DL/T 5136—2001火力发电厂、变电所二次接线设计技术规程
DL/T 5136—2001火力发电厂、变电所二次接线设计技术规程封面图

DL/T 5136—2001火力发电厂、变电所二次接线设计技术规程

中华人民共和国国家经济贸易委员会, 发布








1 Scope

2 References

3 Terms and Symbols

3.1 Terms

3.2 Abbreviations and Symbols

4 General Provisions

5 Control Mode

6 Arrangement of Control Rooms and Panels (Consoles)

6.1 General Requirements

6.2 Arrangement of Central Control Rooms and Network Control Rooms

6.3 Arrangement of Unit Control Rooms

6.4 Surface Arrangement of Control Panels (Consoles) and Relay Panels

7 Basic Requirements for Secondary Circuit Design

7.1 Conventional Control Systems

7.2 Conventional Signaling System

7.3 Conventional Measuring System

7.4 AC Current Transformer and Voltage Transformer Circuits

7.5 Computer—based Supervision of Electrical Systems of Power Plants

7.6 Computer—based Supervision of Substations and Switchyard of Power Plants

8 Wiring of Installation Units Controlled by the Control Room

8.1 Generators

8.2 Transformers and Shunt Reactors

8.3 Transmission Lines

8.4 Capacitor Compensation Device

8.5 Busbar Devices

8.6 Auxiliary Power Supplies

8.7 Fault Recorders

9 Selection and Configuration of Secondary Circuit Equipment

9.1 Selection of Control and Signaling Equipment

9.2 Protection Equipment of Secondary Circuits

9.3 Mini—Busbar and Secondary Circuit Label

9.4 Terminal Blocks

9.5 Control Cables

10 Excitation System

10.1 General Requirements

10.2 Excitation System with DC Exciters

10.3 Excitation System with AC Exciters

10.4 Static Excitation Systems

10.5 Standby Excitation System

11 Synchronizing System

12 AC Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) Systems

12.1 System Configuration

12.2 Arrangement of Equipment

13 Grounding and Anti—interference Measures

13.1 Grounding of Conventional Secondary Circuits and Equipment

13.2 Logical Ground of Electronic Devices

13.3 Grounding of Computer Systems

13.4 Other Anti—interference Measures

Appendix A (Normative) Explanation of Wording in this Code

Appendix B (Normative) Distance Between Panels and Width of Walkways in Control Rooms

Appendix C (Normative) Colors of Mimic Busbars on Control Panels (Consoles)

Appendix D (Normative) I/O List of Generator—Transformer Units

Appendix E (Normative) I/O List of Network Section of Power Plants and Substations

Appendix F (Normative) Colors of Mini—busbars

Appendix G (Normative) Mini—busbar Symbols and Circuit Labels

Appendix H (Normative) Numerical Symbols for Secondary DC Circuits

Appendix I (Normative) Numerical Symbols for Secondary AC Circuits

Appendix J (Informative) Performance of AVR and Excitation Systems under Control of AVR


《火力发电厂、变电所二次接线设计技术规程(英文版)(DL/T 5136-2001)》规定了发电厂、变电所电气二次线设计应遵循的原则及标准。适用于单机额定容量为12MW~600MW的新建火力发电厂及额定电压为35kV~500kV、单台变压器额定容量为5MVA及以上的新建变电所。扩建及改建工程可参照执行。


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尺寸21 × 14装帧平装


DL/T 5136—2001火力发电厂、变电所二次接线设计技术规程是中国电力出版社于2013.5出版的中图分类号为 TM63-65 ,TM621-65 的主题关于 火电厂-二次接线-设计规范-中国-英文 ,变电所-二次接线-设计规范-中国-英文 的书籍。