 3 excerpts) John Steinbeck 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading The Grapes of Wrath ( Chapter 25 ) William Faulkner 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading A Rose for Emily Eugene O'Neill 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Long Day's Journey into Night ( Act 2, Scene 2) Chapter Ⅱ American Literature Since 1945 Saul Bellow 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading The Adventures of Augie March ( Chapter 21 ) Ralph Ellison 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Invisible Man ( Chapter 1 ) Joseph Heller 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Catch-22 (Chapter 5 excerpts) Arthur Miller 1.About the Author 2.Selected Reading Death of a Salesman (Act Ⅱ )References


本书是笔者根据多年教授该课程的教学实践和授课讲义,同时借鉴参考国内外多种同类教材,并结合目前本课程授课时数的实际情况,反复筛选、精心编纂而成。 全书精选了近二十位具有代表性的小说家和诗人及其代表作,试图以此作为学习。在本书的体例设计上,本着将历史与作品融为一体的原则,文史结合,双管齐下,简明扼要,重点突出。每个章节均由时代背景、作家生平、选文、注释及思考题等部分构成。




美国文学选读是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:I 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 ,文学-作品-简介-美国 的书籍。