

韩永红, 编著







Part I Introduction

Chapter 1 The Legal Environment of International Business

1.1 International Business and Olobalization

1.2 History of International Business Law

1.3 Sources of International Business Law

A. International Treaties and Conventions

B. International Business Customs and Usages

C. National Laws

D. Other Sources

1.4 Comparison of Legal Systems

A. The Romano-Germanic Civil Law System

B. The Anglo-American Common Law System

1.5 The Role of International Organizations in International Business

Exhibit 1-1: Outline of the Uruguay Round Final Act

Exhibit 1-2: The structure of the WTO

Part II Law of Business Organizations

Chapter 2 Sole Proprietorships

2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship

2.2 The Law Governing Sole Proprietorships

Chapter 3 Partnerships

3.1 Forms of Partnerships

3.2 Partnership Formation

3.3 Partnership Operation

3.4 Partnership Termination

Exhibit 3-1: A sample partnership agreement

Case 3-1: Helpinstill V. Regions Bank

Chapter 4 Corporations

4.1 Nature of Corporations

4.2 Classification of Corporations

4.3 Corporate Formation

4.4 Disregarding the Corporate Entity

4.5 Corporate Management

A. Corporate Management Institutions

B. Corporate Management Personnel

4.6 Merger, Consolidation and Dissolution of Corporations

Case 4-1: Salomon v Salomon & Co, Ltd..

Case 4-2: Hoskins Chevrolet, INC. V. Hochberg (1998)

Part III Law of International Sale of Goods

Chapter 5 Contract for International Sale of Goods (I)

5.1 What is a Contract?

5.2 Classification of Contracts

5.3 Essential Elements of a Valid Contract

5.4 Rules Governing International Sale of Goods

A. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

B. National Laws

C. Principles of International Commercial Contracts

D. International Customs and Usages: Incoterms

Exhibit 5-1: Division of Incoterms 2000 (Mode of Transport)

Exhibit 5-2: Division of Incoterms 2000 (Duties Imposed on the Seller)

Exhibit 5-3: Division of Incoterms 2010 (Modes of Transport)

Chapter 6 Contract for International Sale of Goods (11)

6.1 The Sphere of Application of CISG

A. Three Requirements for the Application of CISG

B. Choice of Law Clauses

C. Sales Excluded from CISG

D. Contractual Issues Excluded from CISG

6.2 General Provisions for Interpretation of CISG

6.3 Contract Formation

A. The Offer

B. The Acceptance

C. Battle of the Forms

6.4 Seller's Obligations

A. Obligations of Delivery

B. Obligations of Quality of the Goods

C. Obligations of Property Issues

6.5 Buyer's Obligations

A. Obligations of Payment

B. Obligations of Inspection and Notice of Defects

6.6 Risk of Loss

6.7 Excused Performance

6.8 Remedies for Breach of Contract

A. Suspension of Performance

B. Avoidance of a Contract

C. Damages

D. Specific Performance

E. Other Remedies Available under CISG

Case 6-1: American Biophysics Corp. v. Dubois Marine Specialties.

Case 6-2: Hadley v. Baxendale (1854)

Chapter 7 International Carriage of Goods

7.1 Carriage of Goods by Sea

A. Bills of Lading

Fundamentals of Bills of Lading

International Conventions Governing Bills of Lading

Carriers Duties and Immunities Under a Bill of Lading

Other Questions

B. Charterparties

7.2 Carriage of Goods by Air

A. The Warsaw Convention 1929

B. The Montreal Convention 1999

7.3 Carriage of Goods by Road and Rail

7.4 Multimodal Carriage of Goods

7.5 Marine Cargo Insurance

A. Types of Losses

B. Types of Marine Insurance Policies

C. Types of Coverage

Chapter 8 Payment in International Sale of Goods

8.1 Modes of International Payment

8.2 Fundamentals of Negotiable Instruments

8.3 The Bill of Exchange

A. Laws Governing the Bill of Exchange

B. Brief Requirements of the Bill of Exchange

C. Negotiation of the Bill of Exchange

8.4 Documentary Letters of Credit

A. Overview

B. The Governing Rules: UCP 600

C. Basic Legal Principles

The Principle of Independence

The Rule of Strict Compliance

8.5 Standby Letters of Credit

Exhibit 8-1: A Sample of Draft

Exhibit 8-2: A Sample of Cheek

Exhibit 8-3: A Sample of Promissory Note

Case 8-1: Sztejn V. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation

Part IV Law of International Intellectual Property Rights

Chapter 9 International Transfer of Intellectual Property

9.1 Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights

A. Copyrights

B. Patents

C. Trademarks

D. Know-how or Trade Secrets

9.2 International Intellectual Property Organizations and Treaties

9.3 Regulations on International Licensing

A. Typical Terms in International Licensing Agreements

B. Restrictive Business Practices in International Licensing

Price Fixing

Non-competition Clauses

Challenges to Validity

Tying Clauses

Grant-Back Provisions

C. Rules Regulating the Anticompetitive Aspects of International Licensing

D. Compulsory Licenses

9.4 Regulations of International Franchising

Case 9-1: Dayan V. McDonald's Corp.

Part V Law of International Commercial Disputes Resolution

Chapter 10 Settlement of International Commercial Disputes

10.1 Methods of International Commercial Dispute Settlement

10.2 Settlement of Commercial Disputes through Arbitration

A. Overview of Arbitration and International Commercial Arbitration

Understanding Arbitration and International Commercial Arbitration

Types of international Commercial Arbitration

Advantages of International Commercial Arbitration

Disadvantages of International Commercial Arbitration

B. International Commercial/Arbitration Clauses

Form of Arbitration Clauses

Validity of Arbitration Clauses

Drafting Arbitration Clauses

C. International Commercial Arbitration Procedure

Appointment of Arbitrators

Arbitration Proceedings

D. Enforcement of Arbitral awards: New York Convention

E. Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award in the People's Republic of China

10.3 Settlement of Commercial Disputes Involving States through Arbitration

A. International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)

B. Dispute Settlement in WTO

10.4 Settlement of Commercial Disputes through Litigation

A. Jurisdiction

B. Choosing the Governing Law

C. Proving Foreign Law

D. Recognizing and Enforcing Foreign Judgment

Case 10-1: Scherk v. Alberto-Culver Co.

List of Legal Terms



《全国高等院校商务英语专业规划教材(本科):国际商法(英文版)》将国际商法界定为:调整超越一国国境的主体平等的商事组织及其商事交易关系的法律规范的总和。以此为依据,结合国际商务活动的整个流程,本书正文设五部分,共计十章。主要内容包括:概述(国际商务的法律环境);商事组织法(个人企业法、合伙企业法、公司法);国际货物买卖法(国际货物买卖合同(I)、国际货物买卖合同(II)、国际货物运输保险法、国际支付法);国际知识产权法(国际知识产权转让);国际商事争议解决法(国际商事争议处理)。每章包括“热身问题”、“正文”和“小结”。课前对“热身问题”(Warm-up questions)的讨论可以帮助学习者累积必要的背景知识,激发学习者的研读兴趣和探索热情。


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国际商法是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2011.出版的中图分类号为 D996.1 的主题关于 国际商法-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。