Chapter 商务合作
Making Telephone Appointments 电话预约
Receiving Clients 接见客户
Company Profile 公司概况
Establishment of Trade Relations 建立
Chapter 商务合作
Making Telephone Appointments 电话预约
Receiving Clients 接见客户
Company Profile 公司概况
Establishment of Trade Relations 建立贸易联系
Introducing New Products 介绍新产品
Enquiries Made by the Buyer 买方询盘
Offers Made by the Seller 卖方报盘
Ordering Goods 订货
Signing a Contract 签合同
Type of Payment 付款方式
Goods Packing 货物包装
Insurance Charges 保险费用
Expediting Delivery 催促发货
Quality Inspection 质量检验
Making a Complaint 提出投诉
Accepting Claims 接受索赔
Chapter 商务出行
Arranging Business Trips 安排差旅
Booking Airline Tickets 预订机票
Customs Inspection 海关检查
Flight Delay 航班延误
On the Plane 飞机上
Checking In 入住宾馆
Visiting Clients 拜访客户
Visiting the Factory 参观工厂
Attending a Banquet 参加宴会
Marketing Research 市场调查
Going Out for Purchasing 外出采购
At the Trade Fair 在交易会上
Checking Out 结账退房
Return 返程
Chapter 商务会议
Office Facility 办公设备
Meeting Notice 会议通知
Participation in Discussion 积极讨论
Meeting Arrangement 会议安排
Meeting Minutes 会议纪要
Meeting Agenda 会议议程
Concluding the Meeting 结束会议
Cancelling the Meeting 取消会议
Preparations for an Exhibition 筹备展会
Sales Target 销售目标
New Product Release Conference 新品发布会
Meeting Postponed 推迟开会
Absent from the Meeting 缺席会议
Telephone Message 电话留言
Chapter 商务谈判
Making a Schedule 日程安排
Compensation Trade 补偿贸易
Joint Venture 合资经营
Technology Transfer 技术转让
Business Agency 商务代理
Negotiating Commission 洽谈佣金
Negotiation on Price 价格谈判
Negotiating Discount 洽谈折扣
Making Compromises 妥协让步
Trademark Registration 商标注册
Chapter 商务书信
The Components of Business Letters
Making an Appointment 预约
Confirming the Appointment 确定约见
Introducing New Products 介绍新产品
Product Promotion 产品促销
The Buyer Inquiry 买方询价
Selling Offer 卖方报价
Declining the Counter Offer 拒绝还盘
Placing a Trial Order 试订
Ordering Goods 订购
Packaging Requirements 包装要求
Shipping Advice 装船通知
Shipping Notification 出货通知
Urging Payment 催促付款
Reply to Pressing for Payment 催款回复
Requesting Deferred Payment 请求延期付款
Incorrect Invoice 发票错误
Complaint 投诉
Returning of Goods 退货
Making up for the Other's Losses 弥补对方损失
Claim for Compensation 索赔
Acceptance of Claims 接受索赔
Asking for Sole Agency 请求担任独家代理
Refusing the Request for a Sole Agency
Thanking Customers 感谢客户
Congratulations on Starting Business 恭贺开业
Thanks for Recommendation 感谢推荐
Talent Recommendation 人才推荐
Thanks for Hospitality 感谢盛情款待
Relationship between Introducing 关系引介
Party Invitations 聚会邀请
Reply to Invitation 回复邀请
Violation of the Contract 违反合约
Welcome Customers to Visit 欢迎客户来访
Inviting to Trade Fair 邀请参加商展
Condolence 吊唁
Reply to Condolence 吊唁回复
Chapter 商务函电
The Components of Business Correspondence
Job Application 申请职位
Application Interview 面试邀请
Applying for Secretary 应聘秘书
Welfare Expectations 福利要求
Acceptance notification 录用通知
Refusing to Accept the Offer 拒绝接受录用
Applying for a Transfer Department 申请调换部门
Reposting 新任命
Promotion 晋升
Application for Resignation 辞职申请
Retiring Staff 辞退员工
Conveying Good News 传达好消息
Releasing the Bad News 发布坏消息
Holiday Notice 放假通知
Offering a Proposal 提出建议
Giving Opinions 给出演讲意见
Thanks for Giving Advice 感谢给出建议
Putting forward to Praise 提出表扬
Award 给予奖励
Criticism & Censure 批评指责
Notice of Meeting 开会通知
Altering Office Hours 更改上班时间
Training Program 培训计划
Congratulation on Further Studies 恭贺升学
Congratulation on Festival 节日祝贺
Housewarming 乔迁之喜
Congratulation on Newly-married 新婚道贺
Congratulation on Promotion 升迁道贺
Personal Leave 请事假
Asking for Sick Leave 请病假
Department Removal 公司部门搬迁
Sympathy 表示慰问
Replying 慰问回复
Chapter 商务合同
Elements of the Business ontract and Classification
Agency Contract 代理合同
Joint Venture Contract 合资经营合同
Distribution Agreement 经销合同
Sales Contract 销售合同
Subscription Agreement 认购协议
Confidentiality Agreement 保密协议
Compensation Trade Contract 补偿贸易合同
Lease Contract 房屋租赁合同
Share Exchange Agreement 股权转让协议
Agreement for the Transfer of Shares
Employment Contract 雇佣合同
International Trade Contract 国际贸易买卖合同
Import Contract 进口合同
Export Contract 出口合同
Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书
Sales Confirmation 售货确认书